As the consort of Jesus, Magdalene is a widow whose suffering is unfathomable. It is unfortunate that the existing forces either misunderstood or understood too well (and that is why wanted to destroy it) the meaning behind the Cathar rituals including their sexual rituals. Hi Sundari, Jerusalem Diary: Searching for the Tomb and House of Jesus. I would love to hear from you in the comments. . This in itself can prompt the desire of radical transformation. Much Love, Three years ago I was writing “Mary, Jesus and the Charismatic Priest” all about Rennes-le-Chateau and Bérenger Sauniere. His subjects do mention some Cathar prayers with Mary in them but Guirdham immediately assumes that this must have been a reference to Virgin Mary. Spiritual but not Religious” What are today’s ‘New Pilgrims’ Looking For? I note that two places where the tapestry can be found are, interestingly, in France: one is in Sainte Chapelle, a 13th-century (Gothic) chapel and the other is in the Musee National du Moyen Age in Cluny. We are truly the children of the living Father. So, most of what is left are the critics and those who tried to justify the genocides. What a pity that you can’t recover it as I was just looking for some good papers about the troubadours and they are not easy to find. I could not find any other reference to Mary Magdalene in Guirdham’s work. Enter your email address to subscribe to Joanna's blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. On one occasion, in a Church debate, they said that God was so good he would even forgive archbishops! Interestingly – and I discuss this later in the chapter on the Gnostics – some Gnostic groups (for example, the Sethians) held similar views as early as the second century or even earlier. The Gospels that mention Mary Magdalene turned traditional Christianity on its head. It would be a wonderful synchronicity and read. Meanwhile, of all the “heretic” faiths such as Manicheeism that the history books said imported Catharism into the south of France, not one of these faiths believed that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were married. Fascinating stuff! But, as Sorensina argues, Dante too believed in a much more joyful, equal interpretation of Christianity. In this case that simple answer is stunning. With pure storytelling passion, I will bring the history of the Cathars alive by introducing you to the key characters, one tale at a time. Much of this soul memory is making its way to the surface. 1.7K likes. The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene. What was astonishing about this journey, is that it led me to a glorious woman who was no less than the archetypal Divine Feminine. Mary Magdalene is well-thought of in the Pays de Sault. I having experiencing great healing from reading the various books about Mary Magdalene. If you love hearing about subjects like sacred geometry, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, Mary Magdalene, the Holy Grail, King Arthur, The Ark of the Covenant, Secret Societies, Egyptian Mythology, lost civilisations and alternative history then Magenta Circle is for you. Visit to Cucugnan and its Romanesque style church. All of this is being played out in the heavens, meaning that our pathway to ascension (Divine Feminine) is signified within the heavenly movements. John Seeley: Canada’s Pied Piper of Pedophilia Ju... NIH ADMITS 5G CAN ACTUALLY CREATE CORONAVIRUS WITHIN HU... Mayan Calendar Expert Says May 24th, 2017 Is More Significant Than December 21st, 2012. It is also said that in Atlantis we lived in a childlike state. The Gospel opens in a scene set after the resurrection. The local people say it was Mary Magdalene who brought this ‘spirit’ to … Inside the church at Le Clat. Apparently, there were survivors and their ‘job’ was to continue to bring the Light in times of darkness. Lawrence Gardner had been reading Pistis Sophia. Only later I read on the label that it was a modern interpretation (electric guitar and all) of old Cathar songs. I look forward with great interest to following your conversation with Her. It is during this time when our consciousness was disconnected from its spiritual origins (Father-Osiris) leaving the soul (Mother-Isis) widowed. Thus, I decided to take the matter in to my own hands and have thrown myself into this research however alternative and often intuitive because we need to start somewhere. In a world that has lost all sense of truth, it becomes the hero’s quest to reinstate the sovereignty of the True King in union with the Divine Feminine through the emergence of our spiritual authority that we carry within our self. I imagine we may have met if you ever came to Ganeshpuri in the last ten years. Clairvoyants (such