After initially saying nothing can happen, they sleep together and start a relationship. He at first stops speaking to her but forgives her in the end. After he was killed by Dan, Karen finds out that she is pregnant with his daughter Lilly Roe Scott. [28] He initially hides himself and Jenny from the police, but later turns himself in, with Whitey taking his daughter to Florida. Some time after, he heads to Tree Hill to produce a movie version of Lucas's book. The lessons were successful, when Psycho Derek returned Peyton uses the lessons to beat Psycho Derek. Portrayed by Gregory Harrison since season six, Paul Norris is Julian's father. She told her to go away, calling her a liar. She, along with Haley and Quinn are visited by their mother, Lydia, who reveals that she has pancreatic cancer and is dying. The two then drove off a bridge but survived. After waiting for Haley to go into labor, Haley gives birth to Lydia Bob Scott. So I thought it would be cool to get James. It is speculated that Victoria hired the assailant as a way to steal the sketches with the cover of a robbery so Brooke would be unable to go to the police. He also betrayed his own sister after she came out to him. He shoots Carrie and she is believed to be dead. She was approached by Peyton's former boss but tricked him into launching her under Peyton's label. She never shows up at the launch of Lucas's second book but sent someone else in her place. Lucas finds out that Karen lied to him when Dan tells him that he wanted joint custody of him and Karen refused. For me, it seemed like Felix was so homophobic, that for her to say 'I’m gay' to him felt even stronger for her.". Dan is visited by Keith who tells him that he's proud of him for finally learning to put family and friends first and become the brother he always wanted. She was shocked to see that Brooke carries a gun with her and explained that she never wanted a child, that she wanted everything Brooke has and that when she could not have it, she decided to end her husband's dream of having a son. He did not know Brooke was famous until she told him. He is originally portrayed as an arrogant jock and harassed Haley on her first day of teaching, and provoked her to fail him for the quarter on her second day, effectively preventing him from joining the revamped Ravens. Dan is the ex-husband of Deb Lee and the father of Lucas and Nathan Scott. Victoria returns to Tree Hill after "Clothes over Bros" is failing without Brooke's' help. She misinterpreted Lucas showing Brooke an engagement ring, as the two getting engaged and told Brooke that she would have annulment papers drawn up fast. In season nine, Quinn helps Clay with his mental problems and supports Haley when Nathan goes missing. She made sexual advances towards Nathan when he regained the use of his legs. He felt that he could inhabit the character as the two share several similarities. After a fist fight at Haley's Thanksgiving dinner, they watch a video of Chase saying he does not want to be with either of them. Chris runs away after killing the guard leaving Dan (and Julian) doing everything else. Sam and Brooke develop a close relationship, which is strengthened after Brooke saves Sam from Jack's brother, who Brooke realizes was the guy who attacked her in her store (also learning that he'd shot Quentin Fields). In the final episode, Quinn and Clay get married and adopt Logan. After being betrayed by Lucas and Peyton twice she loses her will to love and enter relationships. Millie is tempted to become the co-host in a bigger market show but decides to stay with Mouth. One Tree Hill -- the little show that could and did, time and time again -- came to an emotional end Wednesday night after nine seasons. Robert Theodore "Ted" Davis Jr. portrayed by Richard Burgi is the father of Brooke Davis Baker and the husband of Victoria Davis. She eventually tried to be friendly to the two girls but Peyton did not trust her. Later on, Alex and Millie become quite close, and Alex also tries to become close to Julian. However she returns to tell them simply that Brooke had broken up with him, information that Lucas clearly knew. Dan, thinking it was Keith, shoots Keith and lets Jimmy Edwards take the blame as Jimmy committed suicide. Nathan deals with Haley's reappearance and Dan's fate after the fire. She's just a joy to be around. Victoria pleads guilty to save her daughter and Millicent and is sent to federal prison. Victoria remains working for Brooke's company. Later on in the end credits she was listed simply as Bevin. He shows the heart of the show while in Tree Hill. [31] Peyton asks him to marry her, but the two part ways after she states that she loves Lucas in her sleep. He painted "dyke" on Peyton's locker to protect his bisexual sister from what he believed to only be rumors. Whitey eventually left the Tree Hill Ravens, and during the time period between seasons four and five, he coached a college basketball team, before finally retiring, leaving the college team for Lucas to coach. She began a serious relationship with Mouth after moving to Tree Hill with Brooke to open a store for "Clothes Over Bros." In season seven after modelling for Brooke, she becomes a full-time model and the face of "Clothes Over Bros". She later tries to have Julian produce a movie she scripted (although she at first does not disclose that she wrote it) and butts head with Brooke who sees her as a potential rival for Julian's attention. He becomes close friends with Brooke and