(TOS: "The Deadly Years"), Prior to the appearance of the Beta XII-A entity, Sulu was apparently the only member of the senior staff who knew that Chekov had no siblings dead or alive. Can't wait. Status: Ironically they wound up getting lost, though Sulu with characteristic good humor told Chekov that they were still making good time. To conceal the Excelsior's approach to Qo'noS, Sulu ordered the Excelsior on a five hour journey through the Azure Nebula to obscure their approach, and it was there that the vessel encountered a Klingon battle cruiser, commanded by Captain Kang. Then senior geologist D'Amato said his tricorder registered an almost immeasurable powerful energy burst. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture), Sulu had one daughter, Demora, who was born during the 2270s, and later assigned to the USS Enterprise-B in 2293. (TOS: "The Way to Eden"), The following year, during the Enterprise's encounter with a being who called himself Lucien, it was found that members of the crew could perform magic as part of their being in the alternate universe that Lucien lived. When Kirk answered the call directly, Sulu took that a "hot line direct to the Captain," gave him the indication to inquire "Are we that far gone?" Then everyone noticed that Uhura had not beamed back. The away team of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Lieutenant Galloway beamed down to the planet to investigate further and Captain Tracey informed them they couldn't go back to the Enterprise because their ship's crew would be infected. In 2268, after the Starnes Exploration Party children were brought aboard the Enterprise from the planet Triacus, no one on board knew that the children were under the influence of the alien Gorgan, who had given the children the ability of mind control. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Kirk and McCoy came running and the woman insisted she still needed to touch Sulu, but Kirk wouldn't let her. Tracey also made it very difficult to the landing party to stay in contact with the Enterprise when he had their communicators confiscated and then hidden from them. A short time later, a roughed-up Kirk ordered the landing party to stop thinking and talking. George Takei is an American actor, author, and activist. One year later, while the Enterprise-A was still in Spacedock, she and her crew were assigned to resolve a conflict on Nimbus III; the planet of galactic peace. (TOS: "Catspaw"), When the being Apollo jammed all power sources on the Enterprise, Sulu was able to rig all transmission circuits for maximum power generation. Before his promotion, one of the first missions you had to complete after the tutorial was reporting to Akira Sulu. To have your bonuses displayed here, please read thisguide. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever"), Sulu was attacked and thrown out of his helm seat by Spock when Spock raged out of control due to the effects of one of the flying parasites that had invaded the planet Deneva. After a full career he was still on active patrol on the Cardassian border as a captain at age 113 in 2350, where he agreed to sponsor young Chakotay from Dorvan V for Starfleet Academy after befriending the youth. When the woman reappeared the next morning she was there to touch and kill Kirk. (TOS: "Shore Leave") He later admitted his unfamiliarity with rural life, during a landing party mission to Omicron Ceti III, where he was also reviewing the planet's plant life, explaining that, "When it comes to farms, I wouldn't know what looked right or wrong if it were two feet from me." When the interphase region near Tholian space drove Chekov temporarily insane he snapped and attacked Sulu, who happened to be the closest person to him. Got used to a Huey. In sickbay McCoy was having a difficult time trying to set his leg, when Nurse Christine Chapel, who was fretting about them not being able to use the bone-knitting laser which was too large for them to use at that height, came up with an ingenious solution of using the microscope laser that was usually used to heal the inner ear to set and heal Sulu's right leg. I owe them my life a dozen times over. Active (2293) When Kirk attempted to use his phaser to dig a grave for the man, the surface of the planet withstood the force. However, the novel Pathways identifies Hiromi Sulu, the son of Demora, as the Captain Sulu … Another trip through the cloud rid the computer of the practical jokes, but the Romulan starships that followed them through were then left with the practical joker effect with Kirk stating that at some point in time he might be willing to share with them how to shake the effect. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home). Affiliation: Shortly after, Sulu, Kirk, Spock and McCoy beamed back down and discovered part of the reason as to why the master computer was acting up when the Keeper's headstone was found and it revealed that the Keeper had recently died. As the surface temperature dipped to twenty degrees below zero, he reported back to the Enterprise that he couldn't "exactly call it balmy," as the thermal heaters that were transported to the surface for them to use did not function. Sulu became puzzled by the crewman's arrival causing a frenzied reaction in a carnivorous plant, whom he called Gertrude, whose response prompted Green to quickly exit. McCoy then surmised that the disease must have wiped out the whole entire Kalandan species, and the image of Losira was waiting for a people who had become extinct thousands of years ago. San Francisco, California, Earth Sulu and the rest of the bridge crew under the mind control of the Starnes children. A sense of family. "), On another planet, Pyris VII, a short time later, Sulu fwll under the mind control of an alien named Sylvia and Sulu nearly killed Kirk and Spock until Kirk was able to destroy Sylvia's power source. Sulu recovered from this attack from the first officer and Spock were soon free of the parasite's influence. But the real non-corporeal Organians weren't going to allow a battle and immobilized both sides' forces causing on the Enterprise that all consoles and people became too hot to touch – including the captain's chair that Sulu was sitting in. Further tricorder readings revealed that the planet was an artificial body. His mother's name was Shimizu Hana Sulu according to Excelsior: Forged in Fire and "Iron and Sacrifice" in Tales from the Captain's Table. (TOS: "Mudd's Women"), Sulu nearly freezing to death on Alfa 177. But when it came to traversing by foot, he wasn’t so fast. Later that year, Sulu piloted the ship during a star charting mission on the far reaches of and the ship was pulled into a black star, Questar M-17, due to its gravitational pull. Star Trek: The Original Series Hikaru Sulu 1/6 Scale Articulated Figure. (TAS: "The Counter-Clock Incident"), Following the conclusion of the Enterprise's historic five-year mission, the ship returned to Earth the same year. Sulu noted that manual override didn't work. Shortly after the landing party beamed down to the planet, the planet was struck by an unusual and strong earthquake for a planet so young geologically. That's when Tommy Starnes planted in Sulu's mind the image of if the Enterprise diverted course away from Marcus XII, the ship would be destroyed by any number of swords that were formed in rings around the ship. His parents were named Hosato Sulu (a poet) and Momiko Sulu (a xenobiologist). (TOS: "The Deadly Years"), They both expressed surprise at Scott's attraction to the bookish Lieutenant Mira Romaine, although Sulu wondered aloud if Scott had even noticed her brain yet. "He has great ambitions. Hikaru Sulu : Aye-Aye, Captain. George Takei, Hikaru Sulu was a male Human who served as a Starfleet officer during the latter half of the 23rd century. Fortunately a short time later, Kirk was able to dispatch of Trelane and his parents took him away from the Humans. Kirk called Sulu from the transporter room to inquire about the change of course, but Sulu insisted the ship was still in orbit around Triacus despite clear evidence to the contrary seen by Kirk and Spock. In a month, you'll be a millionaire." (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver"), In early 2266, Sulu, like the rest of the ship's male crew, became infatuated with Mudd's women, due to the influences they conveyed from taking the Venus drug. In a deleted scene from TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver", Sulu revealed that he often enjoyed watching, during his boyhood, Fu Manchu movies about the Sino-Western trouble, in which the villains were Orientals. It turned out they had been abducted off the bridge by a being named Trelane, who considered himself the squire of the planet Gothos, but was in reality nothing but a willful child who was later scolded by his parents for not treating his pets, the Humans, with respect. He eventually made his way to Remus and managed to send a short coded message to the Enterprise. As Sulu on “Star Trek,” George Takei could travel at the speed of light. A few years later, Sulu again fell under the infatuation one would have being in the presence of the Deltan Ilia. The crew, including Sulu, were in the Megans interpretation of 1691 Salem and were put on a similar Salem witch trial and were nearly put to death courtesy of Megan Asmodeus' prosecuting legal tactics. But still that didn't quite explain why the computer was acting the way it was and against it's protocols to be a relaxing amusement park for the visitors on shore leave and it even started attacking the Enterprise itself. Afterward Kirk asked Sulu to teach him that particular technique. Sulu, however, told him that his attitude was "all wrong". Sulu even took Uhura under his "protection" as a "fair maiden". Shortly after the Enterprise destroyed the object, Kirk later noted that his times were slow, and recommended they program and repeat a series of simulated attacks and evasion maneuvers until they were proficient. Sulu later told Spock that Chekov had exhibited several spasms of pain beforehand. (TOS: "The Lights of Zetar"), Sulu and Chekov also confided in each other. While he displayed a more authoritarian manner once taking command of the Excelsior, contrasting his more easygoing, laid back demeanor shown previously, he was still very loyal to both his new and his old crew. He also had direct control of the robot grain ship's that the Enterprise was escorting to Sherman's Planet, and was responsible for attempting to fly them into the Devisor during the last ditch effort to stop the Devisor. In 2268, Sulu was again in temporary command of the Enterprise when they discovered the thought to be abandoned USS Exeter in orbit around the planet Omega IV.

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