Ozpin gets hit with this hard, even in comparison to the author's other works. This is in fact a lie he had to come up with on the spot to keep them from digging further after his, He has no sympathy for Yang after she is accused of attacking a downed opponent, and desires to arrest Jaune, even though he risked his life to stop Cinder. Ordinarily his physical might wouldn't be enough, but the Crown of Choice shows him the future consquences of any of his choices, letting him always make the perfect tactical decisions to win. They laugh it off, with Scarlet saying that he's almost glad because it makes him seem more human. Those that don't are hailed as heroes - but all you'll gain is a name written on a memorial somewhere. And then he delivers this line: Jaune chides himself all the time for all the morally ambiguous things he has to do to, Jaune gives one to Glynda over asking Pyrrha to become the new Fall Maiden, demanding why she's so willing to sacrifice one of her students. When Jaune calls Blake a criminal, she retorts that she left White Fang and atoned for her actions. On Jaune's end, he gets in a fight with Winter Schnee, wins thanks to Roman and Emerald, comes face to face with Ironwood for the first time, and confirms to Ironwood that Ozpin has Amber hostage, all while Matthew Fields is listening in on a recording device. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/ProfessorArc. Once Cinder obtains the Relic of Destruction, she immediately makes to kill the students and desert now that she has its power, only for Blake to respond by giving Cinder a letter from Jaune, in which he predicted her intentions perfectly like he always does, which shocks her enough to spare RWBY and keep cooperating. Jaune refuses to accept any culpability for the multiple murders he has either committed or helped to commit, putting all of the blame at Atlas's feet. He masks his identity by wearing huge glasses. Torchwick gets another moment at the SDC gala when he's talking about Weiss' song. When Blake starts ranting about how unfair it is that Roman is being, When Salem claims she'll just kill all people in the world so Ozpin can't reincarnate, Jaune points out that if she were the only living person in the world, its likely Ozpin will just eventually possess. Ironwood's three strongest allies, Qrow, Glynda, and Ozpin. Jaune admits that Null won't be any good against genuinely skilled enemies if he doesn't train himself, to which Adam agrees. If he killed the next one, Ozpin will just reincarnate again and again ad nauseam. Ren when asked to bunk in a different room than Nora, Pyrrha and Velvet during their team's first mission: Yang towards Jaune, especially after he didn't betrayed any interest in her. his research, Fields has access to dozens of Semblances. They're both seen as heroes who were instrumental in stopping Cinder's plans and enjoy massive public support. While he gets her demeanour and personality right, it makes no sense for Winter to be negotiating on behalf of the SDC, as she has been disinherited and her father views her as a traitor to the family. After his meeting with Raven, Qrow tells Jaune that while Raven messed up in running away from everything, the rest of Team STRQ messed up in never listening to her concerns. Also Ironwood's reaction when he finds out Penny says the same... not that he knows that. According to Qrow, he and Raven were raised not to turn to others with their problems so he, Taiyang, and Summer should have paid more attention when Raven raised her concerns about Ozpin. Jaune finds it stupid, but Neo herself accepts it immediately, Penny's personality comes from her aura, meaning that when Jaune activates his Semblance near her, she's left as a machine with no unique personality, Team RW_Y are noted by a doctor to be more likely to survive because most who receive injuries like theirs have had their aura drained, but RW_Y were given their aura and its healing back when Null stopped. Some time after Jaune has successfully established himself as Professor Arc and gained considerable positive reputation among his students and peers at Beacon, his family shows up, expecting to find the awkward bumbler he was at the beginning and making no bones about how they believe he has absolutely no business at Beacon. Team RWBY declares him a monster and states that she redeemed herself, but Jaune points out that she only redeemed herself to, walks into the Vale police station, has the single officer there open Roman's cell, and then walks right back out with him, Neopolitan in one of CA's bases, her and Jaune get into a fight; when Neo is about to win, Roman throws his jacket on top of her to cover her up, Beacon took Amber after her bullhead crashed, Amber's Semblance not only negates Aura as Jaune's does, but also Dust, the Grimm and, Amber nullifies the powers of the Twin Gods, and is likely the only being on