Both like to develop loyalty in their relationships. John Lannoye (author) from Chicago on September 18, 2018: I have to say this was one of the most accurate articles I’ve ever read on Scorpio and Pisces. I've enjoyed reading this and would love for you to come out with a book. Pisces man, Aquarius woman: Marriage and family life. I will walk though through seven specific life areas and provide supporting rationale. He will want to have an initial meeting to make sure the chemistry is there and then perhaps proceed with getting into a relationship. Capricorn woman is also one of the best matches for Scorpio man. According to ancient teachings, Jupiter represents all things here and now. This article and others seem to be very spot on as to how instant the chemistry between a Scorpio and Pisces can be established and the intensity of that connection. SO THERE IS THIS SCORPIO MAN (I’m a Pisces woman) AND HE IS SO HOT AND HE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE THIS! Scorpio and Pisces match or balance one another out in many life areas. The most recent connection I’ve had with a Scorpio woman was unreal. I can say everything in this article is 100% spot on. Scorpio is fixed. It is a blessing and curse for this sign because Pisces tends to care too much for others and neglect self-care in the process. Keep reading for the best matches for Scorpio man long distance relationship: There are a few signs that take love seriously even if it’s long distance. John Lannoye (author) from Chicago on May 08, 2018: @jean thanks and you are absolutely right. Love love! Most of the time I'd be able to know what goes on in his head, what his thoughts are, how his feeling about something and what's going on in his life just by one look at him..... And....some days id just be too happy...more like over happy...and that would be the worst because that would cause him to go throught an emotional burst because my hight energy flow and he would blame me for being too hyper after he goes through an emotional shutdown wich would likle always piss me off. I feel blessed. As a Pisces women, married for 10 years with Scorpio men, I must agree with all stated in this article, including money issue. It was really fascinating read for both of us. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous). By far one of the most creatively written articles that I’ve read and very easy to understand from various perspectives. Both Pisces and Scorpio are impacted by earth's moon. Yes he got mad at me a lot but he never gave up and did everything to help me get better. The attraction between a Scorpio man and Pisces woman is likely to result from each finding in the other the answer to their secret dreams. We have been dating for 4 months and it is an awesome relationship. U are very correct , m scorpio & my man is pisces , everything u said is correct the bond is just too much and natural . Scorpio Woman Sign Match with Pisces Man . That is how you know if they love you. Answer: Only when there is a high degree of trust. You've done The best I could ever wish someone to attempt to explain/break it down. they do have an obvious kind of special connection though, kind of like soulmates.. i hope they fix it one day. im in a relationship with a pisces and im a scorpio we can be with or with out each other. Neptune symbolizes an end of reality that is devoid of time and space. This was truly some great info. That’s a $10 term used to describe a theoretical structure that contains specific attributes that manifest in human form by way of traits. Revealing your dating history is usually a faux pas. We even unknowingly ran into eachother when we were younger about 5 times, always thought that it was interesting, this makes me feel like we were always meant to be. Stick with my water signs. It's usually from July to November you find the "tricky" ones. Man accurate I'm a Pisces male, with a Scorpio woman omg accurate talk about a strong woman but so perfect at the sametime, We argue lol but we come out stronger.. However, in the beginning of the relationship, there can be much friction. Are those on here as well or can I find the links for those somewhere. While it’s true that Scorpio is distrustful of others by nature, its ability to tune into Pisces makes this less so. I agree 100% with everything written here, and Lauren's comment pretty much sums up what I am feeling. That’s because the duo share universal traits that transcend time and space. Most of the time it felt like they had no idea what they wanted to do. Instead, it’s about a strong intuitive bond that is not explainable on this plain of reality. Pisces are not the kind of people who will not call you for a day or two. Answer: They can remain very close friends however, there will always be a high degree of sexual energy. 3 Main Reasons Why A Scorpio Man Ignores You after an Argument, How to Make a Scorpio Man Miss You - Slight Manipulation, Scorpio woman may be a good fix for the Scorpio man, if he gets into a long distance relationship with a Cancer woman. I'm sure there would be instance chemistry, My pieces girl is too materialistic i love her but am scared of loosing a scorpio. We're passionate in bed and express love for each other there, too. Being long distance allows him to get to know everything about you and what you want out of life. We see each other every 2 weeks and in between, there is video chat. This might be tmi, but I can't even self-pleasure because it doesn't amount to his presence--and he haven't even had any sexual contact other than that 1st kiss, which completely swept me into an even deeper sense of gravitation towards his mere existence. She's attracted to a discreet man who won't