Only a few raised their hands. Knowledge is important; to gain it is one of the reasons why we go to church each week and study the … In the late 1940s, Elder Spencer W. Kimball, an Apostle since 1943, suffered a series of heart attacks. Is it ever convenient to pick up in the prime of life, to set schooling or an apprenticeship aside for two years, to leave family, friends, and personal interests to respond to a call from the prophet? )”5, “Learning the language of prayer is a joyous, lifetime experience. 301). The Savior excluded no one from his circle of influence. Parents should set an example for their families by doing their visiting in the foyers or other areas outside of the chapel before or after meetings. Most impressive is the universal acceptance of gospel truths in the hearts of honest people. Does your ward or branch have a choir? Each choir had a significant number of nonmembers. President Kimball, for the past several months, I have been carrying your message of love and greeting to Church members across the sea; and now here this morning I bring to you the sincere affection and continuing loyalty of more than 100,000 members of the Church in the South Pacific area. I could still see in my mind’s eye a very old Maori couple who stood at the curb with thousands of others waving farewell to the Maori Battalion as they marched down to their troop transport and off to war. It is a virtue that should be part of our way of life. Left: President Kimball received the Medal of the City of Jerusalem from Mayor Teddy Kollek in 1979. Spencer W. Kimball | (See Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], p. 170) — Gospel Principles, p. 141. The grandson of early Latter-day Saint apostle Heber C. Kimball, Kimball was born in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. … The assurance of supreme happiness, the certainty of a successful life here and of exaltation and eternal life hereafter, come to those who plan to live their lives in complete harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ—and then consistently follow the course they have set.”29, Historical photographs courtesy of LDS Church Archives. His example for work has become legend and establishes an example for us all to follow. He is remembered not only for the great revelations and teachings he gave, but also for his many talents and humor. Spencer Woolley Kimball was born on March 28, 1895, in Salt Lake City. Every unit participated. He loves us. It has sorrowed me that some of us have not learned the meaning of that calm, spiritual warmth, for it is a witness to us that our prayers have been heard. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 53. The Prophets and Apostles have told us many things that we should be doing. It is a common thing to have a few passages of scripture at our disposal, floating in our minds, as it were, and thus to have the illusion that we know a great deal about the gospel. It is exciting and rewarding. All choirs had recently baptized members singing with them. May we be blessed with the ability to touch hearts and lift up as we follow the life of the Master and the example of his living prophet on earth today as we just simply DO IT is my prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 20:1-17; Deut. He asked if she could chew a piece of gum. Opposite page, bottom: President Kimball (second from left) and his wife, Camilla (second from right), at the Church’s Deseret Ranch in Florida. Below: The Andrew and Olive Kimball family, 1897. 13. We become more significant individuals as we serve others. I am convinced that each of us, at some time in our lives, must discover the scriptures for ourselves—and not just discover them once, but rediscover them again and again.”8, “I find that when I get casual in my relationships with divinity and when it seems that no divine ear is listening and no divine voice is speaking, that I am far, far away. Twelfth Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President. The hours, the effort, the wondering, all are worth it when even one soul expresses repentance and faith and a desire to be baptized.”22, “Brethren and sisters, I wonder if we are doing all we can. I find myself loving more intensely those whom I must love with all my heart and mind and strength, and loving them more, I find it easier to abide their counsel.”9, During a visit to a Church meetinghouse, President Kimball noticed some paper towels on a restroom floor. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 262. “Seek Learning, Even by Study and Also by Faith,” Ensign, Sept. 1983, 6. The waiter replied that he had a son. A local leader was so impressed by this example of care and respect that he subsequently taught others to show more reverence for Church buildings and other sacred things.10, “Often, before and after meetings, members of the Church cluster in the chapel to exchange greetings. Timothy G. Merrill is an instructor of religious studies at BYU. I know a young father who lives on the island of Vava‘u in Tonga who goes out faithfully making his home teaching calls in his outrigger canoe; but his faith is no different from that of the young business executive I know in London who loves the work and does his home teaching faithfully—both willing to DO IT. Almost all of them had been baptized as a direct result of choir participation. If I immerse myself in the scriptures the distance narrows and the spirituality returns. May we consider together these three objectives as a starting point in our preparation to match stride with the prophet: First, we must be better informed about the doctrine; second, we must be more willing to just DO IT; and third, we must be more readily available to the gifts of the Spirit. The people of the Church need each other’s strength, support, and leadership in a community of believers as an enclave of disciples. Spencer W. Kimball Spencer Kimball, who was one of the chief architects and proponents of the Indian Placement program, wrote, “The day of the Lamanites is nigh. