Manalo, Galang, Panganiban), Kapampangan (e.g. However, this law has expired as of October 2019. 1. List Of Common Spanish Surnames Or Family Names. A combination of American and Spanish naming customs can also be seen in the Philippines. Y. Yaacobi, Yanarella, Yanayaco, Yanes, Yepez, Yglesias, Yllanes, Yurica Yzaguirre. Through the so-called "Claveria Decree", he issued a list of family names in alphabetical order, which were based on a catalog of Spanish surnames. Magbanua, Cabahug, Tupas), and Hiligaynon (e.g. Of the top 100 surnames listed below, Chinese surnames (e.g. Haba, Habibe, Haenz, Harrah, HENCHOZ Henriquez, Henrriquez, Herdocia, Heredia, Heritage Heríquez, Hermann, Hermosilla, Hernandez, Hernando, Hernánez, Herra, farrier, Herran, Herrera, Herrero, Hevia, Hidalgo Iron Hincapie, Hinojosa, Horna, Hornedo, Orchard, Orchards, Huete, Huezo, Hurtado, Hurtecho. Badilla 3. . This list is based on stats extrapolated from data of several common Filipino surnames as listed on the 2010 US Census. The name is the Spanish word for ‘saints.’ 2. Tan, Lim, Dizon) and Spanish surnames (Santos, Reyes, Cruz, Bautista, Del Rosario, Gonzales, Ramos, Garcia, Dela Cruz, Lopez) are the most predominant, with surnames from Italian (usually city names with associations with saints, like Aquino, Tolentino, etc. Oh, and you have to be a Sephardic Jew too. Baradillo 7. However, native surnames from the various native languages are also common. The large number of Chinese surnames are a result of Chinese immigration, especially in the colonial era. The Forebears surname database may include or not include diacritics on certain surnames, and treats "San/Santa/Santo" as lowercase. Abe: It is derived from Hebrew and is used in several English-speaking countries. 1. Cruz * 4. Echandi Echavarria, Echeverri, Echeverría, Eduarte, Egea, Elijah, Eligia, Elizalde, Elizonda, Elizondo, Elmaleh, Emanuel, Enrique Enriques, Enriquez, Eras, Erazo, Escabar, Escalante, Escamilla, Escarré, Escobar, Escobedo, Scotland Escorriola, Scotland a Scotus, Escovar, Escribano, Escude, Escudero, Spain, asparagus, Espelerta, Espelette, Espinach, Spinal, Spinal, Espinar, Espino, Espinosa, Espinoza, Espitia, Esquivel, Stephen, Esteves, Estévez, Estrada, Estrella. For this purpose, a catalogue of family names has been compiled, including the indigenous names collected by the Reverend Fathers Provincial of the religious orders, and the Spanish surnames they have been able to acquire, along with those furnished by the vegetable and mineral kingdoms, geography, arts, etc. Faba, Fabara, Fabian, Fabrega, Fabregat, Fabres, Facio, Faerrón Faeth, Faiges, Fait, Faith, Fajardo, Falco, Falcon, Fail, Failure, Farach, Farah, Fargas, Farias, Farias, Faries, Fariña, Fariñas, Farrach, Farrer, Farrera, Farrier, Fatjo, Fatjó, Faundez, Faune, Fava, Fazio, Fermández, Ferman, Fernandes, Fernandez, Fernando, Ferrada, Ferran Ferrando, Ferraro, Ferreira, Ferreiro, Ferrer, Ferrero, Ferris, Ferro, Ferros, Fiallos Fictoria, Fidalgo, Fierro, Figueiredo, Figuer, Figueras, Figueres, Figueroa, Filomena, Freight, Fletis, Flores