Thus we have to rid ourselves of everything we used to believe in order to grow into a much more resilient, strong and independent being. Step by step, you will remember and rediscover that. It is said that Twin Flames are one soul, split into two physical bodies. Thus – aside from our own trauma and patterns, we are carrying the wounds, trauma and fears of our ancestors in our cellular memory as well. It’s not just about reuniting and then being happy forever together, in your castle. Connecting to the higher self is a requirement of all twin flames in order to purify their souls, which must be done prior to completing their soul’s mission. This is a particular "type" of Soul and a very deep and special type of Soul Connection that requires certain areas of advanced healing and clear understanding of the dynamic and journey itself. You will find an expanded version of each stage in Twin Flame Code Breaker: Beyond Illusion – Spiritual Awakening – Gain Spiritual Understanding – Awareness – Shift or Be Shifted Receptivity – Raising Energetic Vibration – Recalibrating Your Vibration Check Out My Guided Meditation Audio Series: In this audio series, I will guide you through a meditative process helping you cancel your soul agreements that you made with others, of whom you signed-up with to be your teachers to help you learn your karmic lessons. Just because the energies are so intense between the two individuals. This creates space for our souls to expand. And then: Go for it! This creates space for our souls to expand. 4. Meet and merge in the zero point field with your twin flame. As we evolve, we weave in and out of the paradigms of each stage. We are at a point in the timeline where the … So do clear self-doubt, confusion, and be willing to let go of limiting beliefs about relationships. Discover exactly what's being triggered subconsciously and how to deal with it quickly without all of the confusion and resentment. What we do not understand in that phase is, that this is perfect the way it is, because this connection is so much more than any previous relationship experience we had. That leads us into total despair. Live students of Jeff and Shaleia are finding that as they heal aspects of their consciousness, their businesses, their health, and their family relationships are getting better and better, not just their Twin Flame journey. .”. It is an explosion of pure unconditional love. Apr 17, 2019 - Another perspective on the Twin Flame Experiences Especially for the Twin flames who are not in union at this stage and do not understand why they have to go t… Apr 17, 2019 - Another perspective on the Twin Flame Experiences Especially for the Twin flames who are not in union at this stage and do not understand why they have to go t… Explore. With this physical encounter (which can also be online), the energy systems of both individual bodies are influenced. The awakened twin flame leads the torchlight path for the matrix twin flame who is always confused as to what is going on with them. – Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies! You simply forgot with your birth into a third dimensional “reality”. If you are interested and excited to know how we can help you in your Twin Flame journey and Ascension process, check out the Tribe Mystery School for modern-day Initiates on the Twin Flame and Ascension path. Nearing the completion of Ascension, we experience a unification phase. Anchoring the yeshua and magdalene template onto the earth and yr grid point. Twin Flames hold archetype source codes in their DNA. You will learn so much about yourself, the universe and how everything is connected. The Twin Flame Journey is the most wondrous thing that can happen for us on our spiritual path.