[71], The massacre had a chilling effect on the other city states and groups affiliated with the Aztecs, as well as the Aztecs themselves. Despite this history, in some remote areas, the use of teonanácatl has persisted.[97]. According to Hassig, "It is true that cannons, guns, crossbows, steel blades, horses and war dogs were advanced on the Aztecs' weaponry. These were almost immediately published in Spain and later in other parts of Europe. Rather than it being a petition for rewards for services, as many Spanish accounts were, the Anonymous Conqueror made observations about the indigenous situation at the time of the conquest. The Spanish discovered that they could not remove their portable bridge unit from the first gap, and so had no choice but to leave it behind. Thomas, Hugh.Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993), 528–529. This resulted in a strange arrangement where both Cortés and Tangáxuan considered themselves rulers of Michoacán for the following years: the population of the area paid tribute to them both. The most important of these are the pictorial Lienzo de Tlaxcala and the Historia de Tlaxcala by Diego Muñoz Camargo. Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico. support or casual alliance(assistance during the siege of Tenochtitlan): Motecuhzoma II † Cuitláhuac † Cuauhtémoc  Cacamatzin † Coanacochtzin   Tetlepanquetzal  Itzquauhtzin †. To do this, he directed his men to establish a settlement called La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, or "True Cross", since they arrived on Maundy Thursday and landed on Good Friday. Cholula had a very small army, because as a sacred city they put their confidence in their prestige and their gods. Test. 2, Chapter 83". The Azteca and Tlaxcalteca histories of the events leading up to the massacre vary; the Tlaxcalteca claimed that their ambassador Patlahuatzin was sent to Cholula and had been tortured by the Cholula. Many were killed, including their new leader, the Emperor Cuitlahuac. Moctezuma had apparently decided to resist with force the advance of Cortés and his troops, and it seems that Moctezuma ordered the leaders of Cholula to try to stop the Spanish. [44]:204, In one of his responses to Cortés, Moctezuma blamed the commanders of the local Aztec garrison for the resistance in Cholula, and recognizing that his long-standing attempts to dissuade Cortés from coming to Tenochtitlan with gifts of gold and silver had failed, Moctezuma finally invited the conquistadors to visit his capital city, according to Spanish sources, after feeling as though nothing else could be done. Montezuma also told Cortés, he was certain the Spanish were of "his own race", and had arrived as "his ancestors had foretold". While Pedrarias and Córdoba conquered lower Central America, the conqueror of Mexico, Hernán Cortés, looked southward. The silver was used to purchase commercial goods abroad, as European manufactured goods were not in demand in Asia and the Middle East. Cortés soon arrived at Tlaxcala, a confederacy of about 200 towns and different tribes, but without central government. In 1519, Hernan Cortes and his small army of conquistadors, driven by gold-lust, ambition and religious fervor, began the audacious conquest of the Aztec Empire.By August 1521, three Mexica emperors were dead or captured, the city of Tenochtitlan was in ruins and the Spanish … The Siege of Tenochtitlan lasted eight months. Over time, "La Malinche" (the modern Spanish cognate of Malintzin) became a term for a traitor to one's people. To this day, the word malinchista is used by Mexicans to denote one who apes the language and customs of another country. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Tlaxcalteca sue for peace after many days of battling. [48] According to some historians, Moctezuma responded rationally to the Spanish invasion. The rule of Doña Beatriz, however, lasted but two days, for she died when a massive flood and mud slide destroyed the city on Sept. 10, 1541. See more. [44]:80, 82. As a result, the Aztec's tactics countering the Spaniard's advanced technology is understated. The desire for gold. There are multiple 16th-century narratives of the events by Spanish conquerors, their indigenous allies, and the defeated Aztecs. According to West, "slavery was a well-established institution among the Aztecs and their neighbors." Later, the honorific Spanish title of Doña would be added to her baptized name. [52] Licenses for expeditions allowed the Crown to retain sovereignty over newly conquered lands while not risking its own assets in the enterprise. It was not solely a contest between a small contingent of Spaniards defeating the Aztec Empirebut rather the creation of a coalition of Spanish invaders with tributaries to the Aztecs, and most especially the Aztecs' indigenous … Two key works by historian Charles Gibson, Tlaxcala in the Sixteenth Century (1952)[87] and his monograph The Aztecs Under Spanish Rule: A History of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519–1810 (1964)[88] were central in reshaping the historiography of the indigenous and their communities from the Spanish Conquest to the 1810 Mexican independence era.