Fonseca, Font, Forero, Formoso, Fornaguera, Fraga, Fraguela, French, French, French, France, Francis, Franco, Fray, Frayle, Freer, Freira, Fresno, Freyre, Cold, Fruit, Fuentes, Fumero, Funes, Funez, Fúnez, Fuscaldo Fusco. E. Echandi Echavarria, Echeverri, Echeverría, Eduarte, Egea, Elijah, Eligia, Elizalde, Elizonda, Elizondo, Elmaleh, Emanuel, Enrique Enriques, Enriquez, Eras, Erazo, Escabar, Escalante, Escamilla, Escarré, Escobar, Escobedo, Scotland Escorriola, Scotland a Scotus, Escovar, Escribano, Escude, Escudero, Spain, asparagus, Espelerta, Espelette, Espinach, Spinal, Spinal, Espinar, Espino, Espinosa, Espinoza, Espitia, Esquivel, Stephen, Esteves, Estévez, Estrada, Estrella. The surnames will be grouped by ethnolinguistic origin. The top 10 is usually cited to be the most prevalent. Balboa 4. Dizon, Quiambao, Tiangco, Cojuangco) are of the early Chinese immigrants, usually the Sangleys. Most surnames here are also prevalent among Spanish-speaking cultures. Barba 8. The following are commonly perceived as the most common Filipino surnames. O. Obaldía, Obanbo, Obando, Obares, Obellón, Obon, Obrego Obregon, Ocampo, Ocampos, Ocaña, Ocaño, Ocario, Ochoa, Ocon, Oconitrillo, Ode, hate, Odir, Odonez, Odor, Oduber, Oguilve, Ojeda, Okarlo, Oquendo, Olarte, Olaso, Olaverri, Olazaba, Olguin, Oliva, Olivar, Olivares, Olivarez, Olivas, Oliver, Olivera, Oliver, Olivier, Oliviera, Olivo, Oller, Olmeda, Olmedo, Elm, Elms, Omacell, Omodeo, Ondoy, Onetto, Oñate, Onoro, Oporta, Oporto, Oquendo, Ora, Orama, Oramas, Orantes, Ordeñana, Ordoñes Ordonez, Orduz, Oreamuno, Oreas, Oreiro, Orellana Orellana, Orfila, Orias, Orios, Orjas Orjuela, Orlich, Ormasis, Orme, Orna, Ornes, Orochena, Orocu, Orosco, Orozco, Ortega, Ortegon, Ortiz, Ortuño, Orve, Osante, Oseda, Osegueda, Osejo, Osequeda, Oses, Osorio, Osorno, Ospina Ospina, Ossa, Otalvaro, Otárola, Otero, Oto, Otoya, Ovares, Ovarez, Oviedo, Ozerio, Ozores, Ozuno. Pimentel) are also a source of many other Filipino surnames. Filipino surnames are most commonly Spanish in origin due to the colonial history. Abad, Abadía, Abarca, Abastos, Abaunza, Abbot, Abdallá, Abdalah, Abdallah, Abdelnour, Abdo, Abea, Abel, Abela, Abelado, Abella, Abellán, Abendaño, Abou, Abraham, Abrahams, Abrahán, Abrego, Abreu, Abrigo, Abril, Abufelo, 1. . Beltran (Beltrán) 23. Consequently, the Spanish Governor General, Narciso Claveria, issued a decree in 1844, in which a list of family names were put together, the majority of which were of Spanish origin. This will mean learning Spanish and require you to pass the test introduced in 2015 on the constitutional and socio-cultural aspects of … Since the Spanish government is trying to make amends for the tragic deportation of Jews circa 1492, Spain passed a law offering descendants of Spanish deportees their chance to obtain Spanish citizenship and passports. Here are 4 things Filipinos need to know when getting Spanish citizenship. The problem I encountered with names in old colonial Philippines was a pain in the neck. Abad: This is an occupational surname of Spanish origin. (Governor General Narciso Claveria) On November 21, 1849, then Governor General Narciso Claveria issued a decree to adopt a standardized Filipino names and surnames. This