as Edgar Casey, H.P Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner,) state that past consciousness was radically different, and that direct knowledge of the spiritual realm was a living reality for all people. Goddess News, your knowledge is evident by your learned replies. This is exactly what the Cathars believed. Abstract: This study investigates the historical evidence for the widespread pop culture assertion, disseminated through popular histories, novels, and spiritual tourism, that the medieval Cathars of southern France treasured a tradition that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children, and, as such, the holy couple provides a model for human marriage affirmative of the sacred feminine. Grace and the Bridge. the book is the first permitted translation! So I am going to look specifically into the theories about Mary Magdalene, the possible connection she had to the Cathars (medieval French heretics). 5:50. Wish I had a copy of that paper. – and one dedicated to the Magdalene – for the Cathars? This was something originally practised by some early Christian groups but banned after Christianity became the religion of the Roman Empire. He shook EUROPE and revealed ISIS, PUTIN and MERKEL: Grand Master reveals who is in which Masonic lodge! The Cathars of Aude and Ariège believed that Jesus and Mary were married because their ancestors living there in the first century had met Mary and Jesus as a couple. When I lived in Toronto, I bought a CD by Era and not knowing what the music was I was completely obsesses with it. Pays de Cathares – The land of the Cathars : the Cité in Carcassonne; Rennes-le-Chateau – centre of many ley lines and … Quite frankly, we do not need a clairvoyant to tell us that consciousness transforms itself over time. We will explore the teachings of the Cathars and their suppression during the Albigensian crusades in the 12 –13 century and their connection with the esoteric knowledge of the Templars. Mary Magdalene Chapter 4 (Pages 1 to 6 of the manuscript, containing chapters 1 - 3, are lost. As older souls, we have lived through this distortion for many ages. In fact, this still happens to us in our dream states, as little information is usually retained. The source is solar. Malgorzata Debowska 891 views. Eventually, this search led me to a temple garden, which is a place within the human heart that we construct throughout many lifetimes. Gradually, Christianity came on top in this struggle, coming to dominate the nations of Europe, becoming closely tied with its politics and expansionist movements of the rulers. Mount Shasta, CA 96067 . Jung described it: by knowing your Self, you can connect to God. That was the Gnostic belief when the book was written, over 200 years after Jesus and Mary Magdalene fled to France. Personally, I would have to say that I am somehow connected to those beings and the schools that they established on this earth. From a theological point of view, what might have also upset Rome was the Cathars’ rejection of the Old Testament (or at least parts of it), as they believed that Yahweh was the creator of the world of matter which envelopes us. The Visigoths were Christian after the teachings of the Alexandrian priest called Aruis, thus they were Arian Christians. Roibeard and I were intrigued about the “Arnold”, Roibeard saying he always thought he had been reincarnated from Arnold Aimery, one of the Cathars that attacked the Papal legate at Avignonet, but that event took place much later in 1243. I believe that it is a true awakening of the Divine Feminine as Mary Magdalene and Her lineage that happens spontaneously for many of us. Even in Hindu, Buddhist, and others, women are not believed to be able to realize the Truth of Our Universal Beingness. In Le Clat village church are two bells – one dedicated to the Virgin – for the Catholics? It was named after a Roman villa there, owned by a man called Bugarius. Hello Paul, Those were the days when tolls were levied on roads and rivers, the owners of which were either the Viscount of Narbonne or the Archbishop of Narbonne. This was the time that the Visigoths arrived in our region. Where does the connection between Mary Magdalene, France and the Cathars come from, apart from in Starbird’s A Woman with an Alabaster Jar and The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baignent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln? These people’s past identities as Cathars were only able to be confirmed much later after many translations of the records of Inquisitors. Joanna The subjects knew nothing of Cathar history but remembered some events, usually the most tragic ones, as Cathars. I have been thinking about how you stated that Nature