Reginae addressed the critics and went off about how no one can stop her hustle. Funny how it works with white kids though. I do what he tells me, but my hands are shaking too much to be still. “Tired,” I say. I’m an engineer. Here.” He holds out two fat rolls of money. Only difference is this time, I’m not letting him put his hands on me.”. “I know, but I can’t leave Kenya and Lyric. My heart ’bout broke when I heard. “Has there been anything on the news about Khalil?”, She pays more attention to her phone. “We’re not telling anybody that Starr was there.”, “No,” Momma says. If he puts his hands on you, let me handle that.”, Seven nods then looks at me. Hater quotes can remind you that you’re not alone, and that everybody in the world has to deal with haters. Another love letter in the simplest form. But when he left the game, my street royalty status ended. “I’m so sorry, Starr. Some stuff going down that I need to talk to him ’bout.”, “Five months, two weeks, and three days older than you.” He winks. My parents got scared, and although they didn’t send me to my aunt and uncle in a rich neighborhood, they sent me to a bougie private school. It’s easy to hang out with Kenya because of our connection to Seven. I cringe. “You know your daddy. I heard that Khalil boy got himself killed last night. Hard. Mr. Lewis eats it soon as I take it out. By sixthreezy on April 2, 2019 Sometimes I feel like destiny is guiding me through my movie collecting and watching, so much so that I appear to have bought and then subsequently watched this on the 20th anniversary of its release. Daddy nods heavily. Khalil stares at the sky as if he hopes to see God. Even Momma hugs me longer and tighter with more sympathy than “just because” in it. Different people may have completely opposite feelings towards the same task: some will hate it, others will love it. Too much blood. Two months later, she wasn’t pulling her load on the job, ’cause when you’re going through chemo, you can’t pull big-ass garbage bins around. Too long. He’s nice like that. Daddy hums to Marvin, but he couldn’t carry a tune if it came in a box. “That’s your momma, boy. I got tired of choosing between lights and food.”, “I thought your grandma was working.”, “She was. That’s when I realized Williamson is one world, Garden Heights is another, and I have to keep them separate. I frown. Almost everybody in the neighborhood was there too. I wish he wasn’t that kinda busy though. “Potato salad and fried okra,” I say. Growing up in the spotlight, Reginae Carter is used to being the center of criticism. People stand off to the side, trying to see what happened. “Who you think got shot?”, Khalil gets his hairbrush out the compartment on the door. Some bullshit. Like, check this.” He points at me, which means he’s about to go into one of his Khalil philosophical moments. Her dad didn’t want her spending the night in “the ghetto.” I overheard my parents say that. I knew I’d be uncomfortable as hell, but every time I told Kenya no she said I act like I’m “too good for a Garden party.” I got tired of hearing that shit and decided to prove her wrong. Ain’t no telling what I’ll do.”. I fan myself after a few minutes in line. He hugs me, smelling like soap and baby powder. An hour ago we were laughing and catching up. My stomach twists again. I did inherit Daddy’s eyelashes—and I’m cursed with his eyebrows too. Then he’ll come back, saying he changed. Natasha. Momma fussed and told Daddy I was too young for that. “They killed him!”. When someone you love hurts you very badly, it can be difficult to get over it. I remember something else Daddy said. “I wanna stay in bed.”, “I know, baby, but I don’t want you here by yourself.”. I think you’ll like them. Our house hasn’t lost its Nana-ness though, with its permanent odor of potpourri, flowered wallpaper, and hints of pink in almost every room. Grandma’s been gone ten years—long enough that Daddy doesn’t cry every day, but such a short while ago that if someone brings her up, it brings him down. He wipes his nose like he always does before a lie. There she goes calling Seven “my brother” like she’s the only one who can claim him. I’m off. They leave Khalil’s body in the street like it’s an exhibit. Seven’s hoodie and my Jordans disappear into a black trash bag, and I never see them again. When we get to the front of the line, Mr. Reuben greets us with a gap-toothed smile from behind the partition. The men watch the news on the box TV in a corner of the ceiling. “Is your momma helping with Cameron?”, “Good ol’ Starr. And the person I do know just left me hanging. Aren’t you? She’s the perfect height for modeling too, but a little thicker than those toothpicks on the runway. 4.0 out of 5 stars 10 Things I Hate About You - Can You Ever Just Be Whelmed? Momma passes behind Seven with the bacon and squeezes his shoulder. I don’t know who DeVante is. There was a drive-by around the corner, and the gunshots scared her. “I go to parties, Kenya.”. He watches the cop in his side mirror. The Hood Trio. He cusses under his breath, turns Tupac down, and maneuvers the Impala to the side of the street. “You heated it too long, girl. Baby, the question is what I wouldn’t do with all that money. My parents claim I was always munching on something from the moment I got off the bottle. Y’all used to be friends, didn’t you?”, The “used to” stings, but I just say to Mrs. Rooks, “Yes, ma’am.”, “Hmm!” She shakes her head.

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