It made me decide not to watch any auditions in the future. Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal, published anonymously in 1729, was a scathing attack on the social conditions prevalent in Ireland at the time. It is also frequently employed in everyday situations and expressions. “He looked like a Vulcan fresh emerged from his forge, a, CASSIUS: “I did mark how he (Julius Caesar) did shake … t’is true this god did shake … His coward lips did from their color fly …” – Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, “Our researchers into Public Opinion are content, “The counselor nodded sagely. The word "antiphrasis" comes from the Greek, "express by the opposite." Take your time mopping endlessly on the floor. What does anaphora mean? These thesis statements are of utmost importance, as they provide clear indicators as to which direction the writer will follow in their work.A thesis statement is carefully crafted by a writer, and is marked by vigilant selection of words that will never miss its target. In Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, Cassius describes Caesar as a god at the same time he is calling him a coward: I did mark how he did shake.... tis true this god did shake... His coward lips did from their color fly." Antiphrasis uses a word with an opposite meaning for ironic or humorous effect. Examples and Observations "Gotham, take control of your city. (Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, 2011) "Behold, I do not give lectures or a little charity, When I give I give myself." And our teachers report that he never interfered with their education. His parlor happens to be a web that traps prey. Was he happy? The speaker is trying to use irony to indicate that the doorman irritates him early in the morning by yelling, ringing the bell, and knocking on his door. Simply place your email address in the box on the left and press 'GO'. Rhetorical devices: Antistrophe - examples and definition : Sign up for our Email Newsletter. Antiphrasis is a figurative speech in which a phrase or word is employed in a way that is opposite to its literal meaning, in order to create an ironic or comic effect. Anaphora Examples – Definition and Usage. Antiphrasis (an-TIF-ra-sis) is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used in a sense contrary to its conventional meaning for ironic or humorous effect; verbal irony. Antanaclasis, with its focus on multiple meanings of the same word or phrase, is a form of pun. antiphrasis: The use of a word or phrase in a sense contrary to its normal meaning for ironic or humorous effect, as in a mere babe of 40 years. Topping chocolate sundae with ketchup and dipping french fries in soy sauce sounds delicious. Anaphora definition: Anaphora is a rhetorical device that is the repetition of a word or phrase in successive clauses or phrases. Metanoia involves correcting a statement just made – when an author corrects a much earlier statement, it isn’t metanoia. Noun. bezeichnet man eine Redefigur, die das Entgegengesetzte von dem ausdrücken soll, was das Wort eigentlich besagt, oder einem Gegenstand einen Namen beilegt, der zu dessen Wesen im Widerspruch steht.. Eine Antiphrasis kann sich auf ein einzelnes Wort, einen Satz oder einen Abschnitt einer Rede beziehen. Antiphrasis (derives from Greek word ‘antiphrazein’ meaning “to express by negation”), is a kind of Euphemism which consists in the use of a word in an opposite sense to the proper meaning. Antiphrasis. It is not a coincidence nor intentional but it is a rhetorical device used by authors for the purpose of generating a particular effect on readers. When you’re a public figure in a small town, you have to treat people with dignity, even Ernie Matthews …”. antiphrasis (countable and uncountable, plural antiphrases) ( rhetoric ) Use of a word or phrase in a sense not in accord with its literal meaning , especially for ironic or humorous effect 1991 June 20, Jean-Yves Girard, “On the unity of logic”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name) ‎ [1] , number 59, North-Holland, page 201: The maxim “the early bird gets the worm” is a short statement that gives behavioral advice. The following is an example of antiphrasis: “Yes, I killed him. Note: This book was written in 1980, with some changes since. For example, when a newspaper prints a correction to an inaccurate story printed the previous day, this is just a correction, not an example of metanoia. "We named our chihuahua Goliath" is an example because a chihuahua is a very small dog and Goliath is a giant warrior from the famous Bible story. Antiphrastical definition: relating to antiphrasis | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Antiphrasis (pronounced as an-TIF-ra-sis) is one of the figures of speech wherein a word or phrase has a sense that is contradicting to its conventional meaning in order to achieve an ironic or humorous effect. You may also see Meiosis Examples – Definition & Usage. Durchsuchen Sie die Anwendungsbeispiele 'Antiphrasis' im großartigen Deutsch-Korpus. Antithesis makes a connection between two things. In this particular situation, it is used in its opposite meaning. Hilda’s short bob-cut hair made people call her. The following is … Get in, big man; suit yourself in my tiny car. What does Antiphrasis mean? Erfahren Sie mehr über Aussprache, Synonyme und Grammatik. Some simple examples of antiphrasis are: 1.He’s only a child; 60 years old! 2.