[89]. [44]:86–87 How effectively is still a matter of speculation, since Marina did not speak the dialect of the Aztecs, nor was she familiar with the protocols of the Aztec nobility, who were renowned for their flowery, flattering talk. As well, it was very uncommon that an attacking army would come unannounced. Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán, then president of the first Audiencia decided, to march on northwestern Mexico with a force of 5,000–8,000 men in search for new populations to subdue, and when he arrived in Michoacán and found out that Tangaxuan was still de facto ruler of his empire he allied himself with a Tarascan noble Don Pedro Panza Cuinierángari against the Cazonci. [citation needed] Catholic missionaries campaigned against cultural traditions of the Aztecs, and the use of psilocybin mushrooms, like other pre-Christian traditions, was quickly suppressed. Archived from the original on 2012-10-08. In Honduras a three-way struggle developed between the forces of Pedrarias, Cortés, and González, who had returned to Central America to press Pedrarias’s claim to Nicaragua. The Aztec education system was abolished and replaced by a very limited church education. Cortés then led his band inland towards Tenochtitlan. Doña Marina quickly learned Spanish, and became Cortés's primary interpreter, confidant, consort, cultural translator, and the mother of his first son, Martin. [12] Cortés had returned to Tenochtitlan and his men fled the capital city during the Noche Triste in June 1520. Diaz noted, "The sight of all that wealth dumbfounded me. Where were in the first spanish colonies located in the New World? Under the leadership of Viceroy Don Antonio de Mendoza, the Spanish forces and their Indian allies ultimately succeeded in recapturing the towns and suppressing resistance. Nevertheless, Cortés set sail, beginning his expedition with the legal status of a mutineer. These historians believe this means that Moctezuma did not think the Spanish were supernatural. With this pair of translators, Cortés could now communicate to the Aztecs. The Spanish crown via the Council of the Indies and the Franciscan order in the late sixteenth century became increasingly hostile to works in the indigenous languages written by priests and clerics, concerned that they were heretical and an impediment to the Indians' true conversion. Moctezuma was later implicated by Qualpopoca and his captains, who had killed the Spanish soldiers. Tenochtitlan). Later, the two prisoners, being misled or misinterpreting the language with information given to the Spanish conquistadors that there was plenty of gold up for grabs. The Spanish were thus caught on a narrow road with water or buildings on both sides. Cortés, who had not yet decided to start a war with the Aztec Empire, decided to offer a compromise. However, the Chichimecas counter-attacked and Alvarado's forces were routed. This made it easier to conquer the remaining Aztecs. Reconquista, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (Moors), who had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 8th century. [46] Some scholars contend that "the most likely interpretation of the story of these portents is that some, if not all, had occurred" but concede that it is very likely that "clever Mexicans and friars, writing later of the Mexican empire, were happy to link those memories with what they know occurred in Europe. Cortes realized that the defeat was imminent and decided to escape yet, the Aztecs attacked. Pánfilo de Narváez had been sent by Governor Velázquez from Cuba to kill or capture Cortés, who had defied Velazquez's orders. Rodrigo de Bastidas was first to establish Spain’s claim to the isthmus, sailing along the Darién coast in March 1501, but he made no settlement. The Spanish managed to conquer the southern parts of North America, the Caribbean, and much of South America from the Aztec Empire, Inca Empire, and other tribes. Two years later, in 1519, Cortés and his retinue set sail for Mexico. A whole generation of Spaniards later participated in expeditions in the Caribbean and Tierra Firme (Central America), learning strategy and tactics of successful enterprises. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (16) What were the conquistadors primarily driven by? That was also the time that Spanish adventurers were swarming by the hundreds to the West Indies, following the discovery of the Americas in 1492 by Christopher Columbus. [93] A major project by the Franciscans in Mexico was the compilation of knowledge on Nahua religious beliefs and culture that friar Bernardino de Sahagún oversaw using indigenous informants, resulting in a number of important texts and culminating in a 12 volume text, The General History of the Things of New Spain published in English as the Florentine Codex. According to the chronicles of the Tlaxcalteca, the priests of Cholula expected to use the power of Quetzalcoatl, their primary god, against the invaders. Cortés’s difficult trip to Honduras thus turned out to be unnecessary, but, before leaving, he consolidated his control of the Honduran coast with the establishment of Puerto Natividad (renamed Puerto Cortés in 1869). He also announced that the temple would never again be used for human sacrifice. [31] Cortés's right-hand man, Pedro de Alvarado did not write at any length about his actions in the New World, and died as a man of action in the Mixtón War in 1542. After leaving Cozumel, Cortés continued round the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula and landed at Potonchán, where there was little gold. After the Spanish conquest of central Mexico, expeditions were sent further northward in Mesoamerica, to the region known as La Gran Chichimeca. For instance, the Spaniards' timing of entry, the compelling ideologies of both groups, and the Spanish unfamiliarity with the Aztec empire. The Aztecs had already conquered most of the territory around Tlaxcala, and waged war on them every year. The fall of Tenochtitlan marks the beginning of Spanish rule in central Mexico, and they established their capital of Mexico City on the ruins of Tenochtitlan. A New World empire spread from Spain’s Caribbean foothold. The indigenous were not slaves under this system,[citation needed] chattel bought and sold or removed from their home community, but the system was still one of forced labor. The end of this latter campaign is generally marked by the downfall of the Maya state based at Tayasal in the Petén region, in 1697. A year later Juan Vásquez de Coronado took over as governor of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and in 1564 he established Cartago as the seat of government in the central valley of Costa Rica, where a small but industrious population developed. New Spain The empire had been composed of separate city-states that had either allied with or been conquered by the Mexica of Tenochtitlan, and rendered tribute to the Mexica while maintaining their internal ruling structures. Daniel, Douglas A. Early mendicants created texts in order to forward the project of Christianization. "[44]:223, While in the Axayacatl palace, the conquistadors discovered the secret room where Moctezuma kept the treasure he had inherited from his father. Most first-hand accounts about the conquest of the Aztec Empire were written by Spaniards: Hernán Cortés' letters to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and the first-person narrative of Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The True History of the Conquest of New Spain. This is what has been told by our rulers, those of whom governed this city, ruled this city. It is a fantastic story, cataclysmic, violent, and frequently misunderstood, both in terms of what happened, who participated, and the factors that made it possible for Spaniards to topple empires in the Central Andes and Mesoamerica. Director: Julio Coll | Stars: Elsa Martinelli, Venantino Venantini, Víctor Barrera, Julio Peña. After hearing about the fall of the Aztec Empire, Tarascan ruler (Cazonci) Tangaxuan II sent emissaries to the Spanish victors (the Tarascan state was contemporary with and an enemy of the Aztec Empire). [54] However, armed with the knowledge of Castilian law that he had likely gained as a notary in Valladolid, Cortés managed to free himself of Velázquez's authority by presenting Velázquez as a tyrant acting in his own self-interest, and not in the interest of the Crown. The primary sources from the native people affected as a result of the conquest are seldom used, because they tend to reflect the views of a particular native group, such as the Tlaxcalans. Several Aztec noblemen loyal to Cortés, including Cacamatzin, and their families also perished, including Moctezuma's son and two daughters. And because Montezuma was a naive leader, Cortes bribed him. [44]:219 It is believed that the city was one of the largest in the world at that time, and the largest in the Americas up to that point. Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico. This means that native emphasis on omens and bewilderment in the face of invasion "may be a postconquest interpretation by informants who wished to please the Spaniards or who resented the failure of Montezuma and of the warriors of Tenochtitlan to provide leadership. After defeating the local natives in two battles, he discovered a far more valuable asset in the form of a woman whom Cortés would have christened Marina. There, they were given assistance, since all 440 of them were wounded, with only 20 horses left. A Dominican friar, Bartolomé de Las Casas, made a notable effort to ameliorate treatment of the Indians in Central America. Matthew Restall’s Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest certainly acknowledges the importance of germs and steel. They captured the Cholulan leaders Tlaquiach and Tlalchiac and then ordered the city to be set on fire. History >> Aztec, Maya, and Inca for Kids Between 1519 and 1521 the Spanish, under the leadership of conquistador Hernan Cortés, conquered the Aztec Empire. skinny, grandma). Cortés along with five of his captains and Doña Marina and Aguilar, convinced Moctezuma to "come quietly with us to our quarters, and make no protest...if you cry out, or raise any commotion, you will immediately be killed." He accepted the gifts of the Aztec ambassadors, and at the same time accepted the offer of the Tlaxcalan allies to provide porters and 1,000 warriors on his march to Cholula. [76] On the causeway where the two groups met, enormous numbers of people from Tenochtitlan watched the exchange. Cortés surprised his antagonist with a night attack, during which his men wounded Narváez in the eye and took him prisoner. Central America consists of seven countries (and sometimes part of an eighth), but this quiz includes only two questions. [40] Although scholars of the modern era point out its biases and shortcomings, "there is nowhere they can get as good a unified narrative of the main events, crises, and course of the Mexican conquest as Prescott's version."[41]. Thus warned, Cortés accelerated the organization and preparation of his expedition. Hernán Cortés gained their support when he "promised to make them rich and give them commands [rewards]." [53] Cortés invested a considerable part of his personal fortune and probably went into debt to borrow additional funds. The famous conquistador Pedro de Alvarado, coming to the aid of acting governor Cristóbal de Oñate, led an attack on Nochistlán. However, they were not met by the city leaders and were not given food and drink on the third day. To make sure such a mutiny did not happen again, he decided to scuttle his ships. A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. [44]:218 On the same day that the Spanish expedition and their allies entered Tenochtitlan, Moctezuma came to visit Cortés and his men. However, it appears that Cortés perceived Cholula more as a military threat to his rear guard than a religious center, as he marched to Tenochtitlan. [84] His ashes were thrown into the Lerma river. Human sacrifice and reports of cannibalism, common among the natives of the Aztec Empire, had been a major reason motivating Cortés and encouraging his soldiers to avoid surrender while fighting to the death.[44]. p. 60-62. One of the enslaved Nahua woman (known as La Malinche, Doña Marina, Malintze, and Malintzin), is multilingual and will serve as one of the main translators for the expedition. Cortés sent messengers to these reported Spaniards, who turned out to be the survivors of a Spanish shipwreck that had occurred in 1511, Gerónimo de Aguilar and Gonzalo Guerrero. "Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico" University of New Mexico Press, 2006. p, 36. The Great Temple was central to the Aztec's cosmological views; the temple served as a burial ground for the offerings made to different gods, such as the gods of fertility, mountains, rain, and earth. [14] In addition, aside from the Infantry and the ally's role in the Spanish conquest, cavalry was the "arm of decision in the conquest" and "the key ingredient in the Spanish forces". [81] The nobility of Tenochtitlan chose Cuitláhuac as Huey Tlatoani (Emperor). Under the leadership of Hernan Cortes in 1521, the Aztec Empire was destroyed. Spell. Over the years, and especially after Nezhualpilli's death in 1515, several supernatural omens appeared. [94], To reward Spaniards who participated in the conquest of what is now contemporary Mexico,[citation needed] the Spanish crown authorized grants of native labor, in particular the assignment of entire indigenous communities to labor via the Encomienda system. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. The Spanish conquest of the Americas (1519-1533) was a series of wars fought by New Spain in hopes of conquering additional lands to their empire. [39]:11 According to Diaz, "These Caciques also told us of a tradition they had heard from their ancestors, that one of the idols which they particularly worshipped had prophesied the coming of men from distant lands in the direction of the sunrise, who would conquer them and rule them. Preparations for war began in their capital. The fall of the Aztec Empire was the key event in the formation of the Spanish Empire overseas, with New Spain, which later became Mexico. "Tactical Factors in the Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs.". He sent emissaries ahead to try a diplomatic solution to enter the city. In the sources recorded by Franciscan Bernardino de Sahagún and Dominican Diego Durán in the mid to late sixteenth century, there are accounts of events that were interpreted as supernatural omens of the conquest. His History of the Conquest of Mexico, first published in 1843, remains an important unified narrative synthesis of the conquest. They placed the portable bridge in the first gap, but at that moment their movement was detected and Aztec forces attacked, both along the causeway and by means of canoes on the lake. conquest synonyms, conquest pronunciation, conquest translation, English dictionary definition of conquest. However, Cortés's brother-in-law allegedly had Medina intercepted and killed. The attacks intensified with each passing year. 16th-century Spanish invasion of Mesoamerica, Significant events in the conquest of Mesoamerica. A key factor was political alliance. 2. The Spanish, Tlaxcalans and reinforcements returned a year later on 13 August 1521 to a civilization that had been weakened by famine and smallpox. Namely, with the Miguel López de Legazpi. Rest...do not think it a small thing that you have escaped with your lives from that strong city...if we thought of you as brave men before, we consider you much braver now. The surviving Aztec people were forbidden to live in Tenochtitlan and the surrounding isles, and were banished to live in Tlatelolco. "[39]:64[78], Moctezuma had the royal palace of Axayácatl, Moctezuma's father, prepared for Cortés. Spanish Conquest of Ecuador ; Cannons and Conquistadors . "In recent times, and for various reasons, the Spanish conquest of America seems to be in fashion. The resulting New Laws of 1542 began the suppression of the encomienda system of exploitation of Indian labour. [35], The best-known indigenous account of the conquest is Book 12 of Bernardino de Sahagún's General History of the Things of New Spain and published as the Florentine Codex, in parallel columns of Nahuatl and Spanish, with pictorials. [72], To the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan was the "altar" for the Empire, as well as being the city that Quetzalcoatl would eventually return to. sfn error: no target: CITEREFClodfelter2017 (. Conquerors' accounts exaggerate individual contributions to the Conquest at the expense of their comrades, while indigenous allies' accounts stress their loyalty and importance to victory for the Spanish. The first mendicants in central Mexico, particularly the Franciscans and Dominicans learned the indigenous language of Nahuatl, in order to evangelize to the indigenous people in their native tongue. Gifts were exchanged, and Cortés attempted to frighten the Aztec delegation with a display of his firepower. Flashcards. [80] Considering the centrality and the importance of the Great Temple as a religious and cultural monument could potentially have influenced the decision to attack a location such as this. In being named adelantado by a duly constituted cabildo, Cortés was able to free himself from Velásquez's authority and continue his expedition. They returned with samples of gold and Cortés' interest in the Tarascan state was awakened. Many of the Spaniards, weighed down by their armor and booty, drowned in the causeway gaps or were killed by the Aztecs. Indigenous accounts were written in pictographs as early as 1525. According to Bernal Diaz, he sent more than ten thousand warriors under the command of Chichimecatecle as Cortés marched on the day after Christmas 1520. [44]:88, 107 Cortés quickly persuaded the Totonac chiefs to rebel against the Aztecs, taking prisoner five of Moctezuma's tax collectors. Much later, Spanish conqueror Bernal Díaz del Castillo, a well-seasoned participant in the conquest of Central Mexico, wrote what he called The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, countering the account by Cortés's official biographer, Francisco López de Gómara. STUDY. Learn about the contributing factors that allowed the Spanish explorers to overpower the Inca Empire and establish control of the region; Key Points. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, also known as the Conquest of Mexico (1519–21),[6] was one of the primary events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. The papers that Medina had been carrying were sent to Cortés. Córdoba was mortally wounded and only a remnant of his crew returned to Cuba.