betray her. You are extremely dedicated but to make a relationship work, you should care about your happiness or else you end up killing yourself every day. They are not like everyone else and the wrong experience can cause them to always be engulfed in pain. Anyway I have just met one I may like but we will see how it goes. He may do it easily in the beginning while he’s getting to know his lady. At some point, one of them is going to decide that it’s just not good enough and will either push for one of them to make a move or call it quits. The chemistry between the two are best. Everything seems to be spot on except the sexually submissive part. Wow, this was extremely dead on to the point it sent chills down my spine. My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer. The same holds true for Pisces; one of the most mystical and misunderstood signs in the astrological universe. Because Pisces assumes a caretaking role in this dynamic, viewing family financial management as an extension of providing love. The sexually submissive Pisces is a perfect match for the dominant and … They like to help, be a helping hand or listening ears. Pisces Scorpio relationships tend to be long term. This is important to know because Mars is a hot planet, fourth in distance from our sun. He's the one good on handling the finances though! I always have thought the same about Scorpio and Pisces, sadly the relationships I've had with Scorpio men (I'm a Pisces) didn't work. he knows what am thinking & i alwz know what is in his mind. Click here to learn more about what attracts a Scorpio man and what he’s all about. We have tried our hardest to justify what you just explained, but we simply can not put it into words because it is way beyond us. We clicked instantly even though we met online, and I loved her feisty and dark personality. Scorpio . I just don’t know what it is, hi, im scorpio and my ex is pisces everything is said matches with me and him we broke up but we still connected when we close to each other there is always that sexual attraction and we communicate a lot although he hurt me by cheating,and i always tend to pick up the signs when he cheats.thanks for this i have leaned a lot. So crazy how much my spouse & I are exactly what you have written. Is that true? Everything you’ve said in this article was 100% spot on. Using insight from Jungian psychology, I write about Zodiac signs like Scorpio and Pisces as part of psycho-spirituality: a $10.00 term used to describe the blending of psychology with spirituality. As time goes on and the two water signs dive deeper and deeper, verbal communication lessens and empathic communique increases. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. That’s because Scorpio can tell when it has pushed too far and will comfort Pisces, even when Scorpio feels emotionally distant. I have never experienced ANYTHING like this and you have done it a close justice. Are you the one for him? I am Pisces and my poor Miss Scorpio. We have become so close and bonded. I m scorpio woman with a pisces man . When we are intimate, it's exactly as described in this article. . All I can say is keep looking don't give up. I felt so intrigued by her and I wanted to make her my queen, honestly. When Scorpio gets caught up in an obsessive cycle and becomes neurotic, Pisces mysteriously can heal complicated feelings and help Scorpio become re-centered. Both of these signs share similarities. Lol. Right on! Unlike other signs that need to talk as a buildup to intimacy, this is not so between Pisces and Scorpio. The issues come along because both can be somewhat introverted. Im in a LDR with a Scorpio man. Pisces, for example, holds mysticism and magic and all that is unseen. They won’t last too long though without being together 100%. If she’s not ready then perhaps the long distance can last for a bit but I would venture to guess that after months, she would want to be face to face and start planning a bigger future. t might hit a rough patch because of the limitations long distance puts on a relationship, but as long as both people stay dedicated, a successful LDR is possible. All i can say is this is 100% true. Not like I loved my husband, but just because he is one of the nicest persons I have ever met. A clingy, happy, submissive girl with wide eyed, childlike wonder; an agressive, dominant woman who knows what she wants; a smart, serious intellectual who is very respectful. He knows I will never get over my loss (and his) loss of his brother. On one of them you mentioned that you also wrote books. When a Virgo woman is in love, there isn’t a whole lot she won’t do for her guy even if that means being very patient when involved in a long distance relationship. She’s not one to run away easily and therefore is able to do the distance thing with her Scorpio man if she has to. I've also be mistaken to be another sign since I'm not a big cry baby, but that's because he has really made me a hard a**. I am a Pisces and most things you said about us is true but you are so wrong about the money thing. I am Pisces and my partner Scorpio. Genuinely listen to his problems. This article is almost 100% on the money for my husband & I. First, they connect in powerful ways on the physical intimacy front. After this long, we literally can tell what the other person is thinking. When I first met her, I didn't know what category to put her in--she fit all of them! That’s because Scorpio tends to be overly blunt and say insensitive things to Pisces that causes deep wounds. I'm a Scorpio man and I'm in LOOOOVVVE with my Pisces woman! And hence, disappointments are bound to follow soon which will mar the Long Distance Relationship. I'm a Christian