JT: “The coronavirus pandemic has prompted authorities worldwide to introduce entry restrictions on border traffic. With the sponsorship of my company and using the new points system I changed to “Highly Skilled Professional (i) (b)” status…. Bill Paxton was born on May 17, 1955 in Fort Worth, Texas. Kyodo: Tokyo District Court rules in favor of Japan’s ban on dual nationality. I’m aware that tax losses can be carried over to offset gains but they would not recognize this for my foreign investments, saying something about a “blue paper”. Dit Nyhedsoverblik: Breaking news og seneste nyheder - Stream DR’s programmer på DRTV - Hør podcast på DR LYD And how about all the others (including NHK) in the past? What follows are some excerpts of some of what I’ve heard so far: SNA (Tokyo) — How bad does it have to get? Requesting negative PCR tests before going to Japan should be limited to non-Japanese who want to newly enter Japan. Thanks to the pandemic, even the most starry-eyed and enfranchised foreigners are having their bubbles burst, realizing that their status in Japan, no matter how hard-earned, matters not one whit to Japan’s policymakers. "[8] Detroit News said in their review, "'Axe Cop' is a hoot. And when I’m not doing that, I’m grading. It is very important that someone is trying to do something with this discriminatory measures. It’s dated November 27, 2020, and been viewed nearly 10 million times as of this writing. Naturally, internet trolls, xenophobes, and haters got triggered. Granted, the government is now threatening to mete out jail time and fines for Japanese who don’t cooperate with measures to reduce Covid’s spread. Benjamin Franklin published a lot of stories, one of which he was the central character. Let’s be careful to avoid disinformation (UPDATED). Or perhaps found themselves stranded within Japan, as family members abroad died, and the prospect of attending their funeral or taking care of personal matters in person would mean exile. As I have implied in the other status update one month ago, I personally can accept this overseas test requirement for foreign nationals who want to newly enter Japan. He has been on the diagnostic team with House longer than either of other two members at the time. As covered elsewhere, current Immigration policy dictates that Japanese citizens can leave and re-enter the country at will, as long as they subject themselves to testing and quarantine upon return. Consider the similarity in style between the above NHK sequence and this “Koko Ga Hen” segment, as analyzed by Kirk Masden. SIM on the text of the Ministry of Justice’s “Foreigner Re-Entry Ban”, on paper. And the Future.”, which is a bit different from the official title of “The Future Isn’t Waiting”), the subject is of Japan’s school-age Minorities and Visible Minorities facing social othering in Japan, and finding solace and courage in themselves by becoming good at sports. (This is not a failsafe; anyone can lie on any forms, including these given by airlines.) About 11% of people consulted somewhere because of discrimination. However, instead of having a government and civil society that rightfully points out that associating disease with citizenship leads to racism, in Japan we get blanket exclusion. 5) Info on Black Lives Matter demos in Japan in response to excessive police force towards a Kurdish Resident; also the backlash of right-wing Tokyo Katsushika-ku Assemblyman Suzuki Nobuyuki: “expel any foreign demonstrators”. Because NJ (especially those in the English-language communities) collectively suffer from something I call “guestism”: falling for the fiction that they are merely “guests” in Japan subject to the whims of the Japanese “hosts.” Their mantra is “It’s their country, not mine. ASL - American Sign Language: free, self-study sign language lessons including an ASL dictionary, signing videos, a printable sign language alphabet chart (fingerspelling), Deaf Culture study materials, and resources to help you learn sign language. 2) Human Rights Watch calls for law against racial discrimination in Japan, in light of COVID and BLM They produced figures suggesting I had been evading taxes over this time and the amount of tax payable. Since this is an opportune time to remove layers of lies from Japan’s narrative, let’s address another one: That Japan is an unusually hospitable place…, Table of Contents: This is a very important and uplifting development. The fact that the victim is crying himself to sleep instead of getting assistance becomes apparent. If yes, then you are a Japanese, and you are to be treated as one like everyone else. Please send a copy of your experience in your native language to: debitoorg.classaction.petrographers@protonmail.com Should the plaintiffs decide to appeal this case, then the Tokyo High Court and probably eventually the Supreme Court will affirm the lower court’s ruling. When I’m not Zooming my classes live, I’m creating the next powerpoint lecture. You know the mantra. And oh so very typical of the cold-blooded Japanese bureaucracy. Little effort is made to keep track of back stories, powers, and equipment. Hah. It’s obviously long overdue. It's been 30 years since Texas housewife Candy Montgomery killed her friend Betty Gore with an axe on the night of June 13, 1980. to lessen the threat of COVID-19 infection. Aside from journalistic concerns about cramming a wordy term into concise articles, it wasn’t hard for media observers to understand this as a response to government pressure, already manifest in Japanese media and world history textbooks, to portray Japan’s past in a more exculpatory light… [There are of course some caveats, and] given the current status of Trump refusing to concede the election, and his lackeys interfering with a transition to the presumptive winner, it’s clear that no matter who wins, Republicans feel they are the only ones entitled to run the country. Try claiming that your Japanese students are dim because they aren’t proficient in English, and then watch how long you remain an educator. […]. Step 3: So the Ministry of Education (MEXT) has launched a program to assist all students in Japan in financial distress, with up to 200,000 yen cash paid out. Heineken to axe 8,000 jobs because of pandemic It reported a net loss of 204 million euros (£178.7 million), compared with a 2.2 billion euro (£1.9 billion) profit in … Japan for the Japanese. But I don’t believe this is an “own goal” for Nike. MEXT’s justification, according to the Kyodo article below, is “いずれ母国に帰る留学生が多い中、日本に将来貢献するような有為な人材に限る要件を定めた”, or “In any case, what with many exchange students returning to their home countries, we decided to limit applications only to those promising people of talent who will be contributing to Japan’s future.”  Boy, that’s full of presumptions. And their legal reasoning mentioned in the articles below reflects that logic, based upon paranoid pre-war arguments about individual mixed allegiances threatening the motherland, etc., with no need to update for the complexities of the modern world. 1) The text of the Ministry of Justice’s “Foreigner Re-Entry Ban”, on paper. In 2011, they blamed a poor showing in the 2011 Rugby World Cup on “too many foreign-born players on the team”and then ethnically-cleansed their ranks. In her review, Margaret Lyons described it as "all kinds of silly fun" and asked, "Are we looking at the next great comic franchise? Were it not for the long-term economic consequences that will follow my beloved adopted home country due to folly of these Games, I would surely enjoy the schadenfreude of a group of elites getting egg all over their face.”. Mark’s report follows: A couple of weeks ago, we covered on Debito.org a flap about TV network NHK (“the BBC of Japan“) broadcasting a racialized anime to Japanese kids explaining the Black Lives Matter movement in America. “I deeply regret it and would like to sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have offended.” When asked about the calls for his resignation, Mori told reporters: “I’m not considering resigning.” […], COMMENT FROM SUBMITTER MG: “Just wanted to send another bit of good Debito fodder from our ol’ buddy Mori Yoshiro. Any language is acceptable; English, Japanese, Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian), Chinese, Korean, etc. Just a personal note. The letter to NHK described the depiction of the man as stereotypical, saying, “He is given an excessively muscular appearance, and speaks in an emphatically coarse and violent way.” It added that in the U.S., “This stereotype has a history of being used to legitimize lynching of black people and the loss of their lives from police brutality.”, NHK: “We at NHK would like to sincerely apologize for a computer animation clip posted on our Twitter account.

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