[44]:15–26. [51][44]:205–06, On 8 November 1519, after the fall of Cholula, Cortés and his forces entered Tenochtitlan, the island capital of the Mexica-Aztecs. Soon after Cortés first arrived in Mexico in 1519, a native woman named Malintzin (later baptized Marina) was one of 20 women given to Cortés and his men after they defeated the natives in Tobasco. Guerrero declined on the basis that he was by now well-assimilated with the Maya culture, had a Maya wife and three children, and he was looked upon as a figure of rank within the Maya settlement of Chetumal, where he lived. The Aztec Empire ceased to exist with the Spanish final conquest of Tenochtitlan in August 1521. As news of the Spanish conquest spread, wealth-hungry Spaniards poured into the New World seeking land and gold and titles. "A direct attack on a city as mighty as Tenochtitlan was unlikely and unexpected" from the enemy empires. However, fighting did not completely come to a halt in the ensuing years. Learn. [44]:193 Finally, La Malinche informed Cortés, after talking to the wife of one of the lords of Cholula, that the locals planned to murder the Spanish in their sleep. She would then translate from Mayan to Nahuatl. [10] According to one account, when Moctezuma, now seen by the population as a mere puppet of the invading Spaniards, attempted to calm the outraged populace, he was killed by a projectile. The legally constituted "town council of Villa Rica" then promptly offered him the position of adelantado, or Chief Justice and Captain-General. Aguilar petitioned his Maya chieftain to be allowed to join his former countrymen, and he was released and made his way to Cortés's ships. [44]:299–300, 306, The channel is now a street in Mexico City, called "Puente de Alvarado" (Alvarado's Bridge), because it seemed Alvarado escaped across an invisible bridge. Others, however, are unique to a particular primary source or group narrating the event. Regardless, the massacre of the nobility of Cholula was a notorious chapter in the conquest of Mexico. p. 43. Tenochtitlan had been almost totally destroyed using the manpower of the Tlaxcalans plus fire and cannon fire during the siege, and once it finally fell, the Spanish continued its destruction, as they soon began to establish the foundations of what would become Mexico City on the site. These two accounts are full-blown narratives from the viewpoint of the Spanish opponents. "[44]:218, 242, Cortés later asked Moctezuma to allow him to erect a cross and an image of Virgin Mary next to the two large idols of Huichilobos and Tezcatlipoca, after climbing the one hundred and fourteen steps to the top of the main temple pyramid, a central place for religious authority. All odds were against this tiny band of adventurers who would soon venture into unknown territory to topple the mighty Aztec Empire. [44]:252 After the treason of Cacamatzin, Moctezuma and his caciques, were forced to take a more formal oath of allegiance to the King of Spain, though Moctezuma "could not restrain his tears". Cortes then made a rapid return to Tenochtitlan, to relieve the besieged Alvarado and the other invaders. [67], On 23 September 1519, Cortés arrived in Tlaxcala and was greeted with joy by the rulers, who saw the Spanish as an ally against the Aztecs. On the rainy night of 10 July 1520, the Spaniards and their allies set out for the mainland via the causeway to Tlacopan. [38] A popular anthology in English for classroom use is Miguel León-Portilla's, The Broken Spears: The Aztec Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico from 1992. Moctezuma then brought Cortés to the shrine of the goddess Toci, where he gave him a more private greeting, in which he practically gave the Aztec Empire to Cortés,[43] as he reportedly said that it was his "desire to serve. Balboa turned the survivors into a disciplined and productive colony in 1510. 1870), Modern Central America (c. 1945 to the present). The Spaniards were able to effectively marshal thousands of indigenous allies into a fight ag… Because the Aztecs had removed the bridges over the gaps in the causeways that linked the city to the surrounding lands, Cortés' men constructed a portable bridge to cross the water of the lake. Although modern usage often calls the European participants "soldiers", the term was never used by these men themselves in any context, something that James Lockhart realized when analyzing sixteenth-century legal records from conquest-era Peru.[58]. [44]:278–79 Many of the nobility rallied around Cuitláhuac,[44]:294 the brother of Moctezuma and his heir-apparent; however, most of them could take no overt action against the Spanish unless the order was given by the Emperor. July/August – Cortes' soldiers desecrate Cempoala, 16 August – Spaniards and Totonac allies embark on march toward the Valley of Tenochtitlan, passing Citlatapetl and many other notable geographic landmarks like Cofre de Perote, 31 August – Tlaxcalteca attack Spaniards after they enter Tlaxcalteca territory and succeed in killing two horsemen. Córdoba reached the coast of Yucatán.

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