It’s incredibly fast (tied for third highest base speed in the game), deals massive amounts of single target damage and gains offense as the battle goes on. Gauntlet Starfighter - Team cleanse and survivability boosts, Jedi Consular’s Starfighter - Targeted assist call and healing, TIE Bomber - AoE buff dispel, and burning shuts down Rebel fleets very hard, Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter - Forced taunt on random enemy, Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter - Auto taunting tank, Scimitar - Crit Chance boost, retribution and stealth for certain allies. So, in summary, HT is most definitely replaceable in a Negotiator lineup and you’ll have an equally strong fleet still, but it still works. This lineup has all the necessary tools to beat a Negotiator or Rebel fleet. The most effective capabilities of the Finalizer are centred around 4 parts of its kit: The Hunted unique debuff, the start of battle speed boost it receives from First Order allies, the health and healing boosts it provides First Order allies and the fact that it triggers First Order allies’ reinforcement abilities at the start of battle. Considering the huge speed boost Finalizer gets from First Order allies, which makes it the fastest ship in the game, as well as the impressive natural speed of Silencer and both First Order TIE Fighters, 15% bonus turn meter at the start of battle is unnecessary, as you’ll outspeed every opponent that you need to outspeed without the boost. There are also a number of other extra effects caused by the Finalizer when damaging or defeating a Hunted enemy, these are: Finalizer’s basic ability deals damage twice to Hunted enemies (but does not call a second assist), Finalizer’s 1st special ability’s debuffs (Offense Down and Target Lock for 3 turns) cannot be resisted by a Hunted enemy, Finalizer’s AoE special ability deals 100% more damage for each Hunted enemy, Finalizer’s ultimate ability removes 35% turn meter from all Hunted enemies, Whenever a First Order ally defeats a Hunted enemy, they gain +25% critical damage (up to a total of +125% critical damage) for the remainder of the battle. Memorise the important abilities of the fleet, specifically what Hunted does, how Silencer can stun, and which of Command Shuttle’s abilities are most useful to you. There are pros and cons to this fleet that requires an entire discussion that is beyond the scope of this guide, though some important ones will be touched … Last updated: SF TIE’s primary use in the Finalizer fleet is its assist call and reinforcement ability. General's Command. We touched on this a little above, but here let’s discuss the specifics of why SF TIE Fighter is chosen for the frontline and why regular First Order TIE Fighter is usually not. By Max Power Difference. 24 % 85. I don't personally use a Negotiator fleet and can't answer your question directly but I can tell you that I've quickly realized that Hound's Tooth is actually a step down in performance after I stuck it into my Rebel fleet and later my Malevolence fleet. This ability is more useful the higher gear/relic your General Hux is, and with a maxed ship and one or more hunted enemies, can be handy for taking out nearly dead ships hiding behind stealth or a taunt. It’s a solid damage dealer that can inflict target lock and deal big damage with its special ability. Calling TIE Silencer to assist will deal too much damage. It helped me get back into the top 5 after finally unlocking Mal! Ebon Hawk and Cassian’s U-Wing are absolutely necessary (one or the other) for Finalizer vs Negotiator matches, as they are the only ships with a full team wide buff dispel ability (aside from TIE Bomber, who’s much more optimal in an Empire fleet). If your Finalizer is slow and the enemy Negotiator is fast, it’s likely you’ll have to deal with their first reinforcement, which can make life hard if the first reinforcement is Clone Sergeant’s ARC-170. Regardless, having one or both of them in your lineup is absolutely essential to the strategy of the fleet. Home One. A really great and in depth guide!Thanks a lot,that was an enjoyable read. 85. Finalizer gives First Order ships a whopping +50% max health, which is a lot, especially considering that most ships have more health than protection. swgoh malevolence vs negotiator. Thankfully, with practice, it becomes second nature. 55 % 85. I’m sorry to hear that was difficult for you to read, that certainly wasn’t my intention when choosing the theme for the blog. Its unlimited reinforcements, crippling Stun-based attacks, and Overcharge buffs can make for an easy climb up the PvP ladder. Such a promising fleet that still does very well on offense against certain fleets, unfortunately Finalizer’s success is marred by being absolutely garbage on defense, and failing spectacularly at trying to counter Raddus and Malevolence fleets. The health and healing boosts that Finalizer provides First Order allies are very clutch, and allow TIE Silencer to survive much longer on offense than you’d expect. 85. 65 % 85. 