Remnant capable of, Rather than take Ruby as a hostage to prevent any authorities from going after them as Roman suggests, Jaune shoots Ruby to get revenge on Yang for killing his mother, she knows that he'll kill her if they see each other again, Blake abandons him in Vale. By the end, Glynda is hospitalized, Ozpin and Qrow are forced to go on the warpath against him, and Jaune is just so, the battle at the docks, when Team RW_Y and Penny face him during the dust heist. when the latter praises her for furnishing her with some of the evidence Ironwood used to arrest Jaune. When told it's a terrible idea, Roman retorts that he said he had "an idea" not that he had a good idea. Yang to Ruby and, once they grew closer, Jaune to Ruby. When asked, Sienna admits she'd happily throw Adam to the wolves due to all the bad press and powerful enemies he's earned the White Fang. Not the risk of dying, but the high stakes over what would happen if they fail scares them. They may be genuinely trying to arrest who they believe to be a serial killer, but in the end their lack of planning leads to them refusing to hear Jaune out, beating him up, and then killing his mother before they realize what they're doing. After taking away Jaune's gun and having his magic, Jaune is no more than a barely trained fighter who, as Ozpin points out, had gotten to used to Null doing the work for him. Sienna feels that for the White Fang to truly succeed, they need a combination of Ghira's and Adam's tactics: using enough force to show they are a genuine threat then negotiating with the kingdoms as equals. As most of her current minions are at least a decade his senior, doing so would mean they'd die before Salem acts again. Even worse, Penny, Ruby, Yang, and Weiss, four of the show's, a berserk Jaune destroys Penny and beats Yang to an inch of her life, he then shoots Ruby despite Blake, Yang and, not only is Penny functioning again, but she's. Unlike everyone else, the White Fang are upfront about it and are at least trying to help him get his family back. Related to the above, Huntsmen are so dependent on aura to minimize damage that RW_Y get creamed by Jaune when he turns off their aura. Sienna confesses that the White Fang has to demonize their enemies, such as Winter and Jaune, because few are comfortable trying to kill a "good and normal person who just happens to disagree with them politically", but plenty are willing to take up arms against monstrous villains. He's also horrified by. Ironwood eventually swallows his pride, and is willing to work with Jaune to stop the Grimm...but still reminds Jaune that he believes him to be a criminal who needs to be locked up. from her framing him so he could get close to Torchwick to turn him, to him being placed on Ironwood's ship so he could deactivate the Atlas robots, all to make her commit and draw her out. In Chapter 32, Blake explains to team RW_Y about her past and how they rescued Jaune from a lab experimenting on him. Jaune's fame, celebrity, and position of power as Beacon's new headmaster lead him to get, When asked why he stepped in to protect Team RWBY after they messed with their common ally one too many times and finally got into serious trouble for it, Jaune explained that getting them expelled would have left them completely free to chase Roman down — perhaps even more doggedly than before if they decided to blame him for losing their place at Beacon. For it is in our infamy that we achieve immortality, through this we become a paragon of deceitful glory to rise above all others. walks out on him when Ozpin forgoes trying to rescue the kidnapped Ruby in favor of using Amber Arc as a weapon. As punishment for adding themselves to Jacques Schnee's guest list, Jaune gives Team RWBY detention with Glynda so they can learn proper etiquette (which she plans to do by launching the cutlery at them as she explains their use) and makes Blake act as Roman's chaperone while being responsible for his misdeeds as punishment for coming up with the plan. When she uses the first question for her own goal. he has custody of Amber Arc, who has an even more comprehensive version of Jaune’s Null Semblance, which Ozpin believes can even be used to nullify Salem’s immortality, enabling him to bring their war to an end. On the way back to Vale. final confrontation with Jaune. Read the most popular shinkami stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. In an omake, Summer acted almost exactly the same as her daughter Ruby, but when push came to shove, she. The White Fang only became violent due to the SDC siccing the Atlas military on them for holding a peaceful protest at the SDC. In Misenwood, Qrow doesn't want to give his real name out and refers to himself as "Bran Ravenwen". Roman and Neo manage to avoid pretty much any punishment for their crimes, other than being confined to Beacon for the time being. Ruby is initially