This forced would also explain the broken flip flop. One person refused to take part in the investigation. I don’t have the exact measurements. Your theory is the only one that attempts to explain why he was found in such a location but how do you account for the size of the hole? Agree! I agree that it seems there are crooked cops involved and that they've been bribed. I'm from Baltimore and I find it really weird that this Porter Stansberry just shows up from FL out of nowhere. They never mentioned (correct me if I'm wrong), viewing any of the film that Rey was creating. My guess if I was placing $$ on it is that Rey's footage or attempt to rehab Porter's image after his SEC case, caught something that he wasn't supposed to see or record. He reminds me of the kind of people who run pyramid schemes and such and I could see that one could get into a lot of trouble by being close to him or directly involved with him. In 2006 Rey Rivera was found dead at the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore. They never mention that. Netflix . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Looks like Rey caught on and was involved and found out too much. Were they wiped down? I hope all is well and you don't plan to die very soon like your good friend Rey Rivera. Rivera had been working with an old school friend, Porter Stansberry, helping with copy-writing, video editing and on its financial stocks newsletter. Any evidence of fingerprints? And from the start I was like: Ok, this wedding was big mistake. Would he have gone high up enough to then come down in that manner? There's no way a hole like that could be made at the angle that you're suggesting. He wouldn't have landed on his feet this way, right? Most Freemasons aren't the top 1% of the 1% who supposedly rule the world . I haven’t looked at the note extensively but could there be code within the note? The fact that Rey mentions Porter Stansberry so much (his old friend, associate, and boss, if I'm not mistaken ?) “She doesn‘t place any significance on the movie The Game.“ Entertainment Weekly Article. Named ‘The Rebound Report’, Rivera’s job was to produce content for the newsletter. Good thought. Did they look at who arrived and left that evening? Frank Porter Stansberry is an American financial publisher and author. What if the hole in the hotel was already there before the crime was committed and Rey was killed in the room they found him at. Ping, ping, ping.” By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. They are running the government and institutions to the ground. So what happened to him? The whole movie is about this crazy game that a company arranges that makes you think you lose everything in order to let you appreciate life again. From the parking garage at 117kg (260 lbs) and 9.1 m (30 feet) his body would hit the roof at 10.5k joules of force (7744 foot pound per 1-2 sq ft). Is Porter Stansberry Gay? What about CCTV in the lot next to the garage? The RR basically advised potential investors on companies whose stocks might soon rise, even though they were recently in … Freemasonry imo. Rey’s brother, Angel Rivera, noted that Porter’s company, Stansberry and Associates, “lawyered up” within an hour of Rey’s death. When I first … Press J to jump to the feed. Read my mind, made it look like he jumped. And coincidentally, Ret receives a call from his work, yet almost immediately his dear friend refuses to work with police and gag orders all his employees. Parked on spot marked 7... mentioned 5 in the note and free masons was mentioned 37 being grand mason? Unsolved Mysteries co-creator reveals one thing they couldn't include in Rey Rivera episode. They rammed him with their car and he fell to the roof below. Rey was an unsuccessful movie script writer and maybe he got involved in sth that tried to imitate The Game in some way. One of these movies was The Game. Is there a gay angle to the mysterious murder of Rey Rivera who is the subject of the first episode of the Netflix reboot of Unsolved Mysteries. Only stansbury would be rich enough to bribe police to close the case and rule it as a suicide. The best I can do is some rough estimates to see if the math works. By Joe Anderton. Unsolved Mysteries creator did speak to Porter Stansberry about Rey Rivera disappearance. The phone and belongings were placed. It just doesn’t seem to add up too nicely. It’s someone scary or important and that’s why Porter is protecting them. He was the longtime friend of Rey Rivera, … Wasn't the hole pretty small though, just enough for a body to fit through vertically? Michael Baier, a lead detective on the case, was highly suspicious of Porter as a result of this move. Whoever hit him then threw the shoes, phone and glasses on top of the roof and made a quick getaway. So for that to be true the car would have to be significantly faster than 25 mph for his momentum off the hood of the car continues. Then that driver could have moved Rey’s car