The following Baby Boomer statistics may surprise, frighten or enlighten you: Baby Boomers make up 28% of the population. Language is constantly evolving: What may be the hip new phrase of today may be forgotten tomorrow. The Baby Boomers, aka flower children. This accounts for about 22% of the nation’s population. The “baby boomer” title was no mistake. In America, the term is directly associated to the people whose birth year's fall prior to the war in Vietnam and after the Second… Read More »Understanding the Child Boomers Meaning Baby Boomers are also known as boomers and are a demographic group of people following the Silent Generation. Do you remember the slang terms used by Baby Boomers? Baby Boomers Contribution. The widely accepted definition of baby boomers is a group of people who were born between 1946 and 1964. Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964. The following is an excerpted taken from A GENERATION OF SOCIOPATHS: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America by Bruce Gibney, published March 6, 2018, by Hachette Books. A huge population spike followed – called the Baby Boomer generation. When soldiers returned home after World War II, they got back to work… and got busy expanding their families. Baby boomers are turning to churches, temples and mosques to find meaning in their later years of life, according to the Longitudinal Study of Generations and USC's Vern Bengston. The popular television show Leave It To Beaver, which debuted in 1957, provides a fair portrait of Boomer childhood. Baby boomers grew up during a period of rising affluence. While Generation Z or millennials have adopted many words and phrases from the baby boomer generation, other sayings fell out of style after the 1950s, '60s, and '70s. According to census department estimates, America currently has 74 million baby boomers, meaning almost 25% of the overall population of the country. This is especially true in more developed nations. The show’s utter lack of imagination was both its artistic vice and sociological virtue. It comes from a dramatic increase in the number of children born in the 20th century. One in three Americans over 65 relies on Social Security benefits alone. For frustrated millennials and teens, OK boomer is an emotionally valid response to boomer condescension, but to frustrated baby boomers, … In the United States alone, there are approximately 74 million baby boomers. They have made a huge contribution to the making of today’s America. The term Baby Boomer refers to the people who was born throughout the soaring of birth rates just as the economy constantly succeed in various countries throughout the post war years. Baby Boomers make up a large portion of the world’s population. Baby Boomers control 80% of personal financial assets. If you’re born between 1946 and 1964, consider yourself a boomer. Baby Boomers Today. "OK boomer" is a catchphrase and meme often used by teenagers and young adults to dismiss or mock attitudes typically associated with people born in the two decades following World War II, known as baby boomers.However, it has increasingly been used to refer to older people in general, regardless of when they were actually born. Baby Boomers are responsible for over half of consumer spending. The Baby Boomers were born roughly between the years of 1946 and 1964, placing them in the age range …