page was last edited on 12 February 2021, at 20:01. Some surnames are also derived from Tagalog and other languages in the Philippines, but they are rare. Harry Stein’s website, SEPHARDIM.COM, has been for a long time one of the major websites for Sephardic genealogy on the Internet. Q. I remain, Queralt, Queredo, Querra, Quesada, Quevedo, Quezada, Quiel, Quijada, Quijano, Quinaz, Quinde, Quino, Quintana, Quintanilla, Quinter, Quintero, Fifth, Quinones, Quinones, Quirce, Quiroga, Quiros, Quiroz. Bejerano 20. The Philippine Statistics Authority provided a list of surnames as of 2018, but it only includes the top 5, and is still not releasing a full list of common surnames.). Parentheses indicate number of individuals with the surname, and percentage of prevalence, based on population figures from the 2015 Philippine Census, which records 100,981,437). J. Jacamo, Jacobo, Jacome Jácomo, Jaen, Jaenz, Jara, Jaramillo, Jarquín, Jarrin, Jerano, Jerez, Jimenez Jimera, Jinesta, Jiron, Joseph, Jovel, Juarez, Junco, Juncos, Jurado. Pangilinan, Cunanan, Umali), Cebuano (e.g. But if you’re Filipino, Article 22 of the Spanish Civil code allows one to apply for citizenship sooner! Among its many offerings it contained a unique section on Sephardic herardlry and a list of Sephardic surnames that he patiently extracted from a large number of published books. M. Macaya, Macedo Maceo Machado Machin, Machuca, Macia, Macias Macias, Macís, Macre, Macrea, Madariaga, Reno, Madinagoitia, Madrano, Madrid, Madriga, Madrigal, Madril, Madriz, Mature, Magalhaes, Magallon, Magaña, Magdalena, Maguiña, Mahomar, Maikut, Maingot, Mairena, Maisonave, Maita, Majano, Majarres, Malaga, Maldonado, Male, Malespín, Malestín, Maltese, Maltez, Malvarez, Manavella Mancheno, Mancia, Mancía, Mandas, mangana, Mangas, Mangel, Manjarres, Mans, Mansalvo, Mansilla, Manso, Mantanero, Mantica, Mantilla, Manuel, Apple orchard, Manzanares, Manzano, Manzur, Marabiaga, Maradiaga Marbes, Marbis, Marcenaro, March, Marchena, Marcia, marcias, Marcillo, Marcos, Mardones, Marenco, Margules, Mary, Marichal, Marin, Sailor, Marine, Marinas, Mariño, Marot, Maroto, Marquis, Marquez, Marreco, Marrero, Marroquín, Marsell, Mars Martell, Marten, Martens Marti Martin, Martinez, Martins, Marvez, Mas, Mas, Masis, Maso, Mason, Massuh, Mastache, Mata, Matamoros, Matarrita, Matt, Matthew, Matera, Mateus, Matthias, Matos, Mattus, Mattuz, Matul, Matus, Matute, Maurel, Maurer, Mauritius, Mauro, Maynard, Maynaro, Maynart, Mayo, Mayor, Mayorga, Mayorquín, Mayre, Mayrena, Maza, Mazariegos, Maces, Mazin, Mazon, Mazuque, Mazure, Medal, Mederano, Mederas, Medeiros, Medina, Medinilla, Medoza, Medrano, Meira, Mejia, Mejias, Melara, Melendez, Melgar, Melgarrejo, Mellado, Melo, Membreño, Mena, Menayo, Menchaca, Mendea Mendez, Mendiantuba, Mendieta, Mendiola, Mendives, Mendivil, Mendoza, Mendreño Menendez, Meneses, Menjibar, Menjivar, Menocal, Meono, Meoño, Merayo, Meraz, Merazo, Merazzo, Market, MERCELINA, Mercer, Mergarejo, Mérida, Merino, Merizalde, Merlo, Mesa, countertops, Mesalles, Meseguer, Mesén, Messeguer, M 95 