to another lot, and staged the scene within and around the Belvedere? A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. That’s my theory. We like to call it "Smalltimore" b/c youre usually only 1 degree of separation from someone you know from high school. Get a bag of sand equal to Rey’s weight, calculate the required speed, put the bag on the hood of car, get up to speed, slam on the brakes. I don't think there was. On May 16, 2006, 32-year-old Baltimore resident Rey Rivera disappeared; one week later, he was found dead at the Belvedere Hotel. Just curious if someone looked it Over from a cryptographic perspective? He is the author of the monthly newsletter, Stansberry's Investment Advisory, which covers investments and investment theory in commodities, real estate, … It would also explain the MEs comment regarding his shins being broken. Honestly this is the best theory I've seen. Open letter to Mister Porter Stansberry. It’s definately not a suicide as it’s evidently extremely difficult to jump and land where he did. He was 6’5”. Rey had been working for a publication run by his high school friend Porter Stansberry. The first thing I thought after watching was that he was dropped from a helicopter. Is Porter Stansberry a Freemason? Press J to jump to the feed. she also said police didn't check in with her to see if she had/seen or heard something. For Rey Rivera, maybe it was the something that drove him to that roof. Posted by 16 days ago. Could Rey actually have parked in the garage lot, then gotten run over walking from his car by a driver in the garage lot, this driver acting either intentionally or unintentionally? Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. of Rey Rivera’s body. By helicopter means that now you have to risk someone seeing a helicopter, someone seeing you putting him in the helicopter, etc. Somebody had a dented car hood. Heck, you could even pull a Jeffrey Epstein and strangle him but make it look like a suicide by hanging. On the other hand, I also think that Rey’s note could read as a suicide note if Rey were having some sort of mental break. I'm curious why they did not. That would explain why he was researching Freemasons and why he left those clues in his note. The documentary investigates the death of Rey Rivera, a Baltimore writer whose partially-decomposed body was found at the Belvedere Hotel in 2006. Close. Edit 2: Reading through the note, Rey writes on the last page: ‚The game is up‘. I want to like this theory but a look at that parking garage on google maps. More than enough room on the garage deck to accelerate a car to 25mph and then stop before hitting the wall. There still are a number of lingering questions about the bizarre death of Baltimore man Rey Rivera, as shown in the revival of "Unsolved Mysteries," but there are also a number of questions about Rivera's employer and its enigmatic founder Frank Porter Stansberry.. Rivera was found dead at Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore in 2006 about a week after he disappeared. See what happens. Front on you’ve got only 1.5 car lengths to make that kind of speed. Yes, the employees were under a gag order, but the police could have pushed to get a subpoena for those materials. If the goal was to kill this poor sweet guy, wouldn't you go the easiest, less riskiest route possible? If his car was across town - I could maybe see the helicopter theory - but his car was close. Rey gets a call from someone he trusts, thus why he rushes out the door, leaving in sandals and leaving lights on. Because I think he had affair with Porter Stansberry his longlasting best friend. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I love this theory, although, it would be QUITE the coincidence to have him close to the edge of the roof and have someone hit him with a car, have him fall off the roof, risk the possibility of the car going 2-wheels over the edge etc... if I was on the edge of a roof there’s no chance in hell someone would be hitting/driving me off. 7 Reddit Theories About Rey Rivera's Cryptic Note From Unsolved Mysteries. I heae there are a lot of low-level Masons that probably don't have a lot of social or political clout. Potentially it could have been a vehicle parked at either end of the garage, I guess. Back to the car: it would explain the shins breaking where they did. Ping, ping, ping. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. That hole is tiny. I could see that someone close to Porter, or someone who thinks that Porter is a close an old friend of his, could be swept up in Shady dealings. Unsolved Mysteries has audiences wondering where Porter Stansberry is now. This is from an earlier thread in which someone disclosed the details from a book written about this case who lived in the building and heard the crash. Edit 5 THEORY: @23:18 in the episode you can see two see-through roof windows next to the hole caused by Rey. I think the dude is super shady either way. Following the release of this episode, representatives of Porter Stansberry contacted Crime Junkie to inform us of information regarding Rey Rivera’s case that had not yet been made public, and we want to alert our listeners to that information for the sake of being exhaustive. Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries reboot starts with a doozy of a case. He could be on the hook as well. But let's talk about Rey. On top of that, were there skidmarks leading up to the parking ramps wall? My theory is: that Rey was gay. Seems to me that Rey was involved in some sort of web with Porter and learned that his friend is a Freemason and is involved in crime with some powerful people. The timing here is important. Edit: using a projectile calculator you can hurl an object 30 ft, at 20 degrees up, max height of the arc is 3.5 ft + height of car hood at 25 mph. Are helicopter flight records available for the week his body was found around Baltimore? I think he was beaten and tortured prior to that fall. Rey’s body rode on the hood/windshield til the killer slammed on the brakes. Probably told his lawyers he’s in trouble so helped with the gag order. Rey’s phone and glasses probably came off when hit by the car. Press J to jump to the feed. This is just what I imagine psychotic episodes and delusions/lapses in logic/critical thinking to be like. Did he try to go through one of the windows like in The Game? If I see one more “does anyone else think it could have been a helicopter” post I’m going to have a seizure. Rey went to the top of the parking garage to meet someone. In Netflix's new true crime reboot, Unsolved Mysteries, the name Porter Stansberry is brought up early on. In the start of the document there are scenes from the wedding. Why didn’t Rey Rivera’s longtime business partner Frank Porter Stansberry participate in the documentary? Hmmm.....interesting. Rey and Porter were long-time childhood friends before Rey moved to Maryland to work for Porter at his financial publishing company, Stansberry and Associates. In … The killer picked them up and tossed them off the garage deck and sped away. Was there no CCTV at the parking garage? In an effort to help with the investigation of his friend’s disappearance, Porter Stansberry employed extensive resources, got the Mayor’s office involved in trying to Also, it's a strange coincidence that his car was found near the building - so where did he get on this helicopter? Edit: Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix, episode 1. I am watching the Rey Rivera episode on Netflix and what really caught my eye was the note Rey wrote on the day he died and he hid the note behind the computer. Wow, your theory should be voted higher. of a fancy hotel and goes through the (glass) roof. He’s just not as expendable as Rey was. 7. in this letter reminded me of a female friend who went through a burnout because of work. Boom, done. I posted this recently, but if you're going to kill someone or fake a suicide, don't you think that using a helicopter is about one of the most complicated, risky, and unnecessarily hard ways to fake a suicide? Unsolved Mystery on the Rooftop. Unsolved Mysteries ' first episode, "Mystery on the Rooftop," implies that Porter Stansberry was somehow linked to the death of his late friend Rey Rivera, whose body was found at the Belvedere Hotel in May 2006.However, a new report suggests that the Baltimore businessman likely wasn't behind a mysterious call that Rivera received before disappearing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the UnresolvedMysteries community, Continue browsing in r/UnresolvedMysteries. I didn’t see any way Porter wasn’t responsible until you mentioned that. Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries aired on July 1st, starting with the case of Rey Rivera. Timing is everything here. We ask because while watching the show, our friend Kevin went: “Ping. Rivera had taken a job at a financial firm in Baltimore at the behest of a high school friend, Porter Stansberry. Based on his videos, he's peddling a lot of BS and he's a very shady character. And it is known he landed on his feet.. She seemed perfectly healthy, in her early 30s, but work was so much stress for her, and her boss abused of her eagerness to work and to be a good employee, pushed her to her limits. ‚Porter Stansberry (if he didn’t do it himself).