and don't put a whole lot of thought into zodiac stuff, but this is one bit of information that blows my mind. I am a Pisces woman in a relationship with a Scorpio man. It doesn't seem cold just a lower energy than everyone else. 3 kids and a long road of ups and downs. Question: Would two lesbians work well in this situation or is it different? One error, pices starts on feb 19 not the 20th, i know this cause my best friend is pices (I’m Scorpio). There are some signs in the zodiac that are some of the best matches for Scorpio man that may actually be good for him if he gives it a chance. I have never been given an opportunity to really get to know a Pisces. Again, your insight into the Scorpio-Pisces relationship is very accurate! their relationship is so loving and sweet. Appreciate how you do this in a way that was so easy to understand. While both of these star signs could be said to give their hearts away easily, when it’s to one another, they can be confident of both pulling in the same direction. Pisces is not the best with money. As friends, the Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman may be found at home, playing games. They are thinking of you, and they want to know where you are. Love reading all the comments! Jean Bakula from New Jersey on May 06, 2018: You have to check planetary tables or a book called an ephemeris to see what day the Sun goes into an Astrology sign. I never felt the connection (and I had a three year relationship with one of them!) The Scorpio man is a rather physical sort of guy which makes long distance relationships difficult for him to achieve or make last. The day we met it was like something clicked...I just can't shake this feelings I have towards him. I’m an Aquarius with 95% Pisces traits. And yes they’re very jealous. They are not dreamers in a whimsical sense. I am a Pisces woman and have been married to a Scorpio man for 20 years. so i am a scorpo lady and was really happy and impressed with what i have just read. Great read with a greater understanding of the water signs. I know as pisces we are romantic and tend to dream too much. I meeting up with a Pisces for the first time ever. Question: What kind of relationship would a Pisces and Scorpio have? Relatively young Pisces guy here, and I dated a Scorpio girl back in the day. But what do you do when dream is happening before your eyes? Pisces views money as a conduit to pleasure. I’m a Scorpio woman loved a Pisces man had a child with him and this is the worst heartbreak ever Crazy as it sounds, there’s still a connection I just feel it. When I come home after a long day and am with her, I feel such a sense of peace I go right to sleep. I have always saved money with NO problem. However, looking back in my past of all the women I have been in contact with - I’ve realized that Scorpio women have been the only ones who gravitate towards me like no other. Given that both signs are water based, Pisces and Scorpio naturally gravitate to the sea. These emotionally intense signs find the catharsis and soul expression they crave in art. She is very serious about the love she has for her guy and as such, she can maintain the distance as long as there is reasonable contact. I LOVE talking to him, i just spent hours talking to him on the phone too and huedhieei im in love lol okay bye. Alternatively, she’d move to him. I actually got a little aggressive on my partner, but he did experience the same thing and just stare at me ... bbrrr scary, The love of my life is a Scorpio, I am a Pisces . We have been married for 18yrs and most of our marriage has been wonderful! Hi, stumbled in this article while chatting with my man. Pisces is a mutable sign; meaning these folks can change and adapt relatively easy. Im so sure about our relationship and theres no doubts that well grow old happily together!! I am Pisces and I will tell you my favorite sign to date is scorpio. What do you think are the best matches for Scorpio man? It's just unreal." Intensity, empowered by the hotness of mars, commands Scorpio to exert power and control. John Lannoye (author) from Chicago on September 23, 2017: I'm glad you liked. Scorpio, usually dominant, can be overwhelming for most partners. There is no hiding, even though both signs are masters at cloaking the truth to others. We talk for hours on end and instantly know what the other is feeling and thinking. Scorpion in bed is just so greatly wild and give me the obsession that I don’t want to get over. We often hear that Pisces and Scorpio are a good match but few reasons are given why. As a reader, you have the right to know that I am Scorpio man. But scorpios are blunt, so that would also be accompanied by a rude sarcastic comment that was mostly hurtfull, but, with an instant apology. Omg I’m a Scorpio woman with a Pisces woman and everything rings true here. Annelise from copenhagen Denmark on July 05, 2018: 1. person If Mars is in Scorpio. I tend to take charge not only there, but in other aspects of married life. Pisces and Scorpio can intuit dishonest behavior. Pisces woman is a hot mix for the Scorpio man but again, a distance would really hamper their physical/sexual desire for one another. She dearly loves animals and is the kindest, most tender person I know. I am a scorpio women who was with a Pisces man for 20 long years. My Pisces woman treats me like no other as she seems to know and care for my emotions. Each and every word mentioned has a deep intense meaning which can be understood only by those who have personally experienced. I am a Pices and my ex of 2/3 years was a scorpio . Answer: yep - it would work out just fine, Sexual orientation would have no bearing. 