over the course of several years i’ve had close encounters with many bucks. We’re just having to live as humans to learn stuff. I had a dream where tigers where jumping the fences of my backyard. Thank you Oskenón:ton, for once again remind me of the truth and the wisdom of this. Second – I helped a neighbor’s garden, I open the gate and i don’t know if the deer followed me since i walked around the house i saw this deer jumping looking for way to get out…I go the other way hoping the deer goes out of the gate… minutes later come across this deer again this time the deer was outside right by the fence… we got really close as it move farther into the woods. I had a fawn drop dead in front of me yesterday morning, I checked it for injuries, and she was what appeared to be a very healthy pretty little girl.I have doezons of deer in my yard everyday. i also felt like i was being controlled at the times of these dreams, if that has anything to do with it.. I just saw two good sized bucks with large antlers walking across the street in front of me and then pausing before going through a hedge in someones front yard. I’m not sure. i have a crush on this girl and today i got a notification which said this girl is following you now. Oskenón:ton appearing to me in body, and in symbol feels like the clearest message that I have received in many years. I would love to know what symbols this brings up for other people. Lots of times these kinds of things happen through our parents or through someone we looked up to and modeled our behavior after. I didn’t take action picture because I was in shock but a part of me felt it was to sacred to capture. I fear its a bad omen since it is an injured animal, but one with out a willingness to run. When I put my Rambo in heaven I drew a pic of him and had him tattooed on my forearm. ??? Perhaps. For about a month now, almost every night going home, I spot a three legged doe on my path. When I was a kid, my dad used to call me his “little doe”. 😊 Ready to allow my gentleness to open my heart and the hearts of others, and trust that it is safe (and necessary) for me to be vulnerable. Sorry Florida56, I meant this for you, not Elaine! Upon reviewing my dream, and looking up pictures of vultures, i’d have to say the so-called hawk of my dream was actually a vulture. In many dreams a fence or wall also suggests social barriers, the attitudes and feelings people express to keep others at a distance, to keep a separation between those of different social, religious or economic class. I’m trying to find my totem through meditation. Then.. Their hooves and antlers churned up the ground as they struggled. Strange, these bones were in an oval shape, as if the deer died while in fetal position, on the boy’s grave. I was amazed at the site but noticed a young tiger was unable to make the jump and was left behind. Even Horse carries a power that it is hard not to be in awe of. This last time, tonight, the lone deer I encountered made some sort of sound that almost sounded like the cawing of a bird and stomped it’s foot before deciding to run off. Konnorónhkwa Roger, Deer is seen among almost all the tribes as the Finder of Paths. I too have struggled with showing my vulnerability. As she came in the room and I asked for an explanation, I looked out the window and saw a deer falling off of our neighbor’s house like it slipped on ice and snow. He would need special schooling and he would be inclined to the arts. I have deer encounters few times… First – I saw a spirit deer walking past acros the metal fence. It was almost as if they couldn’t see her. Don’t know if it means anything, but seams like it did… Last night I saw a dream which made me sad and I couldn’t get off thinking about what does it mean.I was standing behind a tree and suddenly a brown deer appeared( having a green plants and looking at me)It smiled at me which made me follow that deer…sky was clear…I kept following the deer…….What was dream about ? To dream that you hunt or kill one of these creatures suggests that you are trying to suppress those feminine qualities. The feelings or attitudes, such as aloofness, we use to shut others out of our life to remain independent or private and being open or inviting. Good Times Are Coming, What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Butterfly Landing On You? My husband has also not only seen this small deer but actually hit it the other night. My husband and me buried our son in sweet william deep in the woods. He doesn’t want you to be sad or depressed. To preface, I’ve never had this experience before and I love about a block from the woods but back to a busy road so not sure why this buck was near my window. Then continued his eating so calmly and comfortable to have me there. Four weeks ago, I was walking my dogs down by the river that runs through the city. It was so real. Early 18th century coaching inn on the old Great North Road. As we reached the top of the hill, a fawn came running out to me and began licking my hand non stop- startling me. I am completely a deer and now I am 100% at peace and in harmony with that. Did you look into its eyes? I’d like to think seeing the Deer was that message of its okay, don’t be so hard on yourself. As a begin to do this she walks towards me. If I could post a pic here I would. The coolest thing occurred this morning while my mighty yorkie, Tigger, and I were out for our walk. Then it turned around and disappeared into the bushes. She kept staring at me and coming right towards the fence. He worked at a resort in South Carolina and there were several wild deer that would come up to him and sometimes walk around the grounds with him. I’d never even been stung by a bee before!) He walked with caution before coming closer. I know this means something. Please help! The only thing I remember about the dream is being awoken (while sleep) to the sound of frogs ribitting. Which kind of breaks my heart a bit, because nature is a sacred place to me, and I always treat it as such. The girl, simply said ” I’ve seen you around at the school” Then she transformed and caught up with the other deer. The most recent encounter was when I was unloading my car from a trip and a single doe appeared not 10ft away. The deer looked in the direction to where her husband was sitting. I looked out my door this afternoon and running across the road was a large black buck. It can represent the need for privacy; territorial feelings; the social rules we use to give each other respect, or the de-fences we erect to ward off what we fear as danger of hurt. I can at times communicate with animals, perhaps the doe was truly asking for help. I know she sensed I wasn’t going to hurt her. I don’t know. Follows are distinct from