knows far more than we do and that she is already in an ascended state. Location. ... through stained glass ― I found my way down a small staircase to a marble sarcophagus containing the relics of Mary Magdalene and a bronze reliquary said to hold her skull.Gazing upon the … Languedoc was definitely seen as the centre of arts which flourished under the patronage of wealthy nobility. Part of a vast collection of materials dealing with Gnosis and Gnosticism, both ancient and modern. This has been very insidiously rammed down our tender self imaging since we were small. I can imagine the Roman aristocracy setting out, with their servants and horses, to take a picnic to the top of the hill, to make a sacrifice, probably a bird such as a pigeon or dove, and then to admire the view and laugh and flirt over the good local wine, poured from amphores into goblets. Guifred here fortified the Visigothic château (similar in style to the one at Rennes-le-Château except that all the towers are square) to protect himself, his soldiers and his wealth. As the Gnostic leaning psychoanalyst C.G. Some of these settled at Bugarach, which was how it got its name. That these free-thinkers and the alternative vision of our reality and connection with the Divine were defeated, and that the truth can be obfuscated forever? This was, in all likelihood, the most brutal of all the crusades: the Cathar movement was destroyed, Languedoc was subordinated to the French crown and Catholicism was established in the region as the only faith. Jesus Christians In this book, Jesus returns to the disciples eleven years after his ascension into Heaven to exchange views on his teachings. Will matter then be destroyed or not? It is wonderful how many people spontaneously arrive at the same truth and it feels that Mary Magdalene as Divine Feminine is rising in our Consciousness and cannot be repressed anymore. This year began with unusually significant celestial alignments and it will end in a similarly spectacular fashion. The parable of the “Wedding Feast” in Matthew conveys to us how the True King has no authority within a world ruled by egotistical people. Then, just before the surrender of Montsegur, four of the Perfects were selected to escape the fortress under cover of the night ‘with the holiest of the books and the treasure of the Cathars’. The Cathar Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Feminine: Pop Culture Legend vs. I knew from my Visigothic research that if a church had been used by Arians in Visigothic times, it had to be reconsecrated by a Catholic Bishop before being used by “christians” as opposed to “heretics.” I had no idea then that I would be researching them or write about them many years later. Parts of the road linking the two villages still exists. So we looked up Guifred in my Narbonne history book to see if he had anyone in his suite called Arnold, but couldn’t find anybody. Yet they held Mary Magdalene in high esteem. Bringing forth the truth about Mary Magdalene and the Christed Lineage. Magenta Circle is a forum to bring together fabulously interesting speakers on these wonderful metaphysical and esoteric subjects. And his bride was his devoted disciple, Mary Magdalene. A local association that had studied the religious history of the area told me the Pays de Sault was fiercely Cathar and the last Cathars of all came from that region until finally executed in 1329. Discover the Cathar Country in the South of France, which contains history’s greatest mysteries: Mary Magdalene, The Templars, ... Last Cathars' rampart, it was conquered by Simon de Montfort. And thus, some years later the journey towards Divine Feminine has begun. Did reading the ‘Beloved Companion’ somehow changed your spiritual perspective ? Yuri Stoyanov has indeed confirmed that the Cathars claimed as such and that this belief had no counterpart in Bogomil doctrines, meaning that the Cathars were unique amongst the dualists to have this belief. The final stand of the Cathars took place in 1244, and is known as the siege of Montsegur, after which the Cathars were forced to surrender. The Tree of life and the Serpent: What the Ancient Goddesses Came to Teach Us, Women-Philosopher Archetypes of the Ancient World, Mary Magdalene and the Gnostic Mysteries of Sexual Alchemy,, WP-Backgrounds Lite by InoPlugs Web Design. Another reader of the Goddess News blog directed me to a wonderful Italian scholar, Maria Soresina, who speaks of the lasting legacy of the Cathars in her work on Dante. During his troubles of 1059, Guifred “took refuge in an unconsecrated church in the Razès.” I walked down to the river with my Irish friend Roibeard and told him all about Guifred on the way. No, the two left the Holy Land