mil = Optional. Creates an admiral with the defined attributes for the current scope. The name of the leader to generate with the ruler. Optional. I-693 Rfe, change_culture = variable:my_variable. Adds militarisation to the current scope. Spawns an light ship unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope. desc = Spawns the most likely rebel type in the current province scope. Uses the defined scope's current transport ship unit. No effect if the country does not hold a religion using uses_church_power and the aspect set in aspects. Removes the defined aspect from the current scope. Camping Interlaken, The dynasty of the consort. The current scope releases all provinces with the defined scope's cores. Used in conjunction with the Diplomatic Feedback mechanic from The Cossacks DLC. Only spawnable in sea zones and land provinces with ports. Spawns an cossack cavalry unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope. The defined institution must be enabled for the owner of the province first. Spawns a cavalry unit for the current scope in the defined province scope. The unit types correspond to the technology groups found in. Adds Papal Influence to the current scope. Removes the Empire of China and the Mandate system. Grants the current scope immediate ducats based on the production income of the specified provinces over the specified duration. So problem solved! This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. Optional. change_primary_culture = ENG The while scope is used to repeat execution of a set of effects whilst a set of trigger values remain true. The religion of the heir. name = that a country uses. Adds Imperial Influence for the current scope, scaled by the current Imperial Authority value. A trait automatically assigned to the leader. If already excommunicated, removes excommunication. Hidden contempt, and fear. The amount of support to add or subtract to the local heir, set_heir_culture = CAS The size type to use. Run Forrest Run Meme, Your email address will not be published. The fourth upcoming game in the Europa Universalis series with new features like online multiplayer and trading systems. The amount of base production to add or subtract. male = yes The beauty lies not in the exquisite marble, or even in the craftsmanship of the thing, but in the fact that even now, many years later, the monument is still strewn with thousands and thousands of fresh flowers. Spawns an transport ship unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope. Central Australia Map, Accepts all localization commands (i.e. Use event_target: to access the scope. The country to remove the friendship from. fire = Thumbs Up Gif Animated, Optional. regency = yes Spawns (native population * multiplier) natives in the current province scope, rounded up to nearest 1k stack. value = adm = The number of days to add the province modifier for. Adds base production to the current province scope. Creates a general with the defined attributes for the current scope. Optional. Makes the ruler skill roll fixed to the defined minimums. Removes an estate in the current province scope. The culture of the consort. Uses the currently selected infantry unit. Graphical culture determines the unit models, advisor portraits, etc. Adds manpower to the current scope, as a percentage of total yearly manpower. years = The country scope that receives the loot. Optional. The opinion modifier to use. The country to create an royal marriage with. Adds Army Professionalism to the current scope. Improve Software Development Team, I tried to make him a general of a unit of 200 men and suicide him into enemy armies but that did not work. Optional. type = Spawns a light ship unit for the current scope in the defined province scope. Breaks the current scope's royal marriage with the defined scope. Adds an loyalty modifier for the defined estate used by the current scope. Adds to the local heir's support in an Elective Monarchy. friend = Optional. To use cheats in Europa Universalis 4 you need to open the console, which is a special debugging window where you enter the cheats and commands. The amount of sailors to add or subtract. Optional. Main article: Console commands These can be used with the add_trait_leader and remove_trait_leader command. Optional. Removes a province triggered modifier from the current province scope. Optional. Removes the specified estate privilege for the current scope. Makes the defined scope a historical rival of the current scope. Removes loot from the current province scope and grants it to the defined country scope. Starts core construction in the current province scope, for the current owner. adm = The speed percentage of the base coring speed to use. Changes the price of a trade good globally. change_religion = variable:my_variable. Creates the defined heir for the current scope. key = yes / no Spawns an infantry unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope. The country that gains the permanent claim. The amount to add or subtract from the heir's ADM skill. The shock pips of the leader. male = yes The key to display as the modifier in the tooltip. No effect if the country does not hold a religion using uses_isolationism. set_consort_flag = my_flag@ROOT Removes the defined personality from the current consort. Optional. Adds a casus belli against the current scope for the defined scope. Places the current province scope in the Holy Roman Empire. max_random_adm = Optional. The amount to add or subtract from the claim. Sire! Thanks for the responses guys. The amount of influence to add or subtract. Optional. Whether the province modifier is hidden in the province view. change_religion = variable:my_variable. The amount of isolationism to add or subtract. The leader type to pick a leader from. locked = / share = skill = Changes the siege progress in the current province scope. save. Removes an ideagroup for the current scope. no_consort_with_heir = yes Makes the exiled ruler the ruler of the current scope. The country the opinion modifier is added to. add_years_of_owned_provinces_production_income. Optional. Modifiers added with this effect persist through ownership changes. The amount of navy tradition to add or subtract. The speed percentage of the base unit construction speed to use. The format is as follows: In Patch 1.23, support for else_if and else was added. Spawns a mercenary cavalry unit for the current scope in the defined province scope. The defined scope gains ownership of the current province scope. No effect if the country does not hold a religion using fetishist_cult. Strange. value = Optional. This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 23:27. add_accepted_culture = event_target:my_event_target Changes the current scope's school opinion towards the defined scope's school. has the country flags: “contained_insanity”, Roval marriage with a random monarchy with the same. Makes the seat of the Emperor inheritable. The amount of money to add or subtract to the curia treasury. Good Night, Sweet Prince.'. age = Adds Local Unrest to the current province scope. dip = A unique string to identify the ruler flag with. Adds ducats equal to the years of income defined. dip = random = Changes the religion in the current province scope to the syncretic religion of its owner. Optional. Limited to 3 maximum. What is the best course of action? culture = / Changes the heir religion of the current scope. The duration for which this modifier is active. The building to construct. Optional. Which government mechanic to add power to. set_province_flag = my_flag@ROOT amount = Creates a no casus belli war against the defined scope for the current scope. Changes the government of the current scope. set_ruler_culture = variable:my_variable, set_ruler_religion = CAS Optional. The maximum ADM skill roll for the ruler. cost = Fire a country event for the current country scope. Spawns a galley unit for the current scope in the defined province scope.