I could easily hear that her voice sounded a touch more refined, less raw, than what I enjoy from her Chesky releases. Av aller ypperste format. While not inexpensive [$10,000/pr. Dynaudio Contour 60 im Test... Dynaudio Contour 60 im Test bei Stereo 01/2017 In der Stereo Ausgabe 01/2017 auf den Seiten 24 bis 27 wurde die Dynaudio Contour 60 getestet. Dynaudio is one of those increasingly-rare companies that’s not only a specialist loudspeaker manufacturer (that is, it makes only loudspeakers, not amplifiers, streamers and so on) but is also a loudspeaker company that makes its own drivers as well (that is, it doesn’t buy drivers from other manufacturers). 4Ω. At that price, a few hundred pounds of D’Agostino metal has a much better chance of being bought by an audiophile. Dynaudio avait fêté ses 25 ans d’existence avec le modèle 25th Anniversary, une enceinte au coffret particulièrement travaillé. Si par hasard quelqu un savait, dans quel numero et quel mois, je suis preneur. Polecono mi między innymi monitory Dynaudio Focus 160 lub Dynaudio Contour 1.3 mk2 ( oprócz tych jeszcze Studio 16, RLS, SA Pandion i … To obtain the ideal overall sound performance, Dynaudio specially designed a brand new woofer -24W65 for the new Contour 60. 7,000 € La nouvelle série Contour reprend le superbe tweeter haut de gamme de la marque, le Esotar 2.Il est reconnu comme l’un des tout meilleurs du marché toutes marques confondus. Dynaudio Contour 60 LoudspeakersPrice: $10,000 USD per pair.Warranty: Eight years parts and labor (with registration). Basse Reflex. Prix catalogue Dynaudio Contour 20: 4500€ la paire . Comme le reste de nos haut-parleurs, il utilise une bobine en aluminium. But having set up close to a hundred pairs of speakers in the Music Vault over the years, I know the space pretty well, and the positions the Dynaudios ended up in were pretty close to where I first tried them. It’s a three-way design. I broke them in for about 150 hours but then i stopped to listen to them because compared to my old Contour 3.3 they just sounded awful. We let them play at half volume for less … What did come clearly through the Dynaudios was Pidgeon’s warm, comfort-infused voice, sounding present and familiar through the Contour 60s. ou Faire une offre +30,00 EUR (livraison) DYNAUDIO CONTOUR 20 IVORY OAK … For the most part it’s made of MDF, veneered inside and out for long-term structural integrity. Tous les pilotes sont alimentés par des bobines acoustiques en aluminium de faible masse et haute durabilité. > Vidéoprojecteurs simili 4K> Vidéoprojecteurs 4K natif, > Vidéoprojecteurs Ultra courte focal UST. Dynaudio has proudly introduced the brand new Contour i series.HIFI.NL has published the first extensive review of the Dynaudio Contour 20i in Dutch, but to our international readership we offer a synopsis of our praises to the smallest member of the new family.. Dynaudio Contour 20i: 5 out of 5. The Contour 60s were capable of deep, solid bass response that could energize my room after all. The panels are damped using what Dynaudio calls KERF-cut damping plates: grooved panels of MDF placed strategically on the inside walls. 2 voies. Ultra | SoundStageUltra.com (UltraAudio.com), Jeff’s Getting a New Stereo System: Part Three. The newly designed Contour series sits above the Emit and Excite models, and below the Confidence and Evidence lines, while the floorstanding Contour 30 model itself nestles between its $5k Contour 20 stand-mount and $10k Contour 60 floorstanding line mates. First I wanted to give you a good description of the sound of the Contour 60 without throwing in all sorts of “for the price” qualifications, which tend to ruin reviews for me. Au fond, deux nouveaux woofers 24 cm MSP (plus grands et redessinés des pilotes de 18 cm que nous avons utilisés dans les Contour 20 et 30). I was curious to hear the guitar at the start of the track, and how its sound interacted with the crowd’s intermittent cheering. Entre eux un médium 15cm complètement nouveau. Dynaudio says that the Contour 20s will play their best only when set up in an exact triangular configuration with respect to the listener (with the speakers closer to each other than they are from the listener), and only over a narrow range of ear heights. C'est un design à trois voies. Same goes for amps -- the Boulders, Gryphons, Soulutions, etc. . Nous avons demandé à Daniel, Danny, Andreas et leurs gars de travailler dessus parce que nous voulions que la Dynaudio Contour 60 conserve le son de milieu de gamme de signature dans une grande armoire, sans devoir réutiliser un pilote existant pour un travail pour lequel il n'avait pas été conçu. 