together in May 33AD to arrive in Languedoc in the June of 33AD. The arrival of Roman Catholicism It took the united powers of the papacy and French crown 35 years of brutal persecution to make this happen. But the other disciples supported Mary, because she had such depth of spiritual vision they wanted to share. Stated in a different way, the only way out of our spiritless predicament is through love, which we must created through an intimate bond with another living soul. None of the participants was a famous or well-known Cathar, whose existence could easily be confirmed. They became known by the name of their church and their saint; St. Martin, or St. Nazaire. I would add to Soresina’s argument that by placing Arnaut in purgatory and not in hell, Dante was showing those who believed they had the right to tell people what to believe or not another defiant gesture since, according the prevalent beliefs of his age, the Cathars as heretics should have been in hell. The Cathar movement had its stronghold in Southern France, known then as ‘Languedoc’ and often referred to as the County of Toulouse. I see Her as Grace – the union of human and divine as master Eckart said. He had served for three years at Le Clat, a village in the Pays de Sault region that straddles the border between Aude and Ariège. The Cathars were sexually liberal, as sex was merely part of the material world. Cathars, Heretics and Mary Magdalene 13 Fireside Stories that are live, recorded and yours to keep. The roots of Catharism began in Egypt in the Mystery Schools and spread through diaspora across N. Africa, Persia, Greece, and Asia Minor, then up to the Balkans, but it came to Marseille and Tolosa with Mary Magdalene and took root there.There it was further nurtured by Mani who visited the region long before it came to the Bogomils. Guirdham was a British psychiatrist who wrote several books, two of which are important in my search for s possible connection between Mary Magdalene, France and the Cathars. The link between Mary Magdalene worship and the Cathars … Greek and Hindu Goddesses: Which One Are You? Something about Mary Magdalene: Recovering the Central Figure of In Early Christianity. And you can read it on (Some people say they have seen Mary and Jesus in the flesh, or to have spoken to them.) Dr Joanna Kujawa Thank you for your dedication to Her and for sharing your findings with all of your fellow Magdalene family. The mill part was added in the 14th century, but the building was originally a stone fortress built in 1059 by Archbishop Guifred. Therefore, anyone who takes upon themselves the role of spiritual seeker, understands that in this plane of existence, spiritual authority has been withdrawn, leaving a void that the ego fills with corruption and lesser deities. So when I learned that Guirdham was a psychiatrist, I was relieved. And who decides this future, if not we? Sacred and historical tours in France with historian Henry Lincoln and cultural expert Allysha Lavino. But I would say that it exists within all of us in one form or another. See more ideas about gnostic gospels, mary magdalene, rennes. I was listening to it in a strange ecstasy with images passing through my mind. How did the Cathars know this? For example, the famous medieval theme of the tapestry series The Lady and the Unicorn is thought to be the coded representation of Mary Magdalene in art from the thirteenth century onwards. Abbeys and monasteries were built. Location. Whereas the Holy Grail was a handed down chalice that belonged to Mary … have you read”the gospel of the beloved companion?” jehanne de quillan 2010. claims the cathars hid mary magdalene’s manuscript from around 44ad when she landed in france. What a wonderful read. Mary Magdalene John The Beloved Guilhabert de Castres Esclarmonde de Foix Guirande de Lavaur Blanche of Laurac Pierre Roger de Mirepoix Corba Hunaud de Lanta Raymond de Péreille Raimund Roger de Foix Esclarmonde d'Alion Raymond Roger Trencavel Guilhem Bélibaste (Last Parfait) During these 13 nights together, we will understand how Mary Magdalene, Lazarus and John the Beloved birthed the … In his books he describes experiencing an astounding collection of synchronicities when he met a small group of people (separate from each other) who, through a very painful and lengthy process, remembered fragments of their lives as French Cathars in the 13th century. Therefore, I believe that it is more appropriate to call the Cathars ‘spiritualists’ – the name given to them by Arthur Guirdham. Mary would not have gone to France and left Jesus at the mercy of the Herods, the Pharisees and the Romans. It truly is encouraging and gives me hope that the great and good change is coming and that we can move