He also said that others, including any Capitol Police officers, who "assisted or facilitated or played some ancillary role" in the events could also be investigated. Once safe, the lawmakers were "furious" with Stenger; Graham asked him, "How does this happen? [383], ABC News reported that the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) had recovered several improvised explosive devices intended to cause serious harm, and were looking at those in the mob that were trained perhaps in the military and more intent on causing serious harm, including harming Vice President Pence. [344], During the riot, Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran from San Diego,[356][218][357] was fatally shot by Capitol Police as she attempted to climb through a shattered window in a barricaded door leading into the Speaker's Lobby, which has direct access to the House floor. [399] The CAO said it was "providing support and guidance to House offices as needed". [47], Upon security being breached, Capitol Police evacuated the Senate and House of Representatives chambers. "The overwhelming reason for action, cited again and again in court documents, was that arrestees were following Trump's orders to keep Congress from certifying Joe Biden as the presidential-election winner. Share. [397][398], Representative Anna Eshoo (D–CA) said in a statement that "[i]mages on social media and in the press of vigilantes accessing congressional computers are worrying" and that she had asked the Chief Administrative Officer of the House (CAO) "to conduct a full assessment of threats based on what transpired". [259][260], Court charges filed by federal prosecutors against members of the Oath Keepers militia who stormed the capital indicated that the militiamen were updated via Facebook messages on the location of lawmakers as they were evacuated, and relayed communications such as "We have about 30-40 of us. [392][393] The presence of several military veterans who took part in the assault has created growing concern among former military members. [81][82], On December 18, four days after the Electoral College voted, Trump called for supporters to attend a rally before the January 6 Congressional vote count, to continue his challenge to the validity of several states' election results. "Amid violence, Trump says, 'Remember this day forever! Meanwhile, another crowd of Trump supporters that had gathered outside the Capitol began clashing with the police and pushing forward to the building. and "USA! [177][312] Federal prosecutors were also considering whether to pursue charges under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, which is typically used to prosecute organized crime syndicates, against groups such as Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. [66] Members of the anti-government paramilitary Oath Keepers and neo-fascist Proud Boys groups were indicted on conspiracy charges for allegedly staging planned missions in the Capitol. [1] The term storm has particular resonance in QAnon discourse; adherents have often referred to a coming "storm" in which the cabal that allegedly controls the U.S. will be destroyed. "[136][137], On January 5, Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy issued a memo placing limits on the District of Columbia National Guard. The pro-Trump events remained without incident in Indiana,[489] Minnesota,[490] Nevada,[491] Nebraska,[492] Ohio,[493] Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. [437] Furthermore, Trump was banned from other major social media outlets including Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat. [4] Politico reported some rioters briefly showing their police badges or military identification to law enforcement as they approached the Capitol, expecting therefore to be let inside; a Capitol Police officer told BuzzFeed News that one rioter told him "[w]e're doing this for you" as he flashed a badge. [126], Three days before the storming, a 12-page report from the Capitol Police's intelligence unit described that Congress would be the target on the day of the Electoral College vote counting, but the report was apparently not shared widely. "[59], House Speaker Pelosi had the flags at the Capitol lowered to half-staff in Sicknick's honor. [142], On January 6, the "Wild Protest" was organized by Stop The Steal and took place in Area 8 across from the Russell Senate Office Building. At least ten people were arrested, several on weapons charges, on the night of January 5 and into the morning of January 6. He called the vote the most consequential in his 30-plus years of congressional service. Stay peaceful! [32], Ali Alexander, a right-wing political activist who took part in organizing the rally and expressed support for the storming as "completely peaceful", was reported as saying in December that Representatives Paul Gosar (R–AZ), Andy Biggs (R–AZ) and Mo Brooks (R–AL) were involved in the planning of "something big". [272][273][274][275] Evans was charged by federal authorities on January 8 with entering a restricted area;[276] he resigned from the House of Delegates the next day. is evacuated", "Discovery of pipe bombs in DC obscured by riot at Capitol", "FBI posts photo of person who placed suspected pipe bombs outside DNC, RNC", "FBI ups reward to $75,000 for suspect who placed pipe bombs during Capitol riot", "Representative Tim Ryan News Conference on U.S. Capitol Attack", "Justice Dept. ", "GOP lawmaker on violence at Capitol: 'This is a coup attempt, "PolitiFact – Is this a coup? ; D.N.C. Add … [257] As of January 25, at least 39 law enforcement officers are suspected of participating in Trump's pre-riot rally, or joining the Capitol riots, or both. At 4:22 p.m., Trump issued a video