scared, but she notices that Penny, who previously claimed to not know who she was, calls her "friend Ruby" like she did before, Juniper served as one to Neo while they were both imprisoned by Chivalric Arms. The prospect of this is what makes Salem finally start to pull back from her goal to wipe out humanity. This lets Yang use up the final question before Cinder can, Lionheart by briefly borrowing Neptune's weapon, a trident, Raven. Most stories would have no long term consequences once she gets back out, but here, since she was knocked out on impact and was underwater for at least a minute, she develops throat problems and struggles to speak afterwards, he and Ozpin are now on opposite sides of the conflict, with Ozpin suddenly deciding that Jaune needs to die while Ironwood still realizes that, while his actions are unjustifiable, they're still the result of a traumatized victim lashing out in rage instead of a sadistic criminal, Penny overcomes her bad coding and rescues Ruby, only to be killed by Jaune again when he sees her. Adam says this to Jaune during a Scroll call in Chapter 21. Yang and Weiss still deny any sympathy for him and Yang doesn't express any remorse for his mother and sisters getting experimented on. After Jaune and Glynda break up, Neo gives him a bowl of ice cream and doesn't mess with him while he grieves. Jaune scraps Ozpin's scheme of collecting the Relics in favor of just letting them stay hidden, and converting Beacon into a fortress to defend against Salem. As Juniper Arc puts it, Ruby not meant to lose the use of her body apart from her legs (and even then, only temporarily instead of permanently), prevent Chivalric Arms from kidnapping Ruby (presumably with the aim of harnessing the power of her eyes). During the initiation, Velvet is described as a Dust mage, implying that she primarily uses Dust instead of a weapon (which is supported when she uses fire Dust during the battle against the Nevermore). Jaune comes to believe that this is what separates him from other criminals. Neo towards Jaune. The normally very genial man turns out to be so desperate to defeat Salem that he's willing to tear the Arc family apart to do it, openly calling for Jaune's death just to ensure that no one else can have Amber. she throws Jaune into Ironwood's clutches to escape. His relationship with Glynda has been put on the rocks, but the rest of the staff have forgiven him, thinking he did more good than bad, Weiss has been separated from her teammates, dragged back to Atlas by her father, and barred from being able to contact anyone at Vale by Ironwood. They regularly made sure not to cause any excessive harm to the employees or damage to the shops they robbed so that the owners could get insurance to buy more Dust to stay in business so that they could rob them again. When finally confronted by Ironwood over this, he admits to it without an iota of remorse, even smiling as he confesses. Since Jaune's Semblance only effects people with souls and Aura, the conspiracy sends robots, which are unaffected by it, after him. Jaune: So are you going to tell me who Peach is? Adam is this for Blake, as she laments how mad he became, Jinn being a sexy blue all-but-naked lady may have something to do with that, though she does wear clothes for her sessions. Velvet and Pyrrha don't truly bond (though not for lack of trying on Pyrrha's part) until the latter nearly dies during their first mission. The sequel to Professor Arc can be found here. felt lonely and left out as they never became close friends with Jaune Arc, so Professor Arc offered the idea of both girls forming a friendship which solves their loneliness. From their interactions, it is clear that Winter and Glynda also don't care much for one another. The main story proves this to be true when Kali visits Beacon: some of her antics include cuddling her daughter in public, complaining she's not eating enough, and encouraging Blake to "go the harem route". Jinn can no longer answer any questions, so when she needs to inform Ghira about. most of the strongest heroes and Tyrian all at the same time. He admits that Jaune lasted under Cinder's employ for much longer than he originally expected, and equates the experience to getting to raise a child without dealing with a baby. This story acknowledges it - since the bullheads hadn't actually gotten away from the docks yet, the debris killed all of the hostages present as well, Case in point, he fails to kill Ruby despite shooting her point-blank, Weiss gets her glyphs cancelled while she's gliding and gets tossed in the water. it's implied that this is less about attraction and more about her growing trust in the guy. The resultant hurricane knocks everyone around quite a bit and lands them in the infirmary. I have to go and explain to Sable and Saphron Arc that their mother is dead because of a failure within my chain of command! Null