Mestayer, Meszaros, Meza, Michelena, Michelino, Micillo, Miguez, Mijangos, Mijares, Milanese, Milano, Millet, Mine, Mine, Miner, Minho, Miqueo, looked, Miralles, Mirambell, Miramontes, Miranda, Miro, Mirquez, Mitja, Mitjavila, Mizrachi, Mojarro, Mojica, Molestina, grinding, Molín, Molina, Miller, Molleda, Mollinedo, Mollo, Moncada, Mondol, Mondragón, Money, Moneiro, Monestel, Monga, Mongalo, Mongalo, Monge, Mongillo, Monguillo, Monjarres, Monjarrez, Monjica, Monserrat, Montagné, Montalban, montalbert, Montalto, Montalvan, Montalvo, Montana, Montanaro, Montandón, Montano, Montealegre, Montealto, Montecino, Montecinos, Monteil, Montejo, Montenaro, Montenegro, Montero, Monterosa, Monteroza, Monterrey, Monterrosa, Monterroso, Montes, Monterinos, Monteverde, Montiel, Montier, Montoya, Monturiol, Mora, Moraes, Moraga, Morales, Moran, Morazán, Moreira, Morejon, Morena, Moreno, Morera, Moriano, Morice, Morillo, Morin, Moris, morise, Moro, Morote, Moroto, Morraz, Monia, Morun, Morux, Morvillo, Moscarella, Moscoa, Moscoso, Mosquera, Motta, Moxi, Moya, Mozquera, Mugica, Muiña, Muir, Mulato, Munera, Mungía, Munguia, Munive, Munizaga Muñante, Muñiz, Muñoz, Murcia, Murgado, Lees, Murias, Murillo, Murilo, Muro, Mussap, Mussapp, Mussio, Mustelier, Muxo. This is an incomplete list of the most common surnames in the Philippines, based on a partial count of registered births in 2016. Single-syllable surnames are of recent migrations, but multisyllabic surnames (e.g. Legaspi, Guevarra, Gamboa), Catalan (e.g. CAÑOSA Filipino It is derived from the word 'Caña' meaning 'reed'. I. Ibáñez, Ibarra, Ibarras, Icaza, Churches Ilama, incapié, Incer, Incera, Inceras, Inces, Infante, Iracheta, Iraheta, Irastorza, Irias, Iribar, Irigaray, Irola, Isaac Isaacs, Israel, Ivañez, Izabal, Izaguirre, Izandra, Iznardo, Izquierdo, Izrael, Izurieta. Reyes * 3. I . The majority of surnames are of Spanish origin, but with the exception of the "n" with tilde (ñ), all have the accents in the original Spanish removed, reflecting American colonial influence from occupation between 1898 and 1946, so, forms like Enríquez, Espíritu, de Jesús, Concepción, Guzmán, Chávez, Beltrán and Ibáñez became the contemporary Enriquez, Abanes Espiritu, de Jesus, Concepcion, Guzman, Chavez, Beltran and Ibañez, respectively. Da Costa, Da Silva, Dacosta, D'Acosta, Dalorso, Dalorzo, Dalsaso, Damaceno, Damito, Daniel, Daniels, Dapuerto, Dapueto, Darce, Darche, Darcia Darius Dasadre, Dasilva, Davalos, David Davila, Davis, D'Avola, De Abate, De Aguilar, De Alba, De Alvarado, De Benedictis, De Briones, De Camino, De Castro, De Céspedes, De Espelette, De Ezpeleta, De Falco, De Faria, De Franco, De Jesus , De Jorge, De Juana De La Cruz, De La Cuesta, De La Espriella, De La Fuente, De La Garza, De La Guardia, De La Herran, De La Hormaza, De La Jara, De La Mata, De La Nuez , De La O, De La Osa, De La Ossa, De La Paz, De La Peña, De La Rocha, De La Rosa, De La Selva, De La Teja, De La Torre, De La Trava, De La Vega, De Largaespada, De Las Casas, De Las Cuevas, De Las Heras, De Lemos, De Leon, De Lev, De Lima, De Lopez, De Luz, De Miguel, De Miranda, De Moya, hateful, Oil, De Ona, Ona, De Paco De Paredes De Pass, De Paz, De Pazos, De Pedro, De Pinedo, De Prado, De Ray, De Sárraga, De