“Get in the car, little man,” she said to her tall friend. 3. The trope was commonly used by the Heathens under the influence of superstition; in attempt to avoid the shocking idea of blasphemy Antanaclasis derives from the Greek word, \"antanáklasis,\" which literally translates to \"reflection.\" 2. Example of Maxim. I can’t wait to try such weird and sickly combination. See more. … Which, of course, he couldn’t say out loud. Other than creating new meanings of words, antiphrasis enables speakers or writers to pique the interest of their listeners or readers. Definition of Antiphrasis in the dictionary. What is Anaphora? For example, the following text from the novelFilthy Rich by Doro… What do you know? Definition of Antiphrasis. FREE weekly newsletter with public speaking tips, techniques, humor, quotes & anecdotes you can use in your very next speech or presentation. EXAMPLES OF SUBVERSIVE LITERATURE. antiphrasis - the use of a word in a sense opposite to its normal sense (especially in irony) rhetorical device - a use of language that creates a literary effect (but often without regard for literal significance) irony - a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs 3. You may also see Meiosis Examples – Definition & Usage. The fly was invited by the spider to enter to his parlor. 1. n. The use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning; as when a court of justice is called a court of vengeance. Metanoia (pronounced MET-uh-NOY-uh) is a self-correction. Definition of Antiphrasis. Like other rhetorical devices, antiphrasis also brings about additional meanings to a text and situation. You may also see Examples of Situational Irony – Definition. One can find examples of thesis statement at the beginning of literary pieces. Just so you know, we got all day to wait for you. Maxim meaning: A maxim is a short, memorable statement that gives wise advice on how to behave. Here, the real meaning of the phrase “dulcet tones” means melodious tones. Antithesis. “I was awakened by the dulcet tones of Frank, the morning doorman, alternately yelling my name, ringing my doorbell, and pounding on my apartment door …”. Maxim definition: A maxim is defined as a short, memorable statement that gives advice. Antiphrasis is dependent upon the words used according to an author, the only rule is that a word or phrase is indicated in the first sentence, and then its meaning gradually or immediately changes to its opposite. Just hope that the person you are talking to or the person reading your text will immediately understand what you actually meant to say. Claire Preston: Ekphrasis, a species of vivid description, has no formal rules and no stable technical definition.Originally a device in oratory, its development as a poetic figure has somewhat confused its taxonomy, but broadly speaking it is one of a spectrum of figures and other devices falling under the rubric of enargeia ('vividness'). When there will be instances wherein it is hard to admit one’s true feelings about a particular situation, the use of antiphrasis will enable us to at least imply what we actually mean and feel. - Contact Us - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. Examples of Antanaclasis: "Put out the light, and then put out the light." It was particularly aimed at the enthusiasm of the authorities who devised several dubious ‘reforms’ which sought to alleviate social and economic ills. Behold, the instrument of your liberation!" The speaker or writer could twist the meaning of words and they could even bring new meaning to it. Dysphemism is the use of negative expressions instead of positive ones. Dysphemism is originated from the Greek word dys, means “miss,” or “none,” and pheme, which means “reputation,” or “speech.”It is a figure of speech that is defined as the use of disparaging or offensive expressions instead of inoffensive ones. Have you read novels, short stories, poems, essays, or formal speeches wherein there is a repetition of a certain word or phrase at the beginning of a verse or sentence? All Rights Reserved. In this excerpt, the writer first describes a character named Thomas Theodore Puglowski, as “a misshapen giant,” and then uses the word “tiny.” Antiphrasis examples like this are meant to convey sarcasm and create humorous effect. This is an ironic poem based upon the modern form of government, which appreciates those citizens who conform to its rules, without considering whether an individual citizen is happy and free or not. He comments that Ernie is “pretty clever,” but what he really thinks deep inside him is the complete opposite to the literal meaning of the phrase. (rhetoric) Use of a word or phrase in a sense not in accord with its literal meaning, especially for ironic or humorous effect ¹. (Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, 2012) "Behold, Nagini, our work is done." antiphrasis - definition and meaning Community 100,000+ Designs, Documents Templates in PDF, Word, Excel, PSD, Google Docs, PowerPoint, InDesign, Apple Pages, Google Sheets, Publisher, Apple Numbers, Illustrator, Keynote. Als Antiphrasis oder Antiphrase (griech.) Meaning of Antiphrasis. Antiphrasis originated from the Greek word antiphrasis, which means “opposite word.” Antiphrasis is a figurative speech in which a phrase or word is employed in a way that is opposite to its literal meaning, in order to create an ironic or comic effect.

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