message on social media that was later taken down by Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. [138] Trump supporters gathered about a quarter of a mile north on the Ellipse, where Trump, his lawyer and adviser Rudy Giuliani, and others, such as Chapman University School of Law professor John C. Eastman, gave speeches. [194][195], While debate over the Arizona electoral college votes continued, an armed police officer entered the Senate chamber, positioned facing the back entrance of the chamber. We could absolutely fucking destroy you! )", "Amash's Successor Peter Meijer: Trump's Deceptions Are 'Rankly Unfit' – Reason.com", "Rep. Meijer: I experienced the heinous assault on Capitol; now, time to face reality", "Capitol attack: Congress certifies Joe Biden's victory after deadly violence", "Pence confirms Biden as winner, officially ending electoral count after day of violence at Capitol", "Congress finalizes Biden's win after riot disrupts Capitol", "Police Identify Five Dead After Capitol Riot", "Beaten, sprayed with mace and hit with stun guns: police describe injuries to dozens of officers during assault on U.S. Capitol", "The Capitol Police union says nearly 140 officers were injured during the riot", "DC police seek man suspected of crushing officer in doorway", "New video shows rioters dragging a DC police officer and beating him with an American flag", "Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick", "Trump to blame for death of woman trampled in Capitol riot, family member says", "Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick will lie in honor in Rotunda: Pelosi, Schumer", "Pelosi and Schumer say US Capitol Police officer killed during insurrection will lie in honor at Capitol", "Ashli Babbitt was shot during chaotic moments in the Capitol", "California woman killed during Capitol riot was a military veteran and staunch Trump supporter", "Capitol riots: A visual guide to the storming of Congress", "KUSI News confirms identity of woman shot and killed inside US Capitol", "Ashli Babbitt identified as woman killed by police during U.S. Capitol riots", "Woman Killed in Capitol Embraced Trump and QAnon", "QAnon supporters believed marching on the Capitol could trigger 'The Storm,' an event where they hope Trump's foes will be punished in mass executions", "Woman killed in Capitol was Trump supporter who embraced conspiracy theories", "QAnon Supporters Think Capitol Shooting Victim Ashli Babbitt is Still Alive", "Few details so far about deaths of 'medical emergency' victims in rioting at Capitol", "4 dead as Trump supporters stormed US Capitol", "4 dead after Trump supporters storm U.S. Capitol", "Videos Show How Rioter Was Trampled in Stampede at Capitol", "Family: Trump supporter who died followed QAnon conspiracy", "If someone you care about has been radicalized, here's what to know", "Trump supporters who died during Capitol riot left online presence", "Ashli Babbitt: The US veteran shot dead breaking into the Capitol", "Founder of site Trumparoo among dead at Capitol", "Kennesaw woman among people who died at D.C. riot". [107][117] Advance Democracy, Inc., a nonpartisan governance watchdog, found 1,480 posts from accounts related to QAnon that referenced the events of January 6 in the six days leading up to it, including calls for violence. [345] At least 138 police officers (73 Capitol Police officers, 65 Metropolitan Police Department officers) were injuried,[21] including at least 15 who were hospitalized, some with severe injuries. Sponsored Content. [411][412] Trump initially declined to lower flags at the White House or other federal buildings under his control, before changing his mind four days later. [296] Lt. Gen. Charles A. Flynn, brother of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, was also on the phone call. Five people died, and more than 140 were injured.[28]. [333], At 11:08 p.m., the House of Representatives rejected a similar motion to dispute the Arizona vote by a margin of 303–121. "[132] Military news website SOFREP reported that "several" Secret‑level laptops were stolen, some of which had been abandoned while still logged in to SIPRNet, causing authorities to temporarily shut down SIPRNet for a security update on January 7 and leading the United States Army Special Operations Command to re-authorize all SIPRNet-connected computers on January 8. [94][176][177] Some of the rioters carried Confederate battle flags[4][178][179][180] or Nazi emblems. The storming of the United States Capitol was a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. [207], With senators still in the chamber, Trump reached Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) by phone and told him to do more to block the counting of Biden's electoral votes. The FBI shared information with the Capitol Police in advance of the protest. [102], Charlie Kirk said on Twitter that its political action committee Turning Point Action and Students For Trump had sent over 80 buses to the Capitol. More details on Atlanta-area man arrested after Capitol riots 11Alive is gathering more details about Cleveland Meredith Jr., one of a handful of Georgians arrested in connection with the riots … [89] According to Alexander, "It was to build momentum and pressure and then on the day change hearts and minds of Congress peoples who weren't yet decided or who saw everyone outside and said, 'I can't be on the other side of that mob.'" Bruno Joseph Cua, 18, of Milton, GA was arrested by #FBI Atlanta Friday on charges relating to criminal acts at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. [83] Following clashes with Washington D.C. police during protests on December 12, 2020, the Proud Boys and other far-right groups turned against