Sa, From Trinidad, De Ureña, De Vega, De Yglesias, Boat , Del Barrio, Del Bello, Del Busto, Del Carmen, Del Castillo, Del Cid, Del Pilar, Del Pimo, Del Rio, Del Risco, Del Socorro, Del Solar, Del Valle, Delatolla, Delgadillo, Delgado, Deliyore, Dellale, Dellanoce, Delso, Delvo, Dengo, Denis, Dennis, Detrinidad, Devanda, Devandas, Devoto, Dias, Diaz, Diez, thou say, Díjerez, Dimas, Dinars, Dinarte, Discua, Bending, Double, Dodero, Dalmus, Dalmuz, Sunday, Dominguez, Donated, Donaire, Donato, Doña, Donas, Donzón Gold Dormos, Dormuz, Doryan, Duarte, Duares, Duarte, Duartes, Duenas, Duenas, Duke, Duke Estrada, Durall, Duran Durante, Duval, Duvall, Duverrán . T. Tabah, Tabares, Tablada, Tabor, Tabora, Taborda, Taco, Tagarita, Tagarro, Tal, Talavera, Taleno, Tamara, Tamargo, Tamayo, Tames, Tanchez, Tanco, Tapia, Tapias Taracena, Tardencilla, Tarjan, Tarrillo, Tasara, Tate, Tato, Tavares, Tedesco, Tehran, Teijeiro, Teixido, Tejada, Tejeda, Yew, Tellería, Telles, Téllez, Tello, Tello, Tencio, Tenorio, Terán, Third, Terrade, Terrientes, Terrin, Terrín, Thames, Theran, Thiel, Thiele, Thuel, Tíjeres, Tijerina, Tinoco, Toala, Tobal, Tobar, Tobe, Tobella, Tobin, Tobon, Toledo, Toletino, Tomas, Tomas, Tomeu, Toribio, Torijano, Tormo, Toro, Torralba Tower Torrealba, Torregresa, Torregroza, Torrent, Torrents, Torres, Torrez, tortos, Tortosa, Toruño Tosso, Touma, Toval, Tovar, trala, Traña, Traures, Travierzo, Travieso, Trediño, Treguear, Trejos, Treminio Trevino, Triana, Wheat Triguel, Bunting, Trigueros, Trilite, Trimarco, Trimiño, Triquell, Tristan, Triumph, Troche, Trocanis, Troncoso, Troy, Troyo, Troz, Trueba, Truffat, Trujillo, Trullas, Trullás, Truque, Tula, Turcius, Turcios. The government of Spain officially estimated that around 90,000 people will apply for citizenship, which would also grant them a passport allowing free access to live, work and travel throughout the European Union. Barbero 9. In this post, MomJunction shares a compilation of 250 Spanish surnames with their meanings and history. Bendicion (Bendición) … (The list was compiled and encoded by Hector Santos.) The number of bearers are given on the 100 most common listed surnames. The Twenty Most Common Filipino Surnames. U. Ubach, Ubao, Ubeda, Ubico, Ubilla, Ubisco, Ubizco, Ucañan, Ucañan, Ugalde, Ugarte, Ujueta, Ulacia, Ulate, Ulcigrai, Ulcigral, Ulecia, Uley, Ulibarri, Ulloa, Umana, Umanzor, Ungar, Urain, Uralde, Urban, Urbina, Urcuyos, Urdangarin, Urea, Urela, Ureña, Urgellés, Uriarte, Uribe, Uriel, Urieta, Uriza, Uroz, Urquiaga, Urra, Magpie, Urrea, Urroz, Urruela, Urrutia, Urtecho, Urunuela, Urzola, Usaga, Useda Grape Uveda, … B. Babb, Babar, Baca, Bacca, Bacigalupo, Badilla, Bado, Baez, Baeza, Baidal, Bairnales, Baizan, Bajarano, Balarezo Baldares, Balday, Baldelomar, Balderas, Balderrama, Balderramos, Baldi, Baldi, Baldioceda, Baldivia, Baldizon, Balladares, Ballard, Ballard, Ballester, Ballestero, Ballesteros, Ballon, Balma, Balmaceda, Balmacera, Balon, Balser, Baltodano, Banegas, Banet, Banilla, Bathrooms, Banuelos, Baquedano, Baquero, Baradin, Baraen, Barahoma, Barahona, Barajas, Baraquiso, Barat, Beard, Barbagallo, Barbagebra, Barbara