to another level of awareness in our evolution and, I do believe that Mary Magdalene and Her Story has something to do with it. Templars, Cathars and Mary Magdalene (part 2) Guillaume De Nogaret would was born in St Felix de Carman, that same town near Toulouse where the Cathar Council was held, long before in 1167. As for the Cathars, they and other so-called heretics or free-thinkers had the audacity to interpret their spiritual truths for themselves, not allowing any existing – however powerful – authority to tell them otherwise. By Mary Ann Beavis. The prophet Mani was known as the “Son of the Widow.” This is an ancient mystical term that is present at least to the time of Horus and is prominent in Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian path, and the Grail legends of Parsifal. Thank you, Eimear, for your beautiful and supportive comment. Before I plunged into the mystery of the Black Madonnas in my recent blog , I  decided to look into the first set of ‘conspiracy’ theories surrounding Mary Magdalene. Therefore I concluded that Catharism was never Manicheeism before it was Catharism. The early history of Christianity is known for the suffering of its adherents, a prolonged struggle to find its own place among the polytheistic religions that surrounded it. Mary Magdalene, the heretics, kings and lovers. Mary Called Magdalene Saintes Maries-de-la-Mer, where Mary Magdalene is said to have landed in France. Like all Gnostic societies, the Cathars are an enigma. Follow the path of Mary Magdalene in France It is who we are! I found her writing so full of wisdom based on her own mystical understandings. Neither did the Cathars. This was a ceremony of cleansing, and the cold salty water of the Sals was considered particularly suitable. This confusion is clarified immediately by Runciman, who says that the Cathars did not reject sexuality, they only rejected procreation – a complete reversal of a Catholic belief. The earliest Jesus Christianity began in Narbonne around 50AD, with St. Paul Serge, whose tomb still exists underneath the basilica dedicated to him in Narbonne. Well, not quite. His position had been purchased for him when he was ten years old, for his Cerdagne family wanted the riches of the Narbonne region – the Narbonnais. Cathars, in general, formed an anti-sacerdotal party in opposition to the pre-Reformation Catholic Church, protesting against what they perceived to be the moral, spiritual and political corruption of the Church. As you have stated, Nature has already ascended. It is certain, however, that the mystery of both Mary Magdalene and the Cathars is locked together in France, and is only one of many examples of the retelling of the one of the greatest stories of all time – that of the expelled goddess and her connection to the mystery of transfiguration and the passage between death and life. The chroniclers emphasized that this killing took place on the feast day of Mary Magdalene. Neither did Visigothic Arian churches of the 5th century have crucifixes. top doc files to give police power to arrest churchgoers, The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew… (video 2 hour plus), I’m a clinical lab scientist, Covid-19 is fake, WAKE UP AMERICA, UK Nursing Home: 24 Residents (One Third) Died In 3 Weeks After Experimental MRNA COVID Injections, The Latest Coronal Mass Ejection Reveals 3 Planet X Stellar Cores, Florida man develops and dies from rare autoimmune disorder days after receiving Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: The politics of COVID-19 is DESTROYING our children”. On this deeper level this is what the more unusual narratives of Mary Magdalene and the Cathars teach us: Which story of Mary Magdalene is real and the most meaningful to us? Share this event. So if they did not give her much credence apart from her being the physical vehicle for Jesus’ birth and they cared nothing for the material/physical existence, why would they have a prayer for her? Occitan was the language spoken in southern France at this time. Goddess News, yes, the possibility of an unredacted gospel(similiar to john’s) and the last three pages, the tree of eight boughs, has had a profound effect on me. (Other villages Guifred used were Auriac, Castelmaure, Castelnau, Durban, Fabrezan and Thermes.) Cathars believed that the soul never died, unlike the body. Today as we speak, there are cosmic forces at play that are driving these memories back into the forefront of our consciousness. What Is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene Really About? And, remarkably, Beavis found proof in the testimony of a monk, Peter des Vaux-de-Cernay. In the homelands of Catharism – the Corbières and Ariège – the people were