‘ Edit 4: Quote from Rey‘s note: ‚That was a well-played game. It had all these names of actors, his friends and family, quotes from free masons and a list of movies. If your theory is true, then after you drop him from the helicopter, you have to land the helicopter, walk all the way back to the building, find the exact place in the building where his body landed, and then carefully drop his shoes, phone, and glasses on the roof to make it look like a suicide. I'm still unclear on an actual motive. The author witnessed the police finding the flip flops and throwing them over. • Porter Stansberry cooperated fully with the police investigating his friend’s case. ‏i don't think Rey would have access to the top tiers of a secret society. Frank Porter Stansberry, Rey Rivera's longtime friend, went silent following Rivera's 2006 mysterious death. For him to be hit by a car and have his body fly through the air in such a way that he lands feet/head-first through the roof seems a bit implausible to me. Stansbury is guilty AF. Place to discuss ALL about the Rey Rivera case! Why leave them at the crime scene, not busted up giving an obvious clue that this wasn't suicide and someone left his belongings there. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Immediately, I thought: OF COURSE! Edit 3: On the page with the names of his friends he calls them ‚players‘ and underneath he writes: ‚Porter Stansberry (if he didn’t do it himself).‘, ‚That was a well-played game. Rey wasn’t seen in the hotel because he was never in the hotel. By why even leave his belongings there with him in the first place? Not trying to be harsh at all, but this just doesn't sound very feasible to me. User account menu. After watching this case on Unsolved, that note really stands out, especially being written the day that Rey died. The first episode of new Netflix series Unsolved Mysteries centres around the 2006 death of 32-year-old newlywed Rey Rivera, who was found dead at a hotel in Baltimore, Marlyand. FBI should be looking at this. By the looks of it, it appears he did a god damn pencil dive off a roof somewhere. Here's all the theories behind his death. This might be gruesome, but... kinda wish there was a Mythbusters for mysterious deaths like this. But the police found his keys, wallet, and flip flops at the top of the building. To this day, authorities have identified no suspects in Rey… The similarities to Rey are truly astonishing. Stansberry founded Stansberry Research (previously Stansberry & Associates Investment Research), a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1999. The murderers would have throw his belongings through the hole.That would explain there being no noise from the drop because there was no drop. If he was launched from a car it seems unlikely his body would create such a small hole. You can see they were close from the pictures. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. That's pretty unusual for Baltimore. He's going to lose speed with the car as it brakes. Why park at one lot to go meet someone at a completely different parking garage?Unless the killer drove the car to the lot it was found in. Here's where he is now. As for the hole, could it be possible that he was beaten and positioned there and another object thrown from a height that broke through he roof making it look as if he had jumped and the glasses, phone, and sandals staged? One person tweeted: "'Porter Stansberry killed Rey Rivera' is the new 'Carol Baskin killed her husband.'" Now streaming on Netflix, Unsolved Mysteries "Mystery on the Rooftop" references a businessman named Frank Porter Stansberry, but leaves out relevant information. Did Porter Stansberry murder Rey Rivera? I am SO glad I came across your post. Did he die by suicide, or was something more sinister at play? Do you think that would account for the way he allegedly made/entered the hole? This is honestly the best theory I have seen. It wouldn't be too difficult to burn them, or dispose of them. and Porter is protecting himself by going totally silent. They said he came down into it vertically. Log in sign up. The Freemasons are all around dc Baltimore Richmond ...whole east coast to NY. This is the most logical theory I’ve seen so far! More than enough to clear the parking garage wall. Enough force to punch through the roof deck. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I believe Porter is a snake oil salesman and a conman of sorts. Check auto body shop records near Porter’s house and all other Argo employees at the time. Also, who tried to break into their house twice? Seems to me that Rey was involved in some sort of web with Porter and learned that his friend is a Freemason and … That theory doesn’t make any logical sense anyway. 7. Odds would be extremely small that he got hit off the garage at a high enough speed to be sent through the air only to land on the garage completely pencil shaped. It included Freemason-related wording and a list of celebrities he wanted to make "five years younger." To my understanding, being a low-level Freemason isn't such a big deal. Why use a mason saying if it wasn't to direct the reader to that aspect? And you're also assuming the car stops suddenly. I was thinking, someone who can calculate projectiles and trajectories and stuff could figure out where he fell from. Congratulations, to all who participated.‘ Edit 5 THEORY: @23:18 in the episode you can see two see-through roof windows next to the hole caused by Rey.

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