Barbena, Barben, Barberena, Barbosa, Barboza, Barcelas, Barcelata, Barcenas, Barcia, Bardayan, Barguil, Barillas, Barletta, Baro, Baron, Barquedano, Barquero, Barquette, Barra, Barracosa, Barrante, Barrantes, Barraza, Barreda, Barrenechea, Barrera, Barrero, Barreto, Barrias, Barrientos, Barriga, Neighborhood, Barrionuevo, Barrios, Barroso, Barrot, Barrott, Barrundia, Barsallo, Bart, Bartal, Barteles, Bartels, Barth, Barvas, Baruch, Basadre, Bashan, Basil, Basti, Bastida, Bastos, Bastti, Battle, Batan, Batista, Batres, Bautista, Bauzid, Bavaria, Bayo, Bazan, Bazo, Beatriz, Becancur, Becerra Becerril, Bedolla, Bedoya, Beecher, Beecher, Beingolea, Beita, Bejarano, Bejos, Bel, Belette, Belgrave, Bellanero, Bellido, Bello, Belloso, Belmonte Beltran, Beltre, Benach, Benambourg, Benambugr, Benambur, Benavente, Benavides, Benavides, Benda, Benda, Bendig, Bendij, Benedictis, Beneditt, Benevides, Bengoechea, Benites, Benitez Benito, Benzon, Berasaluce, Berciano, Berdasco, Berdugo, Berenzon, Bermejo, Bermeo, Bermudez, Bermudez, Bernadas, Bernal, Bernardo, Bernat, Berrios, Berrios, Berrocal, Berrón, Bertel, Bertran, Betancort, Betancourt, Betancourt, Betancourt, Betancourt, Beter, Beteta, Bethancourt, Betrano, Better, Biamonte, Binda, White, Blandino, Soft, Blandon, Blau, Blum, Bobadilla, Bodan, Bogan, Bogantes, Bogarín, Bohorguez, Bohorquez, Bojorge, Bolaños, Bolívar, Bonice, Boniche, Bonichi, Bonilla, Borbas, Bourbon, Borda, Bordallo, Borge, Borges, Borja, Borjas, Borjes, Borloz, Borras, Borrase, Borredo, Borrero, Forest, Botero, Boza, Bran, Bravia, Bravo, Brenes, Brief, Briceño, Twinkle, Briones, Brito, Brizeño, Brizuela, Buencamino, Buendia, Good, Bueso, Buezo, Buga, Bugarín, Bugat, Bugria, Burgos, Burguera, Burges, Burillo, Busano, Bustamante Bustillo, Bustillos, Busto, Bustos, Buzano, Buzeta, Buzo. (As of 2017, Forebears is the only available resources for common surname statistics, but its factuality is in question for several countries. Spain close to granting citizenship to relatives of Jews expelled in 1492. Bejarano 19. ), Galician (e.g. W. Wainberg, Wolf. Bautista 17. List of surnames eligible for Spanish or Portuguese citizenship In order to assist in the realization of Spanish or Portuguese passport eligibility, Campus Pas has appointed a professional and talented team, working in cooperation with Spanish and Portuguese law firms specializing in the subject and related to the local government. The following is the list of Filipino surnames in the Catalogo alfabetico de apellidos (Alphabetical catalog of surnames), a book of last names made as per Governor General Narciso Claveria's decree dated November 21, 1849. N. Naim, Naira, Najar, Nájares, Najarro, Najera Nájeres, Naranjo, Narvaes, Narváez, Nasrallah Nasso, Navaro, Navarrete, Navarrette, Navarro, Navas, Nayap, Nazario, Nema, Nemar, Neyra, Grandson, Nino, Child, Noble, Noboa, Noel, Nogebro, Noguera, Nomberto Nora Noriega, Norza, Nova, Novales, Novo, Novoa, New, Nut, Nunga, Nunez. Aside from Spanish, Chinese (especially Hokkien) provides also many common surnames, such as Tan, Lim, and Ong. The fact that majority of the people selected Spanish names perhaps reflected the prevalent colonial mentality that a foreign name would make one’s family appear more distinguished. This list is based on stats extrapolated from data of several common Filipino surnames as listed on the 2010 US Census. This name is a short form for ‘Abraham’ meaning ‘father of many or a multitude.’ It is a common surname in the Taytay region of Palawan. List Of Popular Filipino Last Names Or Surnames 1. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, * = of Spanish origin (includes Christian surnames, given names as surnames, patronymic surnames, toponymic/habitational surnames and several Spanish words used as surnames), ** = of Catalan, Galician, Basque, and Portuguese origin, *** = of Chinese origin (usually from Hokkien), **** = of native origin (includes surnames from many Philippine languages). S. Saavedra, Saba, Sabah, Saballo, Saballos, Sabat, Sabate, Sabba, Sabin, Sabogal, Saborio, Saboz, Sacasa, Sacida, Sada, Sadana, Sáenz, Saer, Saerron, Sáez, Safiano, Sage, Sagel, Sagot, Sagreda, Saguero, living Salablanca, Salamanca, Salas, Salazar, Salbavarro, Salcedo, Salcino Saldana, Saldivar, Salgada, Salgado, Salguera, Salguero, Saliba, Salinas, Salmeron, Salmon, Solomon, Solomon, salume, Salume, Salustro, Salvado, Salvatierra, Salvo, Samaniego, Sambrana, Samper, Samudio, Samuel, San Gil, San Jose, San Juan, San Martin, San Roman, San Silvestre, Sanabria, Sanahuja, Saname, Sanamucia, Sanarrusia Sanchez, Sancho, Sandi, sandigo, Sandino, Sandoval, Sandria, Sandy, Sanga, Sangil, Sanjines, Sanjuan, Sansebastián, Sansilvestre, Sanson, Sansores, Santa Ana, Santa Cruz, Santa Maria, Santacruz, Santamaria, Santana, Santander, Santiago, Mendizabal, Santiesteban, Santillan , Santin, Santisteban, Santoanastacio, Santos, Sanvicente, Sanz, Saraiva, Šaravanja, Saravia, Sardines, Sardinas, Sariego, Sarmiento, Sárraga, Sarratea, Sarraulte, Sarria, Sas, Sasso, Satjo, Sauceda, Saucedo, Sauza, Savala, Savallos , Savedra, Saviñón, Saxon, Sayaguez, Scriba, Seas, Seballos, Secades Secaida Dry Sedano, Sedo, Segares, Segovia, Segreda, Segura, Sehezar, selaya, Selles, Forest, Forests, Semerawno, Semeraro, Sepulveda, Sequeira , Sermeño, Serra, Serracín, Serrano, Serrato, Serraulte, Serru, Serrut, Servellón, Sevilla, Sevillano, Sibaja, Sierra, SIEZA, Siguenza, Siguenza, Siles, Siliezar, Silva, Silvera, Silvia, Simana, Simon Sinchico, Sio , Sion, Siri, Syrian, Siverio, Siz, Sobalvarro, Sobrado, Sojo, Sol, Solana, Solano, Solar, Solar, Solarte, Soldevilla, Solé, Solemn, Soler, Solera, Soley, Solis, Soliz, Solno, Solo, Solórzano, Single, Somarriba Somarribas, Somoza, Soria, Sorio, Soro, Sorto, Sosa, Sossa, Sosto, Sotela, Sotelo, Sotillo, Soto, Sotomayor, Sotres, Souto, Soutullo, Sovalbarro, Soza, Sparrowhawk, Suarez Suazao, Suazo, Subia, Subiros, Subirós, Subisos, Succar, Sueiras, Sunyer, Sunol, Surroca, Suyapa, Suzarte. Barcelona 10. The following is a roster of those indigenous Filipino surnames which have remained in use. Barrientos 14. Local languages, such as Tagalog proper (e.g. This post includes a list of 100 common Filipino surnames or last names, with their meanings, origins, and variants. What is the significance of the list of Jewish names for