supporting law enforcement. Sponsored Content. affair. [311] Capitol Police chief Steven Sund said his officers' slow response to the rioting was due to their being preoccupied by the improvised explosive devices found near the Capitol. Aides to Mitch McConnell, barricaded in a room just off a hallway, heard a rioter outside the door "praying loudly", asking for "the evil of Congress [to] be brought to an end". Later reflections about the intelligence failures revealed that surprise that no threat assessments had been issued, with possible causes for the failure related to DHS personnel changes and law enforcement biases. The storming of the United States Capitol was a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. [190], Although a few evangelical leaders supported the riots,[188] most condemned the violence and criticized Trump for inciting the crowd. ", "Extremists and Mainstream Trump Supporters Plan to Protest Congressional Certification of Biden's Victory", "January 2021 Washington, D.C., Security Outlook: Intelligence Report, Part Three", "United States v. Caldwell, Crowl and Watkins", "January 5 Meeting at Trump International Hotel Could Hold the Key to the January 6 Insurrection", "Trump appointee says Tuberville met with Trump family, advisers on eve of Capitol attack", "Tommy Tuberville Is a Formidable Bag of Hammers", "Photos put Tuberville in Trump's hotel on Jan. 5 despite denying meeting", "Pentagon approves DC mayor's request to deploy National Guard for upcoming demonstrations", "Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to quell mob", "Capitol Police intelligence report warned three days before attack that 'Congress itself' could be targeted", "Where Was Security When A Pro-Trump Mob Stormed The Capitol? Many in the crowd at the Capitol breached police perimeters and stormed the building,[38][39] occupying, vandalizing, and looting[40] for several hours,[41] assaulting Capitol Police officers and reporters, erecting a gallows on the Capitol grounds, and attempting to locate lawmakers to take hostage and harm. Curfew", "Gov. [319], As police continued to try to push rioters away from the Capitol, protests continued, with some moving out of the Capitol Hill area. [314] Shortly before 5:00 p.m., congressional leaders were reportedly being evacuated from the Capitol complex to Fort McNair, a nearby army base. [244] The event was described as "Extremely Online", with "pro-Trump internet personalities" and fans streaming live footage while taking selfies. "[9][83] The "March to Save America" and rally that preceded the riots at the Capitol were initially organized by Women for America First, a 501(c)(4) organization chaired by Amy Kremer, co-founder of Women for Trump. [215][216] Amid the security concerns, Representative Dean Phillips (D–MN) yelled, "This is because of you!" [452], Many participants in the Capitol attack planned and coordinated their actions using alt-tech microblogging service Parler. The gathering in Tokyo was backed by Happy Science, a new religious movement that has been described as a cult, and took place several hours before the rally in Washington, D.C.[503] In New Zealand, about 100 participants attending a "freedom rally" outside the New Zealand Parliament in Wellington organized by conspiracy theorist and New Zealand Public Party leader Billy Te Kahika waved pro-Trump banners and flags. Cuomo: Capital riots a 'failed attempt at a coup,' NY National Guard sent to DC", "Washington, D.C. mayor issues order extending emergency for 15 days", "Army Sec. [155] Trump also said, "you'll never take back our country with weakness. [300], Pentagon officials reportedly restricted D.C. guard troops from being deployed except as a measure of last resort, and from receiving ammunition and riot gear; troops were also instructed to engage with protesters only in situations warranting self-defense and could not share equipment with local police or use surveillance equipment without prior approval from Acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Pressured by his administration, the threat of removal, and numerous resignations, Trump later committed to an orderly transition of power in a televised statement. [223] One rioter told a CNN crew as they were being harassed by others, "There's more of us than you. After the introduction of a curfew in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, riots broke out in several cities and towns throughout the Netherlands around the time (21:00) the curfew went into effect for multiple days in a row. "[23] Items, including portraits of John Quincy Adams and James Madison, as well as a marble statue of Thomas Jefferson, were covered in "corrosive gas agent residue"; these were sent to the Smithsonian for assessment and restoration. [289], By 3:50 p.m., White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that the National Guard and "other federal protective services" had been deployed. Mitch McConnell (R–KY), then–Senate Majority Leader, called the storming of the Capitol a "failed insurrection"[59] and said that the Senate "will not bow to lawlessness or intimidation". They chanted "Hang Mike Pence",[42] blaming him for not rejecting the Electoral College votes, although he lacked the constitutional authority to do so. [17][375] A family member of Boyland said that "the president's words incited a riot that killed four of his biggest fans last night". [327], By the end of the day, police had arrested 61 people for "unrest-related" offenses, with about half of these arrests occurring on the Capitol grounds. Part of the 2020–21 U.S. election protests, it was carried out by a mob of supporters of Donald Trump, the 45th U.S. president, in a failed attempt