2 person mars in Pisces, in sex, they can have a spiritual connection, beyond belief experience, lifted up in another dimension it feel like a little dead, I do not know if you can say it a bad or sublime experience because you are actually a bit frightened and thought he gave me drugs in the food. When you think of intimacy between these two signs, conjure up mental pictures of extreme passion. Jean Bakula from New Jersey on April 26, 2018: Well done! I clearly am the only pisces on earth that doesn't like Scorpio men. I can attest to very dominant but also very nurturing and caring. I will admit things get bad between us because of my jealousy and insecurity but I will for a fact always love this man no matter what and just to motivate all the other pisces and scorpio lover, in worst times when were far away we can never leave each other alone. Answer: Pisces born people have a special intuition. Both the Pisces woman and Scorpio man in a relationship build their love to last. Pluto is further out and considered the last celestial body in our solar system. Hard to explain . Rewind back to 4-ish years ago and I had just left a 5 year off and on again relationship with an Aquarius. Dating a Scorpio man long distance can be fun! Pisces has one advantage. We get along in so many ways--emotionally, mentally, and empathy wise. They also said I'd be in rehab for the rest of my life but that just became a challenge for "Scorpio" me, and I fought to recover, which I did. Initiation of mating is intuitive. You’ve certainly got a knack for this! Translation: Scorpio likes to know things are financially stable and secure. During my studies, I’ve learned that not all signs are good fits for Scorpio. One thing I will tell you as a Scorpio woman, you described me perfectly! One of them ended up being jealous at one of my design professors back in school, and he knew he was gay! Then comes the Aquarius woman. Yes, it's a strangely magnetic pairing to be sure - and can be magical. While it is going to take the Aries man and the Scorpio woman some time to get familiar with one another, in time, they will perfectly understand the other one’s needs and wishes. Empowered by a cosmic wave emanating from Neptune, some 2.9 billion miles away from Earth, Pisces searches for the mysterious and complicated. I fully support a book on the psycho-spiritual lol thank you for the reference. Especially the friction on the start of the relationship, which we did surpass all. Whenever I see him smile, it is like the whole universe brighten up. A Scorpio man, when in love, is loving, passionate, and intense. She’s able to maintain getting to know her guy and also maintaining love no matter the distance. You cannot exactly do that at a distance and it’s going to depend on how quickly she wants to achieve being a wife and mother. Just a guess. She is typically not in a hurry to forge marriage anyway. I sense he is holding back and so am I. I know I am not supposed to fall for anybody, and I don't believe in divorce, so my heart ache to the thought that I will never experience what others have experiencef in their relationship with this pairing.. Should one of the duo cheat, the other will know – instantly. Scorpio will have devotion to his imaginative lover and, in return, the Pisces style will bring a spark to the life of Scorpio. Answer: The trust your Scorpio man has placed in you is rare. She is very serious about the love she has for her guy and as such, she can maintain the distance as long as there is reasonable contact. My relationship with scorpio man is better and going strong. Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve spent countless hours researching and studying astrology with specific emphasis on Pisces and Scorpio. We didn't get along well...,well we did, but,....most of the time I was able to feel emotions that weren't mine and I knew it came from him. 2. Pisces gravitates towards social issues and education. Conversely, the Scorpio will know the same about you. Scorpio is moved by analysis and facts. It is during this period when physical attraction and sexual energy is most high. It depends on the year for sure! She's also playful and sarcastic and flirty, but so gentle and mild with it, I don't mind being teased. I'm a Pisces man and I ended a very intense relationship with a Scorpio. We are on our way out as she cheated on me but the connection is still crazy strong. Reading this is so spot on! Our first night together scared me later after because I never lived something so powerful! We felt a fascination for each other, but it did not work. When you realize that there isn’t enough time in life to learn the things you want to.. haha. There are many unspoken understandings between us (I.e. Being completely accepted. Part of this is due to their psychic abilities. I am religious and so is he. Simply put, Pisces and Scorpio put a premium on emotional bonding as part of intimacy. Perhaps the distance would do them some good. That is kind of a bond we have too. Thanks by the way! John Lannoye (author) from Chicago on September 12, 2018: @beth the books I have written are more academic (I might write something on psycho-spirituality though). Since Taurus man is a slow mover; he tends to be very careful in getting to know the woman that may become more in his life. Take care & wishing you well. Now, back to the present.... What I have currently is something I’ll never give up - we are loyal, respect one another, and complete each other in many ways including the areas one falls more short in than the other. One of the best matches for Scorpio man is the Virgo woman. I’m a Pisces, in love with a Scorpion man. We connect on so many levels, i bring him calm and peace and he can't wait to