is a RWBY fanfic by Coeur Al'Aran with the basic premise of Jaune unlocking a Semblance with such potential that it gets him kidnapped by the government. Defiance in the face of defeat is a trait valued by movie directors and pampered civilians who will never see combat. While chewing out Team RWBY for adding themselves to the guest list for Jacques Schnee's party, Glynda reveals her real problem was that they added Roman to the list as well. With his Semblance giving him ideas but Jaune being present to stop it from going too far, James is able to strike a balance between his compassion and ruthlessness to make him the most balance leader possible, Jaune spares the first hostage he takes in Vale, to which the man repays him by reporting him to the police and starting a manhunt against him. When his family shows up to try and take him home they're struck speechless when instead of insecure, little Jaune they instead find, Professor Cinder Fall is an exception because Glynda, Winter having her head smashed in by Jaune-as-Neo. Her intention was to make awkward and inexperienced little Jaune feel uncomfortable. It takes some time and she cries afterwards, but she ultimately snaps the soldier's neck, an evil witch, as Ozpin plans on using Amber Arc for, Jaune asks Neo if she somehow managed to survive, only for Neo to sadly confirm that she did not, Penny's second death at Jaune's hands will be her last - Ironwood confirms to Ruby that, with Pietro having gone mad with grief and regret, unable to use his Semblance, and enraged at her betrayal, she will all but certainly never be rebuilt, Ozpin even seems to think that Amber's Semblance will make it permanent this time, After Ruby, Yang, and Penny all contribute to his mother's death at the docks (Yang by holding him down, Ruby by ordering it, and Penny by pulling the trigger), Jaune destroys Penny outright, absolutely, By the end of the chapter, Chivalric Arms has captured Ruby to experiment on her, meaning Yang is now in the, Blake showing up out of nowhere to save Yang's life, Blake, Yang, and Weiss coming to him for an alliance makes him laugh his ass off, even when he takes a moment to get a shot off and stop them from getting closer, allows Jaune to stab her in the hand when she tries to deflect it with aura, When Neo refuses to give herself a name, Roman takes one look at the ice cream she's eating and names her Neopolitan. When Jaune tries to block Cinder's fire, the part that hits his shield is stopped but the rest of it still hits him and sets Jaune on fire. When she sends Jaune a message saying "RUN! Cinder asks the Jinn of Knowledge what Jaune's master plan is for her and, by extension, Salem. Taiyang. their first official mission will help them to bond. Pyrrha tries to blow off some steam in a six on one match against teams RWBY and RVNN using her Maiden powers, despite not being fully trained. Despite the large amounts of changes to Blake's backstory and Jaune's absence from the Beacon Initiation, Team RWBY's lineup remains unaffected. How the relationship between Jaune and Glynda ends. In Episode 81 of Season 2, "His Choice," Aaron traveled to the Irene Dimension to engage against Zane. Cinder mentally criticizes Watts' arrogance, all while declaring that only she could possibly match Jaune's "brilliance". Blake's obsession with the White Fang, Yang's romantic obsession with Jaune, and Cinder's belief in Jaune's supposed power go into overdrive. they enter the Vault to find the Ambers, he focuses on protecting Amber Autumn to trick Cinder into thinking he's worried about her getting the Fall Maiden's powers. Roman is shocked that she sounds surprisingly genuine as she says it. He is aware of this, it is just that everything that has happened has destroyed his ability to care. This revelation prompts Ozpin to completely shift his position on how to deal with Jaune, because he now sees in Amber the promise of being able to finally kill Salem off for good. He plays into her pragmatism by saying that, among other reasons, forcing Team RWBY to attend mandatory counseling sessions with him would allow him to play this role to all of them, exploiting their emotional connection to him in order to perhaps persuade them to join him. Glynda leads with threats of arrest from her bullhead, leading to him, It happens again in Chapter 39. During the end stretch of the battle of Beacon, an injured and exhausted Jaune uses whatever remains of his aura and sheer balls-to-the-wall willpower to walk through the massive firestorm Cinder is unleashing upon the area, just so he can get close enough to swing Crocea Mors at her face. Jaune's Semblance nullifies all aura around him. If you wish to survive in this harsh world, then you need to be able to accept defeat. I would have never allowed Penny down into the city had I known she was a risk! While he has a few reasons to believe Jaune is very