Rachel. In the series finale, Haley shows Jamie the box of predictions she and Lucas used to do and Jamie makes a prediction that he will beat Nathan's score record. One Tree Hill episode 5x11 You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side. When Haley is constantly absent because of her music career, Taylor is stirring up trouble with Nathan. In season six, it is revealed she is the person who ran Dan over. Lee Norris as Mouth McFadden. Peyton begins getting creepy emails from "WATCHMEWATCHU" and assumes they are from Ellie. He later shows up for the auditions to perform at TRIC. He misses his uncle Lucas greatly and mentions this to his father often. At graduation, Bevin slips over on stage after being excited she has received her diploma. But later their partnership ends due to Deb's drug addiction and when she accidentally shoots a gun off in the customer filled cafe. Huey Lewis portrayed James "Jimmy" James during season two. They continued their relationship until the end of their senior year. In the 6th episode of season six, it is revealed that she was a foster child and that she slept in a car in the workshop at Tree Hill High. [9] Relevance. Answer Save. When Lucas and Mouth started to get close to the 'popular' kids such as Brooke, Nathan, and Peyton, Jimmy felt isolated and started to hate his time at school. One Tree Hill season 4; Episode 16: "You Call it Madness, But I Call it Love", One Tree Hill season 7; Episode 7: "I and Love and You", One Tree Hill season 2; Episode 1: "The Desperate Kingdom of Love", One Tree Hill season 4; Episode 9: "Some You Give Away", "Hilarie Burton is 21 and living a fairy tale", "HILARIE BURTON. However, Haley changes her mind and promises Nathan that if he leaves Lucas alone she will tutor him and Nathan agrees. Julian also helps Brooke deal with Xavier coming back. He is Lucas's friend from the river court. Haley named her daughter after her in season eight. Bevin returned for the series finale and greets Clay, Quinn and Logan at the courthouse. Still ditzy she mistook Lucas and Brooke for a married couple and stated she thought he'd marry Peyton much to Lindsey's dismay. Brooke And Lucas From "One Tree Hill" Should've Ended Up Together, And Here's The Proof "The difference is I love you, Brooke. However, it is later revealed that he is only back to try and sell Brooke's new company Baker Man, rather than to check up on her and forge a relationship. Carrie is given the job and manages to help repair the broken marriage between Nathan and Haley and even encourages Nathan to go to physical therapy to regain the use of his legs. Keith was in love with Karen from their schooldays and despised the way his younger brother Dan had treated her when she became pregnant and had his son. He is later rescued by Dan, who threatens to kill her if she ever comes near his family again. Thanks for nine crazy, wonderful, heartfelt seasons. [27] Nicki returns, having been awarded full custody of Jenny, due to Jake not being present at the hearing. Dan also makes amends with Deb and lastly, Nathan (in which Dan has a dream that he and Nathan play basketball just for fun for the first time ever) to which Nathan says that despite all the bad he did, he's still his father and forgives him and Dan dies moments later. She returned for Jamie's fifth birthday party and after the party she went to Lucas' house to get her last stuff and to give her key back. After "inviting herself" to Brooke's bachelorette party, while they are all partying and drunk, Alex becomes included within the girls' group. 1 [6.01] In season 6, now retired, he is visited by Dan where Dan finally apologizes and they have a reconciliation where Whitey tells Dan that he still has time to earn his family's forgiveness. Deb later ends it as she believes he should have children and get married which she does not want to do again. Bevin has also many siblings, at least 3: a sister Tara, a brother Tommy and an unknown sibling. She assisted Victoria in forging documents for "Clothes Over Bros," causing Brooke to be arrested when it all came out. He then clung on to Nathan and had a hard time adjusting to the fact that Nathan had new friends outside of him. In the time jump, Jamie is now a teenager and has become the new leading scorer, beating Nathan's record and wears the number #12 because it is his favorite number. Marvin McFadden, also known as Mouth, is portrayed by Lee Norris. 2 Answers. Ellie shows up on Peyton's door and tells her that she is her mother, and she did not send any emails. Peyton was consistently surrounded by terrible events: she was shot in the leg during the school shooting in season three and lost a lot of blood, but was rescued by Lucas, and was brutally attacked twice by Ian Banks, who pretended to be her long-lost brother Derek. In the season seven finale Alex ask him out for a date and kisses him just before he receive a text message from Mia wanting to get back together. She was tricked by Rachel to give up her third pick spot for Rachel's fifth spot, as she was told that five was more than three. ("All Tomorrow's Parties"). [35] However, just when Millie is about to have the book thrown at her, Victoria comes to her defense and gets her off, as well as offering her old job back as long as she kicks the habit and never steals from C/B again. At the end of season 8, Julian and Brooke are seen playing at home with their sons, whom they named Jude and Davis.

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