feel my presence and let his stress just fade away when i am with him. He is always dominant. Capricorn woman is also one of the best matches for Scorpio man. This is the only time both signs switch roles, allowing Pisces to take charge. I'm a pisces girl totally and madly in love with a scorpio guy. A Pisces and Scorpio combination is a true match made in heaven. Mars represents energy, action, passion, and desire. I wish I knew more about Capricorn and Scorpio’s. I don't want to obsess over him but I can't get him out of my mind, how can i bring him to me? This is not to say Pisces and Scorpio do not experience friction. She’s not one to run away easily and therefore is able to do the distance thing with her Scorpio man if she ha… I have never met anyone like her. WOW I'm a Pisces woman that has just started a relationship with a Scorpio man & you are sooo right. Even then, it takes time. The love of a scorpio man is once in a lifetime. Both signs generally have a progressive outlook. Residing in both Scorpio and Pisces astrological houses are related traits. But the Piscean trait of being overly sensitive is also a sword when attached to Scorpio. I heard Cancer was also strongly matched with Scorpio too. I wrote this from a place of experience but also a deep connection to water signs. Second, they match strongly emotionally. I am a pisces female and im in love with a scorpio saggiturius cusp male. We’re talking decades on end. so much insight! Moreover, while she may stick to her man like glue and hiss at any approaching competition, you will actually enjoy being dominated by her. I awoken feelings in me ive never experience!! :). Not saying it’s impossible but she’s a bit of a free spirit. If a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman get together, and if their relationship starts to deepen, the Pisces man will probably want to marry. So everything they do is shown. My husband stuck with me through all if the "brain injury" frustration I dished out to him. Thanks, Jean! It does. I was devastating by it. I've dated a Taurus, Sagittarius and Pisces in the past. If you’d like, you can learn more about me on this page here. I'm a pisces with cancer sun and scorpios amaze me so much no matter the gender! It's like they are too low energized to bounce back. I love being in bed with my Scorpion man. Ok so im a scorpio woman and my best friend of five years is a pisces man we met in high school never dated till recently i went through a huge break up and a couple months before that he told me how he felt about me i was shocked and now we are together and i asked him what he wanted in a relationship and i didnt tell him what i wanted and he told me and what he wants is my fairy tale dream of a relationship i never thought i would fall so in love with my bestfriend if you can relate post a comment as well, here Pisces woman..honestly it is a popular myth in textbook..pisces and scorpio are too much different..a mismatch ..avoid them. This leaves Scorpio feeling challenged; something that paradoxically draws this sign into Pisces snares. I guess if it doesn’t work out with my strong intellectual Capricorn than I will find me a Pieces man... lol or maybe a Cancer man. Part of this is due to their psychic abilities. They may even want to be frisky via webcam if possible. I don't think (if something were to ever happen between he and I) that I could ever be satisfied with any other sign's relationship. He trusts her completely in their relationship and can share his innermost feelings and trust with her. Meeting him was like a shriveling flower finally getting some rain, resulting in the most beautiful bloom for both of us. John Lannoye (author) from Chicago on May 01, 2018: I'm glad you enjoyed Janet. And when we finally met again and we kissed for the first time, It felt like everything was in its place. This is a Cardinal sign; an entity that empowers massive change like our planet’s seasons. She’s a slow mover and wants lots of time to herself which would seem like she’d be an excellent candidate. I always knew my husband(pisces) and I(scorpio) were a good pair, but this article is so very accurate, to the way my husband and I interact with each other to his caring nature! Briefly, I’ll mention politics in relation to Scorpio and Pisces. I loved how easy you made it to understand too. If your spouse cooks dinner clean for you and just do that is their form of love. Pluto symbolizes secrecy, mystery, death, obsessiveness, and renewal. They would have to travel to visit each other on a regular basis. I am married with 3 children. Think go with the flow when you hear mutable. They really are physical guys that want access to the lady they love. They have to have stimulation from each other in order to make a long distance relationship work for the meantime. Beyond words. I think if you click on "John M" at the top you might see more with links to other articles. In THE first date of us, we talked about gun shootings and regulations - things I have never talked to anyone before. Even then, it is short-lived. It's obvious a male Scorpio wrote this. I’m a Pisces woman, and I have had a relationship with two Scorpio males in my life. Lol. I agree 100% with this aticle.I met a wonderful Pisces man of my age (43).Me Scorpio and he Pisces...he's beyond everything and i thank the Universe for bringing him in my life!He brought me back to life, him i've found the Ocean i dare to swim in high or low water. Just be sure to remember that Scorpio men aren’t normally the best when it comes to long distance relationships. Is there any truth behind the notion that both water signs are complimentary?

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