to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election. [338] Representative Peter Meijer (R–MI) said that several of his Republican colleagues in the House would have voted to certify the votes, but did not out of fear for the safety of their families,[339] and that at least one specifically voted to overturn Biden's victory against their conscience because they were shaken by the mob attack that day. [158] A reliable estimate of the total size of the crowd cannot be ascertained, seeing that aerial photos are not permitted in Washington, D.C., for reasons of security. Is Evacuated – The New York Times", "Pence took lead as Trump initially resisted sending National Guard to Capitol", "Trump tells rioters 'go home,' repeats claims that election 'fraudulent, "Trump Justifies Supporters Storming Capitol: 'These Are The Things And Events That Happen, "Memorandum for Record: Timeline for December 21, 2020 — January 6, 2021", "Isolated Trump reluctantly pledges 'orderly' transition after inciting mob", "Trump promises 'orderly transition' on Jan. 20 after Electoral College results certified", "Senate Debate on Arizona Electoral College Vote Challenge, Part 2", "Trump openly condones supporters who violently stormed the Capitol, prompting Twitter to lock his account", "Twitter bans President Trump permanently", "The House impeaches Trump for 'incitement of insurrection,' setting up a Senate trial", "Poll: Majority of Republicans blame Biden for mob storming the Capitol", "Most voters say the events at the US Capitol are a threat to democracy", "Poll: 18 percent of Republicans support Capitol riots", "Majority of Americans want Trump removed immediately after U.S. Capitol violence – Reuters/Ipsos poll", "Sedition investigations could 'bear fruit soon' in Capitol riot cases, FBI says", "Dozens of people on FBI terrorist watch list came to D.C. the day of Capitol riot", "Members of extremist Oath Keepers group planned attack on US Capitol, prosecutors say", "New charges allege Proud Boys prepped for Capitol insurrection", "US Capitol's last breach was more than 200 years ago", "Has the US Capitol ever been attacked before? [127], Two days before the storming, Bowser announced that the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia (MPD) would lead law enforcement for the event, and would be coordinating with the Capitol Police, the U.S. Park Police, and the Secret Service. [1] An investigation by BuzzFeed News identified more than a dozen fundraisers to pay for travel to the planned rally. [246], Christian imagery, including a large "Jesus saves" banner, was seen in the crowd of demonstrators. A source who works in the Capitol building and spoke to Insider on the condition of anonymity said that he was told to work from home for the rest of the day at around 2 pm local time after he returned from lunch to find that Raffensperger was no longer in the building. [26], Notable arrests include: West Virginia state lawmaker Derrick Evans, who later resigned from office; Klete Keller, a former U.S. Olympic swimmer;[476] the leader of a Proud Boys group in Hawaii;[477] Jake Angeli, also known as the "QAnon Shaman";[478] far-right activist Tim "Baked Alaska" Gionet;[479] and the 34-year-old son of a Brooklyn judge. In the statement, he condemned the violence at the Capitol, saying that "a new administration will be inaugurated", which was widely seen as a concession, and that his "focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power" to the Biden administration. [391] A 19th-century marble bust of President Zachary Taylor was defaced with what seemed to be blood, but the most important works in the Capitol collection, such as the John Trumbull paintings, were unharmed. Investigative journalist Sarah Posner, author of Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump, argues that many white evangelical Christians in the U.S. create an echo chamber whereby Trump's missteps are blamed on the Democratic Party, leftists, or the mainstream media, the last of which being viewed as especially untrustworthy. [502], Internationally, Trump's allegations of a "stolen" election found a small audience among conspiracy theorists and fringe groups. [473] Some criminal indictments are under seal. [76] These attempts to overturn the election have been characterized by some as an attempted coup d'état[77] and an implementation of the "big lie". [238] A pipe bomb was discovered next to a building containing Republican National Committee (RNC) offices at around 12:45 p.m. About 30 minutes later, another pipe bomb was found under a bush at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters. Get it now on Libro.fm using the button below. The approval activated 340 troops, with no more than 114 to be deployed at any given time. [54][55] The Capitol was cleared of rioters by mid-evening,[56] and the counting of the electoral votes resumed and was completed in the early morning hours. [144], The "Save America" rally (or "March to Save America") took place on January 6 in the Ellipse within the National Mall. In an hour-long phone call with Raffensperger on Saturday, which was first reported by The Washington Post, Trump urged Raffensperger, whose office oversees elections, to "find 11,780 votes" to push the election in his favor. [297] Virginia Governor Ralph Northam also issued a curfew for nearby Alexandria and Arlington County in Northern Virginia. Capitol riot arrests: See who's been charged across the U.S. What Parler Saw During the Attack on the Capitol, Senate Impeachment Trial: January 6 Video Montage (13:24). [239][240] They were safely detonated by bomb squads; police later said they were "hazardous" and could have caused "great harm".

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