88dB. Witam klubowiczów, dużo wiedzących, trochę wiedzących i nic nie wiedzących tak jak ja. Dynaudio Contour 60 Standlautsprecher: Test, Reviews und Erfahrungen von Nutzern der HIFI-FORUM Community zum Dynaudio Contour 60. I broke them in for about 150 hours but then i stopped to listen to them because compared to my old Contour 3.3 they just sounded awful. Dynaudio Contour 60 - Enceintes Colonnes. DYNAUDIO Contour 60i. This attention to robust cabinetry adds up to a structure that, subjected to the knuckle-rap test, proved impressively inert. In this case, the crossover components that distribute the audio signals three ways among the four drivers are high-quality devices made by Mundorf of Germany, whose products find their way into some of the best speakers on the planet. The notion is understandable: the company makes very well-built loudspeakers with a significant amount of objective test and measurement in the design process, and they are created to work with the maximum amount of possible combinations of upstream electronics. This studio recording by no means has the subtly captured ambience of her early albums on Chesky Records, sounding more like a contemporary country recording, albeit with a touch more warmth and clarity than you hear from your typical country release. About 6 days ago a few visiting friends asked me to demo them the C60 so i connected them again. . Die Contour Dynaudio Contour 30: Wir haben uns verliebt. Hi-Fi, when that speaker retailed for $7000/pair. So I started listening, and, um . Those four big woofers just had to produce a deep, full bass response, and I figured that that’s what would characterize their sound. With these companies, I always knew that the fact that they made their products with heavier materials and parts was a good thing: lots of bracing inside speaker cabinets, and big power supplies inside amps, were what we were told made great sound possible. It was a hands-down win for the 60s: more bass, better bass, bass superiority period. Its tonal balance is a bit left-to-right, meaning that its bass is a touch full, and the highs a slight bit tapered down. The notion is understandable: the company makes very well-built loudspeakers with a significant amount of objective test and measurement in the design process, and they are created to work with the maximum amount of possible combinations of upstream electronics. AVIS SUR DYNAUDIO CONTOUR 30. Unmittelbar, schon und berührend.“ „Die neue Contour 60i sollte die beste Contour werden, die es je gab. La Contour 20 sur pied tire parti de tout ce que nous savons de la technologie des enceintes – nous sommes danois ; nous en savons beaucoup – et le met dans un ensemble compact, épuré avec un son excellent. I’d expected that deep bass would define the Contour 60’s sound. I contended that, as much as we like to think that value should be assigned by sound quality alone, there’s no question that the actual stuff we get when we buy something counts for a lot. Il fonctionne comme un amortisseur et dissipe la chaleur pour réduire le stress sur les pièces en mouvement - ce qui améliore la maniabilité, élargit la réponse en fréquence et maintenant nous ne faisons que nous vanter. It’s not a speaker you can tuck under your arm and carry around, but it’s not nearly as heavy as many of the over-$50k/pair designs from Dynaudio’s competitors. The upper-end speaker models from Magico, Rockport, Wilson, et al., have always been heavyweights. When I first fired up the Contour 60s in my room, I expected big bass. All of this brings me to Dynaudio. . Tant et si bien que, si nous avons bien fait notre travail, vous oublierez qu'ils sont même là et juste écoutez. Their final positions were: 12’ apart, 6.5’ from the front wall, 5.5’ from the sidewalls, 12’ from my listening position, and toed in so that their tweeter axes crossed a couple of feet behind my head. So one month ago i decided to try sell them out online. The rear panel is thicker than the front, where the drivers are, because the 1"-thick baffle backs a 1/2”-thick sheet of extruded aluminum, to which the drivers are actually attached. Many times, when you hear that from reviewers, you can translate it to “my equipment is much more expensive than this thing and I want you to realize mine’s better.” Dynaudio has delivered a terrific value in the Contour 60. (09-25-2019, 08:42 PM) Phoebus a écrit : Bonsoir, Dynaudio Emit 10 Loudspeakers Review & Test Dynaudio is one of those increasingly-rare companies that’s not only a specialist loudspeaker manufacturer (that is, it makes only loudspeakers, not amplifiers, streamers and so on) but is also a loudspeaker company that makes its own drivers as well (that is, it doesn’t buy drivers from other manufacturers). 