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 261. Spencer worked unceasingly, despite many severe health problems. And I’m grateful to be here. One small branch came with a choir almost as large as the total branch membership. On point number two—being willing—it always thrills me to meet with the missionaries all over the world. With mottoes like "Lengthen your stride" and "Do it," President Spencer W. Kimball, twelfth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, demonstrated a legendary capacity for hard work and an equally well-known ability to love and serve people of all races and nationalities. There we paused for a few moments as I related to her the incident that took place at that very spot during my first mission. And then this little thought—you know, we have more than 7,000 wards and branches in this church. Soul satisfying, yes. He lifted my sobbing little daughter from the cold floor and lovingly held her to him while he patted her gently on the back. According to the revealed word of God, there is really and truly only one simple overall objective for this world of ours, and that is the accomplishment of immortality and eternal life for all of those who come here to live for a few years. “I ask us all to honestly evaluate our performance in scripture study. His would be an atomic war with sophisticated equipment capable of killing by the thousands—so unlike the Maori wars of the late 1800s that the old Maori had participated in as a young tribal warrior. Now we must ‘be still, and know that [he is] God.’ (Ps. It will entirely squander the time. Out of sight and sound, away from everybody, I sobbed and sobbed. During this time of sorrow, a family friend wrote, “My children wept with [my wife and me] as we heard of the prayers of little Spencer and how the loss of his mother weighed so heavily upon his little heart and yet how bravely he battled with his grief and sought comfort from the only source.”4, Of prayer, President Kimball taught: “Prayer is such a privilege—not only to speak to our Father in Heaven, but also to receive love and inspiration from him. Thinking that he had taken a morning stroll and would be back in time for breakfast, his attendants went about their duties. Are we complacent in our assignment to teach the gospel to others? President Spencer W. Kimball grew up in a home where patriotism and love of country were taught. Martina McBride. See Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 79–80. Then with renewed confidence, he said in effect: “Brothers and Sisters: I don’t know exactly why the Lord has called me, but I do have one talent to offer. Some seeming irreverence is due innocently to the fact that we are a friendly people and that the Sabbath is a convenient time to visit, to fellowship, and to meet new people. After helping troubled Saints overcome grievous sin. Photo by LDS Media Library. Just last month Sister Simpson and I thrilled at this stake’s choir festival. He threw them away and then cleaned the sink. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 162. President Kimball lived what he taught: “It is not so much what we know that is important, as what we do and what we are.” In 1981 Elder Robert D. Hales, then a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, said of President Spencer W. Kimball, “He is a man of action, demonstrated by the simple sign on his desk that says, ‘Do It.’” 1 Quoted in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball (2006), xxxv. In testimony borne from the depth of his heart, President Kimball taught: “How long has it been since you took your children, whatever their size, in your arms and told them that you love them and are glad that they can be yours forever?”25, “God is our Father. Opposite page: Young Spencer around the time of his marriage to Camilla Eyring (lower photograph). As we complicate our lives, we discourage the gifts of the Spirit. Everything is done to meet the Lords convenience. Why would he want to change this one word? ― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness “The statement, "As a man thinketh, so is he," could equally well be rendered "As a man thinketh, so does he." Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle ( Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1972. On his way out, he came over, embraced and kissed me.”24. Spencer W. Kimball — ‘Do it.’ To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! 5:6-21) President Spencer W. Kimball explained: Through Moses the word of the Lord came down from the mountain. And these are the rewards that come from doing what a prophet has asked us to do. After a meeting, parents can help to carry the spirit of the service into the home by discussing at home a thought, a musical number, or some other positive aspect of the meeting with their children.”11, “We must remember that reverence is not a somber, temporary behavior that we adopt on Sunday. Edward L. Kimball, ed., The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982), 447. President Spencer W. Kimball--President Kimball used to have a sign on his desk with the motto: Do It! “We must lengthen our stride,” he said.2 He further counseled: “Let us remember that it is not so much what we know that is important, as what we do and what we are. Get going on them by giving a month for each major message. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 82. I suppose if I have learned anything in life, it is … They were all dressed in white; they were well trained. Knowledge itself is not the end. There are suggestions on the review page for improving the article. The Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts and acts. Sometimes feelings press upon us. I want to live close to him. “Their frightened voices aroused him, however, and when he lifted his head they could see traces of tears on his cheeks. spencer had friends among all groups and ages he loved people in arizona when he called on grandma craig an elderly woman he would always pretend to be the fuller brush man years later when 3 Kimball: Spencer W. Kimball: A Man of Good Humor Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 1985 [See Matthew 10:39. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 29. Nobody offered to help. See Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 203. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 6–7. At least one choir consisted of one-third investigators. His manner was kindly, his testimony so sure, but he expressed concern that such a high calling should come to one such as he. Spirituality is born and nurtured by daily prayer, scripture study, home gospel discussions and related activities, home evenings, family councils, working and playing together, serving each other, and sharing the gospel with those around us. Home is where we become experts and scholars in gospel righteousness, learning and living gospel truths together.”27, President Kimball’s life and teachings remind us of the need to put gospel knowledge into action, and we find a further reminder of this emphasis in a small but significant change made to the beloved Primary song “I Am a Child of God” (Hymns, no. Do you invite nonmembers to participate with you? This story on pp. Elder Kimball wrote, The Miracle of Forgiveness. Convenient, no. These four very distinct entities have one great similarity; they all bear the similar motto, “Do it.” Nike added one word to that phrase changing it to, “Just do it.” Mother Teresa supplemented one single line to Dr. Kent M. Keith’s motto, “Do … He loved people and wanted everyone to have th… Amen. I want to be like him, and I pray that the Lord will help all of us that we may so be as he said to his Nephite disciples, ‘Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?’ and he answered his own question by saying, ‘Even as I am.’ (3 Nephi 27:27. It is for those who have a desire to serve and the fortitude to take the first step, even when it doesn’t seem personally convenient to do so. This is significant! But unlike immortality, each person needs to be convinced or converted to the disciplines and life-style that need to be learned and lived in order to achieve this ultimate goal of all eternity. Two-year-old Spencer is on his father’s lap. See Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 1. But when he hadn’t returned by 10:00 a.m., they began to worry. The following examples are taken from Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball, which is the Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society curriculum for 2007 in 26 languages, including English Braille. )”14, “When we think of the great sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and the sufferings he endured for us, we would be ingrates if we did not appreciate it so far as our power made it possible. He carried those early lessons into his administration as Church President. Topics: Example, Friendship, Leadership. He sang, played the piano well, and loved sports and good jokes. As a special witness of Christ, President Kimball bore testimony as he taught of the Savior: “Oh, I love the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. Spencer W. Kimball Matthew O. Richardson and Timothy G. Merrill Matthew O. Richardson is an associate professor of Church history and doctrine at BYU. Now the song ends, “Teach me all that I must do to live with him someday.”28, These lyrics are a beautifully succinct summary of President Kimball’s life and teachings. If you can improve it, please do; it may then be renominated It is how we righteously live and apply that knowledge in our own lives and how we apply it to help others that describes our character.”3. I would like to pause for a moment and just share some notes that I made while I was attending a function in the South Pacific just a couple of weeks ago. The commandments which the Lord gave to the children of Israel set minimum standards of conduct. But one fact is certain—this latter-day work requires thousands of us who are willing to match stride with the prophet. See Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 59–60. They seemed to agree and then he went up to the ticket counter [at the front of the line] and made arrangements with the clerk for me to be put on a flight leaving shortly. Both public in its intent and consistent with features of President Kimball’s ministry, Sister Cannon’s report is a valuable part of the historical record regarding Spencer W. Kimball. He spends much energy trying to train us, and we should follow His example and love intensely our own children and rear them in righteousness.”26, “A true Latter-day Saint home is a haven against the storms and struggles of life. One of the most trying experiences in Spencer W. Kimball’s life was losing his mother, who died when he was 11 years old. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 85–86. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 259. His son Edward said: “My father was always very affectionate. Born in 1895 Spencer W. Kimball learned to work hard and have the gospel, Called as an apostle in 1943. Spencer W. Kimball, Spencer W. Kimball, "The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball," p. 303 Among the most common sexual sins our young people commit are necking and petting. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 62. His example for work has become legend and establishes an example for us all to follow. He was a plagued with health issues from the time he was very young. We have prayed for counsel and help. Then Elder Kimball indicated that the young men he referred to were missionaries and that they taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. The mere contemplation of forty-four conference sessions in seventeen days at nine different locations staggers the imagination; and if that doesn’t do it, just add the thought of approximately 28,000 miles of air travel while changing your clock eighteen times to accommodate the different time zones. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 210. To their questions, he answered, ‘[Five] years ago today I was called to be an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I just wanted to spend the day with Him whose witness I am.’”13. We could refer to all the components of personal and family preparedness, not in relation to holocaust or disaster, but in cultivating a life-style that is on a day-to-day basis its own reward. Some may remember a story of President Spencer W. Kimball helping a stranded pregnant woman in the airport who was pushing along her young toddler. See Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 155. He loved being with people, and while he often felt inadequate, partly because he never went beyond high school, he made up for this through hard work and wide reading. As we came to branch conference the following Sunday morning, we were introduced to that visiting authority, a man that none of us had ever seen before. “Lengthen Your Stride.” “DO IT.” –Spencer W. Kimball Posted on January 26, 2017 by Ward Leader The manual Teaching in the Savior’s Way invites us, as we prepare to teach as friends, parents, leaders, or instructors, to bear our own testimony and to promise blessings based on action. What if every one of those wards and branches set out to bring in just one family in the next year—twelve months to do it. Such is the schedule of a man who has challenged a people to “lengthen their stride.” Such is the schedule of a man who declares not only, “Do as I say,” but more importantly, “Do as I do.” It is so much easier to respond when the trump gives us that certain sound of example. Today’s social environment seems to demand a sophistication in our living patterns that is too often incompatible with more important eternal objectives. See Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 11–13; see also Edward L. Kimball and Andrew E. Kimball Jr., Spencer W. Kimball (1977), 46. A search began. It was Elder Spencer W. Kimball, the newest member of the Twelve out on one of his very first assignments. So it is in his church today. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 156. He suffered and died for us, yet if we do not repent, all his anguish and pain on our account are futile.”15, “The more we understand what really happened in the life of Jesus of Nazareth in Gethsemane and on Calvary, the better able we will be to understand the importance of sacrifice and selflessness in our lives.”16, Stranded in an airport because of bad weather, a young mother and her two-year-old daughter had been waiting in long lines for hours trying to get a flight home. Not being one of those few, Spencer keenly felt the need to read the sacred book from cover to cover, which he began doing that very night by the light of a coal-oil lamp. Our jet age of atomic power and automatic everything can be helpful if used properly. “I hope that I can show to him and manifest my sincerity and devotion. The waiter said he would be interested in listening to their teaching.20. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 67. Above: President Kimball had a lifelong love of scripture study. I have a little sign and it says, 'Do it!' Everything is done to meet the Lords convenience. Let’s not “rock the boat.” (“The Life and Ministry of Spencer W. Kimball,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball, (2006),xiv–xxxvii) “Just Do It” became his catch phrase and it became the motto of Mormons everywhere. He served an LDS missionfrom 1914 to 1916, then wor… Let’s DO IT! Spencer W. Kimball was President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this devotional address was given at Brigham Young University on … President Spencer W. Kimball loved this song, but suggested that the lyric know be changed to do. Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 81. So often, our acts of service consist of simple encouragement or of giving mundane help with mundane tasks, but what glorious consequences can flow from mundane acts and from small but deliberate deeds!”18, “Service to others deepens and sweetens this life while we are preparing to live in a better world. Spirituality is also nurtured in our actions of patience, kindness, and forgiveness toward each other and in our applying gospel principles in the family circle. Are we prepared to lengthen our stride? — Spencer W. Kimball “ Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program. In the 1985 Priesthood Session of General Conference, Elder Marvin J. Ashton gave a talk called “Spencer W. Kimball: A True Disciple of Christ.” We Latter-Day Saints are often criticized for hero worship; we revere leaders of the past and we even sing hymns and … “He was finally discovered several miles away under a pine tree. And when you believe in something, you just DO IT! Do not tell others how to live. To enlarge our vision?”23, President Kimball was a loving parent. Spencer W. Kimball (1944 General Conference Report., page 45) "Testimony bearing is not preaching. During the convalescence that followed, he stayed with friends in New Mexico. President Kimball writes him repeatedly and calls him to repentance. In fact, Latter-day Saints should be the most reverent people in all the earth.”12.

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