suspicious and at least complicit with Cinder, there is very little hard evidence backing his claims, he's. In chapter 19, he successfully convinces Ozpin to go along with it, citing that without Cinder, Salem will need to spend at least a few years obtaining another competent female minion to make into a Maiden and open the vaults. As there is no Fall Maiden who can open its Vault, with red hair and freckles, confirming that not only is Penny functioning again but she is still under CA's control. Unlike half my team, when, After Jaune finally comes clean about everything, Oobleck gives him one offscreen for using a national tragedy (destruction of the Vacuo Academy for Gifted Youths) as the basis of his. the students are Huntsmen anyway, so they should be fine, he realizes that Ozpin is willing to bring Beacon Academy down on their heads and sees just how insane he has become, the "monster" that Ironwood becomes under the usage of his Semblance, Admiral Sol, seemingly the councilor most supportive of Ironwood's investigation, Matthew Fields, the company's leader, also qualifies, aid law enforcement against Aura-using criminals by reverse-engineering Jaune's Semblance, manufacturing injectable Semblances to improve survival rates for civilians, Knowing that he's gone way too far and there's no way he can return to civilization, Jaune, Neo, and Ironwood fake Jaune's death so they can work together to continue working on destroying Chivalric Arms from behind the scenes while ensuring that no one knows that Null is still around. It does not work out as well as she had hoped. In a following chapter, Yang and Ruby suggest the White Fang stole the ship by literally dragging it away. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 12th – February 14th; Judge rules tabloid editors invaded Meghan, Duchess of Sussex’s privacy sure. During a fight with his son he refuses to surrender, despite that A) He is laying on the floor with a sword held to his throat and B) He gave a speech about the importance of accepting defeat less than a minute ago. He also goes into detail over how painful it must have been to either be crushed or burned to death, Pietro knew about the security risks but sent Penny out anyway, he is directly, fed up with Yang and her team complaining about his ruthless methods, Jaune finally gives Yang one of the still-living CA soldiers and tells her that if she really is dedicated to saving her sister, then she has to be willing to kill this man. The same goes with Ilia, Yuma, and Trifa, who followed him in canon over similar views. Killing Fria would accomplish nothing and killing Winter would send the power to some unknown recipient. he finds out that Ozpin has Jaune's sister Amber imprisoned. Ironwood himself then comes to realize that when she already had two full years of extra material to do, adding that much extra stress onto her reeks of manipulation. Electrocution. Problem? Pietro Polendina, despite knowing of both Chivalric Arms' involvement in the Penny Project and their intentions regarding Jaune, does not inform Ironwood of this massive security breach, allowing Penny free access to Vale. Glynda and Torchwick don't get along. Cinder ends up accepting this explanation without realizing that he's using it to cover up the fact that he's deliberately making moves against her, Jaune slashes out one of Cinders eyes at the end of their fight at the Battle of Beacon, needs to talk to Roman while he's imprisoned on Ironwood's airship, he has Neo impersonate a White Fang officer and leads Winter on a wild goose chase through the airship. Rather distressingly. With Mettle turned on, Ironwood becomes a cold, unfeeling monster (in his own words) who cares for nothing but his own self-advancement and power. His advice to his youngest about what she was supposed to do around boys involves bisecting them. Combines with. never believed the rumors — she observed that Blake's, Jaune explains his disgust for Cinder to Team RWBY as her being a sexual predator. Professor even agrees that he should had died already at that point, due to all the things he's been through. Neo interferes with Salem's attempts to spy on Pyrrha by taking her Nevermore as a pet. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Glynda stepping in to save Yang and Blake from Adam, Jaune himself grows into this role in the climax of the story, attacking Cinder to save Pyrrha and Velvet, that Ironwood's arrest creates enough anger among the student body to attract Grimm. During midterms, Ruby realizes there's topics she doesn't know because they were covered in the two years of education she skipped. He resolves the battle by calling Cinder back from the Grimmlands, Relic of Destruction in tow, something that Hazel couldn't predict and has no defense against. have her eyes gouged out from looking at it. Ironwood tells Winter that her father is extremely stubborn and always believes he knows best while in the same conversation refusing to acknowledge Weiss could still be loyal to Jaune and resent Ironwood and Winter for using her against the man. Another example was Torchwick and the White Fang's Dust robberies. Jaune and Glynda regularly bring up Blake as a problem student. Noticing that "Yang" and "mischief" are pretty much synonyms in Jaune's mind, Weiss saw no harm in rolling with it and pinning that one on her. Jaune's entire plot to deal with Salem's army marching on Vale. Salem has been bested - tricked even - and sent scurrying away with her tail between her legs. Ironwood comes to the conclusion that Ozpin hired Jaune specifically as a trump card against Salem. Her battle with Jaune ends with her banging her head on the ceiling. Both of them being both maidens and adult Huntresses. Neo towards Jaune as well. ), Oobleck simply has a dentist appointment that day. During his second hostage situation, Jaune does everything he can to get the hostage to get him what he wants without killing the innocent man. Cinder and Raven help beat back Salem's invasion, but for their own self-serving reasons, and not out of any desire to save lives, telling Yang that Jaune does find her hot and indeed notices whenever she "struts her stuff", Ozpin as Oscar gets one when he finds himself surrounded by Salem's forces, Jaune telling Team RWBY he can't face Adam shocks them to their core. Ozpin knows Vernal isn't the Spring Maiden because otherwise she'd be helping Cinder obtain the Relic of Creation. He then gets arrested for treason by Ironwood and is placed in a situation where he can do nothing to stop Cinder's plan from coming to fruition. Professor Port's attempt to use the. A milder example occurs when trying to find an escort for Team RWBY. Without Mettle clouding his thoughts, Ironwood is a resolute yet ultimately compassionate man, willing to do what's right regardless of what the laws say. While Blake is inclined to believe her on principle, Jaune reminds her that they have no evidence that she's telling the truth, and that if anything she'd be inclined to lie in an attempt to get them to spare her life. Yang monologues in her head that Jaune is too good, but it is more that she and the others can't handle fighting as, Ozpin is disturbingly calm and even smiles when. Suddenly, Amber Arc, who had been drugged for weeks with no signs of tampering with her restraints, suddenly gets up, sees Ozpin attacking Jaune, and wounds him, giving Jaune the chance to kill him, not even directly interacting with Jaune until chapter 31, Jaune's knife is still in her hand. Even Adam, who hates humans, shows genuine sympathy towards Jaune for the experiments done to him. until he ends up foiling her plan and leaving her injured and traumatised, after which the smugness gets replaced by paralising fear. The pilot of the Bullhead that attempted to take Coral away surrenders quietly and reveals that he had been enlisted very recently under the assumption of the facility doing proper medical research. Nicholas: It's not useless. Beacon and later Atlas forces manage to repel her invasion and beat back the Grimm. On the other hand, he has the help of many dedicated staff and students-and the somewhat-reformed Torchwick, Jaune finally confessed his lies to Beacon staff. Glynda gives him an. I know Dragon Blall Heroes can get rather crazy at times, but super saiyan 3 , from what I've seen, is still a usable form. The Atlas pilot that Jaune and Adam spare manages to make it back to the kingdom with only a pistol to fight off the Grimm. Not only does it demoralize human enemies, it bolsters morale for allies to think he doesn't find such a threat any real danger. After Penny turns on Chivalric and saves Ruby, Jaune unceremoniously kills her again for the sake of revenge for his murdered mother. They start dating shortly thereafter. However, Juniper and Penny are still dead, Salem is still around (and this time there's no Ozpin to fight back), and Jaune himself had to fake his death to ensure that no one would continue to look for Null anymore, meaning he never will get to settle down and stop fighting like he wished he could, at the docks heist, he asks her if she left him to die so that she could get off easy for the crimes she committed with the White Fang. Thanks to Jaune's warnings, Velvet is able to break Emerald's hold on Pyrrha, saving Penny from destruction. Yang surprise-kissed him as her way to prove him that she has decided to pursue him romantically, and for real, unlike her previous playful teasing. Seeing Coral dashed that deception so he surrendered. The impact is so bad it instantly takes her out of the fight. After his death at Adam's hands, his wife Willow shows no sorrow, and acknowledges he may as well have had a death wish considering how many enemies he made.

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