28 Hz - 23 kHz. Kuva: Dynaudio Johtopäätökset Jos kaipaat hyviä kaiuttimia, jotka eivät hallitse olohuonetta ja jotka näyttävät hyviltä, on Dynaudio Contour 20 täydellinen valinta. There’s some truth to that. My electronics included a newly acquired, vintage Coda Model 11 stereo amplifier that outputs 100Wpc in class-A. I saw nothing but excellent craftsmanship everywhere I looked, and while I’m no interior decorator, I could imagine the Ivory Oak finish nicely blending into most any décor. The Contour 60 weighs almost 40 pounds more, and its woofers have tons more surface area. It meant you were getting your money’s worth. 2x Graves en Magnésium Silice Polymère de 240 mm. Even if the two products did sound the same (they wouldn’t), the perception of greater value would be firmly in the corner of the D’Agostino. HERVESCOTT Membre. Good off-axis performance -- and remember, Dynaudio has its own anechoic chamber -- means that soundwaves reflected off the walls will be similar to the sounds coming directly from the drivers, so that when those soundwaves combine at the listening position you hear a pretty close approximation of what the designer intended you to hear, which hopefully also means what the musicians intended you to hear. Poids: 54,3 kg pièce. 1x Tweeter à Dôme Souple Esotar2 de 28 mm. But I wasn’t bowled over by big bass. La Contour 60 partage le même crossover redessiné et les mêmes composants que le reste de la gamme et a bien sûr l’approbation d'Allan Kristiansen pour la fabrication et la finition (son équipe repèrera même le plus petit défaut et passera trois semaines sur les finitions, pas seulement sur une enceinte, mais sur la paire pour qu’elles soient identiques. Last week I had to opportunity to hear the Contour 60 and Contour 30 back to back on Hegel equipment. not so much bass. L’excursion du nouveau haut-parleur de grave médium a été augmentée de 70%. Garantie: 2ans . Vous devez sélectionner au moins 1 quantité pour ce produit. The great thing about purpose-built drivers like those in Dynaudio speakers is that the crossover has less work to do -- the drivers’ electrical properties make less work for the crossover -- and, everything else being equal, a simpler crossover typically leads to better sound. The guitar had a nicely rendered tone through the Dynaudios, underscoring the ability of their Esotar2 tweeters to reproduce Mayer’s meaty, resonant pluckings. At 1:50 into “Orinoco Flow,” the big Danes locked in to my room with deep, solid bass that, if not quite subwoofer-like, was close. They’re really hard to buy office furniture for). Dynaudio’s flagship speaker model, the Evidence Platinum, has four woofers per speaker, each 7” in diameter. Dynaudio has updated the 2016 Contour series and is now launching the new Countour i family. C'est un design à trois voies. La Dynaudio Contour 60 partage le même crossover et les mêmes composants que le reste de la gamme - et, bien sûr, a reçu le sceau d'usine d'Allan Kristiansen pour la construction et la finition (son équipe repèrera le moindre défaut et passera trois semaines à refaire non seulement un, mais les deux haut-parleurs sont identiques pour une paire, ils sont vraiment difficiles à acheter des meubles de bureau). スピーカー DYNAUDIOのクチコミ掲示板 スピーカー DYNAUDIOについての情報を交換するなら、日本最大級の「価格.com クチコミ掲示板」で。交わされる情報の量と質は日本屈指のハイレベル… Home / Test / Lautsprecher / Passivboxen / Kompaktboxen / Erster Test Dynaudio Contour 20i: die Messlatte noch höher gelegt Der Paarpreis von 4.500 Euro ist der gleiche wie beim Vorgänger-Modell Contour 2, von dem die Contour 20i auch das Design 1:1 übernahm. Deep bass should just happen, but only when the music or the film soundtrack calls for it. Dynaudio Contour 60 ser kanske stora och bastanta ut på bild – och de är kolossala – men låter så raffinerade och välbalanserade att de definitivt kan klassas som highend. The crowd didn’t come across as a wash of sound, but thankfully was more distinct. De er også næsten dobbelt så dyre, og med en højde på 135 cm rager de godt op i stuen. Dynaudio Contour 30s… CLEARLY SPEAKING Dynaudio’s latest offering in their long-running Contour range is part of a group of three, the Contour 30 being the smaller floorstander of the trio. No contest there. 1x Tweeter à Dôme Souple Esotar2 de 28 mm. This two-way speaker is luxuriously large and heavy for a stand-mounted model, measuring 17.3" high by 8.5" wide by 14.2" deep and weighing

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