likes and shares. What could this mean? He also wants you to know that he plans on returning to this plane of existence soon. thank you so much for this story. “A pine needle falls in the forest. Oskenón:ton is alive always in the world, because failure to pay attention could cost her her life. If you encounter a deer, immediately shorten the leash so that your dog is kept close to you on the far side of the deer. Eagle sees it. As I rounded a bend in the path, she actually cut corners through the forest and met me out the other side! She told me to leave. This morning before dawn as I began my morning ritual of walking a sacred circle outside a deer snorted in the dark and bounded off to the north. I am not one to read too much into this stuff, but there was this overwhelming feeling that this men’t something. He left right after I said that and was gone the entire time the police officer was her. He gave me a sour look, transformed back and ran off. After the first one I seen/rescued 10 or more. Walked when I walked.. They are faithful, graceful, upright and affectionate and represent the nurturing support of the Universe. I ran back afterwards, it felt like I was being called to the woods but the dread was overwhelming. The vision may also represent independence, alertness, and virility. The issues i’ve been having in my life include being very hard on myself for not making decisions that would get me a girlfriend, been constantly stressing over it. After climbing down from the tree I was thinking about the deer that I previously mentioned. He hung out until my daughters’ cat came to see what was going on and then he slithered away. I stayed there, not scared, just fascinated, and reached my fingers for it. i feel i should also mentuon the moonlight was coming mainly from the door to our deck, outside, since that’s where i usually let the moonlight in. Stood there a moment or so, we all stared at each other, then it walked away. I’ve been sad about the dog, Cenney, gone and like I said I’ve been praying he will return. I turned, and it was a doe, maybe around 2 years old or so, if I had to guess. To see a buck in your dream represents alertness, virility, masculine sexuality, and assertiveness. I take it in my arms and am rushing to the nearest veterinarian, with the deer still in my arms I can feel him gasping for breath but it was too late by the time we reached the hospital, the deer had died. Oskenón:ton is she who pays attention. I send you love. Today on my way to work I saw an all white deer. When a shadow follow you. I wish I could upload a picture of my car. Your spirit teacher may have other students and your guide is just connected What does it mean when a white buck follows you in a dream? His birthday is coming up on the 18th and I miss him so much. Okay so I had this really weird and confusing dream last night that kind of freaked me out. But weird. Carla. This was my first symbolism from a deer and it was very powerful. Required fields are marked *. It really opened my eyes…. Is there any significance with the deer crossing my path with the situation I’m going through? So would there be any significance/meaning to this encounter? So I prayed for an interpretation to solve the mystery. Finally though, I learned how to use my “deer legs” and ran across a giant meadow near my home. It probably means the crow was curious about him. I am forever greatful to these guys. Recently I’ve started feeding a herd of deer nearby, around 6 doe, 4 fawn, and 2 bucks, but haven’t been the last couple days. I stayed behind, in an area of the zoo that resembled a forest, full of trees. You’re not paying attention to these parts of your soul (what frog and what deer represent). The vibrations can be felt over a long distance. He’s only now growing antlers, and last night he had a fawn with him! Mostly he moves slowly, eyes fixed on us. This creature is also a messenger of serenity, can see between shadows and hear unsaid words. You are compassionate and empathetic, and I have heard that sensitive humans are gentle doorways to the next world when it comes to the death of a living being. Il y a 1 décennie. He even plays an instrument and sings well. And as I was driving towards the gravesite where he was at, I swear I saw a deer pass alongside of the other sites. Performing my smudge in the rain(no easy thing). After about 10-15 minutes of this, they separated and left. I have never seen 3 bucks standing together on a hill? The gentle part. only at the handing me a piece part and the deer lips part did i see it like a movie (in this case, a clip, since they were veeery short.) If your shadow is in front of you, there is a light (or the sun or a bright moon. My wife got home from work late one night and we decided to get Chinese for dinner. I was doing this hypnosis session and apparently my subconscious made me see a deer (male) in a forest. The hospital sent me home to pass my baby. Or am I just a dreamer ? It was brought back to my attention, and I have been shifting a lot lately, letting go of a lot that doesn’t fit me anymore (mostly ego/identification) and stepping more into my truth. I was just wondering if there is anything to my seeing the butterflies and the deer. And, if I am truthful with myself, which is always a struggle, I lived my early life, perhaps all of my life as Prey. It is time for me to move into more listening as well. I was walking early this morning I noticed fresh blood in the street. What does it mean when you see a baby deer? If anyone knows of a spiritual alternative symbolism to this, please reply. What can I make of this? Their was no one. What does my dream mean? and for a reason the deer came to you…. Any ideas on what this may mean? The half-lifted tail is usually accompanied by other body language that indicates the deer is nervous, such as stiffened legs. I, being the quiet one, trailed behind a little. But it was running at me and it ran me over. Today, I found 2 hind legs from a baby-deer on the property. But now all these years later, I wonder if there was more meaning behind this event. any info is appreciated! I had a drunken father and a mentally ill mother, gangs of kids on the Reserve who would pick on me because of my odd Apserger’s behaviour, and because they did not see me as Indian enough, gangs of kids in the city, at school, who picked on me because I was always dirty and my clothes were old and worn out, and because they saw me as a dirty little Indian. A week later, I was still having bad “Flashbacks” of the worst of the incident. They watched the deer and the deer was serene and unafraid. I sensed from I guess the more nature one, that at that time I was not welcome.

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