55 % 85. After this, your next goal is to damage Anakin’s Eta-2 to trigger Unending Loyalty and then weather the storm until you can call your first reinforcement. SF TIE is unlikely to survive long, especially against the stronger Negotiator fleets, as the AI likes to target the weakest ship and both Silencer and Command Shuttle should be healthier than SF TIE. It's important to note, the Grand Arena interface only shows 2 teams per sector. Once Hound's Tooth works, players will often stop developing their fleets to min/max their development and feed their hard earned resources to other projects. Last updated: This fight requires very specific turn control: First Turn: Your first turn should always be Finalizer, which might be tricky if your General Hux or Finalizer itself is low stars and your TIE Silencer is maxed. It’s among the two main Capital ships that own the Fleet Arena meta. First Order TIE Fighter’s reinforcement ability, when activated by Finalizer, doesn’t inflict target lock (as stated in Finalizer’s kit), but does give all allies 15% bonus turn meter. If you found this guide useful, you might also enjoy some of my other SWGoH Fleet content, such as my Malevolence Guide and my Fleet Meta summary. The double damage special (when Silencer has advantage) and the advantage synergy as a whole. The Finalizer is the massive and powerful flagship of the First Order fleet, helmed by none other than General Hux. The assist call is very useful for dishing out damage by calling Silencer to assist, while also giving Silencer advantage, if targeting an enemy without crit immunity this will also likely heal Silencer. Especially with that sweet bonus damage boost from maxing Xanadu’s unique, which can be quite surprising against tanky ships like Hyena Bomber. It also has the benefit of triggering Command Shuttle’s unique when damaged, as opposed to calling another reinforcement. Thus, the goal for Hound's Tooth should be: develop your fleet so that it can work without Hound's Tooth, so that you can free it up to be used with an underdeveloped fleet. After killing Eta-2 your goal is just to survive and deal with what’s left. swgoh best negotiator fleet 2020. by | Jan 24, 2021 | News | 0 comments | Jan 24, 2021 | News | 0 comments As for the DoTs I think you’re right, it does trigger Shuttle’s unique. Hound’s Tooth is there to absorb damage while Silencer burns through your opponent. Chimaera. SF TIE has a bigger health pool, and therefore gains a bigger health boost from Finalizer, making it tankier for the frontline and more likely to survive (though you have to be careful not to outstrip Silencer, because you want the enemy AI to target SF TIE). Without its synergies and boosts for the First Order faction, the fleet would be very lacklustre. First Order TIE Fighter, one of the older ships in the game, was once a strong part of the meta, but now serves as a reinforcement in Finalizer fleets. The matchup against Rebels is very favourable for Finalizer on offense. Not to mention that the requirements for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren will mean you’ll have a perfect Finalizer fleet ready to go anyway. A stronger Command Shuttle can’t hurt either, as it is quite tanky, and the longer it can survive the longer it can dish out turn meter and advantage to Silencer. The Precision Tactics of Finalizer Fleets. The first and foremost being its AoE assist call, which can call Silencer to assist without a damage penalty. 53 % 85. If you pull HT out of your fleet and use a faction tank, you may discover that you drop further in the fleet rankings. 37669 views 11 hours ago 04:09:32. It also inflicts defense down on all opponents, which is helpful for burning through ships like BTL-B Y-Wing, and removes 25% offense from breached enemies. If the enemy reinforced with Clone Sarge you’ll want to try and place Buff Immunity (with Ebon Hawk) or just burst his protection down (with Cassian’s Assist Call), so that you can get around his auto-taunt and be able to target Anakin’s Eta-2. In a Finalizer fleet it serves primarily as a turn meter generator for Silencer, and to control enemy tanks. This is especially useful when used on TIE Silencer to stun an enemy or continue to build Silencer’s offense stacks. Xanadu is an excellent utility ship to facilitate more damage output for Silencer. I achieved this with a 7 Star Finalizer and G12 zHux with 6E mods, though it can be done with slightly less. By Name. In either case, there is a lot of room for clone wars era stuff and I for one am very pleased with the possibilities! It was so painful putting Relics on Tarkin!!! 85. Besides those four primary bonuses that Finalizer provides, which are the core of the fleet’s identity, Finalizer also provides the following: A targeted assist call for First Order allies with its basic attack (dealing 30% less damage), also giving the targeted ally Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. This ability sees the least use in a Finalizer fleet, as the other two special abilities usually have greater usefulness in every situation, The last special ability, Advanced Jamming Array, removes all buffs from target enemy, has a 70% chance to remove 30% turn meter and inflict healing immunity for 2 turns (can’t be evaded), and most importantly: inflicts ability block for 2 turns, which cannot be resisted or evaded. I see almost everyone still running it as main tank with the Y-wing as reinforcement. Finalizer is a soft counter to Malevolence, 5-6* Malev and non- relic SF are the current limitations. The reason for this is that you want to trick the enemy Negotiator into using the Unending Loyalty buff special ability, and it only does this if the above conditions are fulfilled. The mass buff dispel is reason enough to use Ebon Hawk in your Finalizer fleet. Both this and the Malevolence guide are great. Poor old Finalizer. The Finalizer fleet doesn’t have a lot of room for variation on the frontline currently, and as such the only possible changes to lineups involve different reinforcements. Negotiator. These ships, whether you use one or both, serve little purpose beyond their reinforcement abilities, so having them low stars and low gear doesn’t impact the battle very much.

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