Spanish citizenship? More importantly, you’ll be able to carry a Spanish passport, which acts as a “golden ticket” for exploring the rest of the European Union. The Spanish Ministry of Justice told 20 Minutos the document was “apocryphal” and that it had not released a list of names. New legislation promises to ease requirements for descendants of Jews exiled in 1492 to reclaim their Spanish citizenship, but hurdles remain. It says the list, which was widely distributed online is false. See if you can find yours in a list of more than 2,300 surnames! 1. Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. Other Iberian languages, such as Galician (e.g. Baltazar 6. Barrera 13. Umm … you do understand that a passport is for citizens, right? Offices: Israel, Mexico & Portugal U. Ubach, Ubao, Ubeda, Ubico, Ubilla, Ubisco, Ubizco, Ucañan, Ucañan, Ugalde, Ugarte, Ujueta, Ulacia, Ulate, Ulcigrai, Ulcigral, Ulecia, Uley, Ulibarri, Ulloa, Umana, Umanzor, Ungar, Urain, Uralde, Urban, Urbina, Urcuyos, Urdangarin, Urea, Urela, Ureña, Urgellés, Uriarte, Uribe, Uriel, Urieta, Uriza, Uroz, Urquiaga, Urra, Magpie, Urrea, Urroz, Urruela, Urrutia, Urtecho, Urunuela, Urzola, Usaga, Useda Grape Uveda, Uzaga, Uzcategui. The Spanish authorities did release their own list of Sephardic Jewish Spanish citizenship last names – a list of more than 5,000 surnames identified as linked to Spanish descendants, which may be a good first step to obtain citizenship. Ways to obtain a Spanish citizenship… 2. Abarca. Abarca is an occupational last name. Bartolome (Bartolomé) 16. You can apply for Spanish citizenship after 10 years of legal residence in Spain, but there are exemptions. See my answer to the question: What are the common Filipino names before Spanish colonizers settled in the Philippines? Ballesteros 5. L. La Barca, Labra, Lacarez, Lacayo, Lafuente, Lake, Lakes, Laguardia, Laguna, Lain, Laine, Lainez, Laitano, Lamas, Lamela, Lamicq, Lamugue, Lamuza, Lancho, Lanco, Landazuri, Landez, Lanuza, Lanza , Spears, Lapeira, Laporte, Laprade, Lara, Lares, Largaespada Long Larios, Larrabure, Larrad, Larragan, Larragán, Larraguivel, Lhasa, Lasantas, Lascars, Láscarez, Lascaris, Lasso, Lastra, Lastreto, Latiff, Latino, Latorraca , Laurito, Laverde, Lazarus, Lazarus, Lázcares, Bow, Lazzo, L'Calleja, Leal, Leandra, Leandro, Ledezma, Ledo, Leitón, Leiva, Lejarza, Lemmens, Lemos, Lemus, Lemuz, Wood Store, Leo, Lépiz, Levi , Leyton, Leyva, Lezama, Lezana, Lezcano, Lhamas, Lieberman, Lima, Linares, Linarte, Cute, Lines, Trouble, Lira, Lizama, Lizana, Lizano, Lizarme, Llabona, Llach, Llado, Llamazares, Llamosas, Llano, Lanos , Plantain, Llaurado, Llerena, Llibre, Llinas, Llobet, Llobeth, Llorca, Llorella, Llorens Llorente, Llosent, Lloser, Llovera, Llubere, Loáciga, Loaiciga, Loáisiga, Loaissa, Loaiza, Lobo, Loeb, Loew, Loinaz, Lombardo Londono, Lope, Lopes, Lopera, Lopez Lopezlage, Loprete, Lora, Loredo, Lorente, Lorenz, Lorenzana, Lorenzen, Lorenzo, Loria, Lorio, Lorio, Lorz, Losada, Losi, Louk, Louzao, Loynaz, Loza Lozano , Luarca, Lucas, Lucena, Lucero, Lucke, Lugo, Luis Lujan, Luna, Lunaza, Luque, Luquez.

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