Cathar right up to the time of the persecutions from the north of France against them. Thus, in theory, they could prefer casual sexual encounters (as long as these did not result in children) to the bond of marriage. The Book of Love was an original parchment containing the handwritten text of both Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. In contrast, the Cathars had but one central rite, the Consolamentum, or Consolation. The Cathars believed Mary Magdalene was either the wife or concubine of Jesus. Something happened during the end of the Atlantean experience that initiated a transformation that no longer made this spiritual knowledge a part of our living reality. Many say the Cathars held within their community the Book of Love and the Holy Grail. The mill is on privately owned land, but I know the family there and they don’t mind people looking inside the mill, at their own risk, so Roibeard went in for a look, waving to me from the battlements above. With this one brave gesture, Soresina argues, Dante was showing his middle finger both to the northern French conquers and those who believed that there is only interpretation of our spiritual experience. A complete genocide of a people, their culture and beliefs. I thought he was joking! Some speculate that De Nogaret's grandfather … Spiritually (strangely enough) this is supposed to be a great opportunity for a giant step towards the Infinite and Ascension/Evolution in spiritual terms. Parfaits and Parfaites could marry. Her vital role as a teacher contributed to the Cathar belief that women could serve as spiritual leaders. The deeply religious people from the area who were all executed as heretics during the Albegensian Crusade in the 13th century. So where did this belief come from, how did it originate? Joanna Jesus was in hiding from the Romans and the Jews who had condemned him to death, and Mary baptised people and made them Christians. the last three pages is the story of the vision mary”the tree of eight boughs.” i’m 79 and the vision is the best thing i have read in my life!! View Map View Map. For me, it has begun with the experience of Shakti but even in those teachings women and the Feminine was repressed. The mention of eleven years illuminates something else; Lawrence Gardner, in his books about the Bloodline of the Holy Grail, consistently tells us that Mary Magdalene went to Marseilles in AD44 (eleven years after 33AD) and Jesus later followed her there. Sending Love, This has led some to propose that the Cathars’ big secret—their Holy Grail—was knowledge of a holy bloodline established by Jesus and Magdalene. The Gospel of Mary was dated second century and could not have been written by Mary Magdalene; the name reflected the style of the times, and today we would call it the Gospel about Mary. After reading Holy Blood Holy Grail, I wrote my senior Music History paper on the troubadours relating to the Cathars. Starbird concluded that Mary Magdalene was the other Mary, Mary of Bethany, and the sister of Lazarus, the one who anointed Jesus, and was indeed married to him. The Church of St. Mary Magdalene at Béziers, built in 1209, via European Nomad . It was one of the readers of my Goddess News blog who brought the work of Arthur Guirdham to my attention. BEGINS TONIGHT: Cathars, Heretics and Mary Magdalene Fireside Storie... s 13 Fireside Stories Begin Tuesday 12th January 9 pm CET My Dearest Friends, Tonight we begin 13 Fireside Stories that are live, recorded and yours to keep. The story was an editorial device to communicate the teachings. Dr Joanna Kujawa Sundari, Joanna hoping to read your comments scott, Hi Scott, Indeed, from June 1210, the City of Minerva is caught in the torments of the Crusade. I wanted you to know that I am appreciating your research and writing immensely. For a … The entire claim, of course, is completely unbiblical. In this new life after baptism or the consolamentum, one had personal experience of God, one did not need a priest to intervene and do ceremonies for you; it was between you and God directly, you knew God for yourself. If you ever find it, please send me a copy. I wish I had the opportunity to come to Ganeshpuri (a place of great Shakti) and met you but somehow that has not yet happened. I had often wndered why he, the great archbishop, came all the way from Narbonne to consecrate this tiny church, little more than a graveyard chapel, of no interest to a great archbishop; but that was not the original purpose of his visit at all. When you had absorbed many mysteries, and your life was more spiritual, then maybe you could move into heaven for good. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

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