Hope sometimes jokes with Alaric saying that she'll need a new fighting mentor being Alaric is growing older. She talks to her uncle Kol and he gives her an idea, which she contemplates. Once the baby is born Hayley asks if she could hold her. Their friendship, became complicated after Hope was absorbed by Malivore and all memories of her were erased. They are then interrupted by Freya and he walks off, leaving them to talk more. Status Hayley fights Genevieve, but Genevieve has the upper hand. In Screw Endgame, Lizzie walks to the Town Square, where she finds Hope stretching, and reveals that she remembers her following the blast of magic from Josie. Hayley stabs her with the knife Genevieve wanted to use to kill her daughter and she tells Genevieve that's she is not sorry. Hope's concerns are not alleviated, however and to get Alaric out of the way, she traps him within the simulation he himself created. I’m watching the finale now and I’ve heard it’s amazing but I’m not sure I want to watch another season that’s 85% a 7 year old kid. Later on, Hayley is lying on a kitchen table with Sabine dangling a pendant over her stomach. She gets angry at Freya and when telling her to leave, she uses pyrokinesis and then puts it out. Read | Ava DuVernay developing 'Naomi' series at The CW In Alaric's office — where Josie has placed a boundary spell to keep Landon safe — Hope reveals everything to Landon, including that they were in love and she went into Malivore to save him. She asks him what will be come of her once she gives birth. As a Labonair, Hope has a Crescent birthmark on her right shoulder, similar to that of her mother and distant relatives, Eve, Lana, and the Hollow. Hope tells Alaric that she won't go back to the Salvatore School as she fears that Landon will still want to be with Josie. The Keeper explains that they can only escape the game if one of them chooses to take her place, and the other will be set free; alternately, they will both be eaten by the minotaur. She runs so that she can see him, but he senses her and leaves, leaving her disappointed. Hope admits that she has figured out that a vortex opens each time she practices magic and the problem is that she has never fully activated her vampire side therefore cannot kill Malivore. He kills one of the witches, but Genevieve, Monique and Abigail stop him. The day after, Klaus slowly walks into Hayley's room whilst she is supposedly sleeping. Played by She becomes a student at the boarding school and as time goes by, she becomes determined to see her father again, despite the consequences that could ensue. Her wounds have also all healed and is revealed that her baby has healed her due to its vampire healing blood, inherited from her father, Klaus. She looks around and wonders where all her mother's friends are, getting upset about many things. She tells him she's not going to train him as she's afraid he'll get hurt or die in the process. She sees loneliness as less of a burden to bear than her formative experiences of loving so deeply and losing so terribly. He then tells to her mother that to be coming after Hope he will make her pay as only himself can do - as his mother's son. Hope has an idea, and plans to transfer the phoenix energy from Landon into Rafael to keep him alive. Elijah doesn't agree, she'll be haunted no matter what. Genevieve says she has nothing to do with it, she's not a monster. Hope again battles with dark Josie but is incapacitated when she's turned to stone. He wants to protect her at all costs and hopes to be in her life someday when it is safe for her. Cami looks at her shocked. Elijah also reveals that descendants of Klaus' father are still alive (Cary is a descendant), therefore meaning relatives of the child as well. Overcome with emotions, she nearly loses control of her magic, which would have exposed the school, but Lizzie steps in, again, and hugs her, covering her near outburst. In An Unblinking Death, there is an explosion in the Bayou. She then shows him a list of reasons why she loves him that she wrote when she came back from Malivore. They were taken from their mothers shortly after birth, Hope by the witches and Nadia by her grandfather. Find out why did Rafael leave Legacies? Their relationship comes to a low when Landon confesses to Pothos — who he wrongly believes to be Cupid — that he doesn't know why Hope chose him. Klaus told Rebekah that despite their differences, there was nobody else he would trust more with the life of his daughter. The danger seems contained until a tragedy forces the siblings home, which makes the closing chapter of this family saga as emotional as ever. When Freya returns from trying to find Hayley, she shows Hope her mother's phone and that she has disappeared. Alaric offers Hope support, questioning if she is alright, however she brushes him off insisting that she is fine. She inherited her werewolf gene from both of her parents, while her vampire and witch legacy came from her father who is the Original vampire-werewolf hybrid and the son of the Original Witch. In It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough. Following this, another vortex opens within Malivore and tries to suck Hope in. Landon tells her that Penelope informed him about her keeping secrets from him regarding his mother. In This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, tensions between Hope and Alyssa Chang increase as their room-sharing situation becomes increasingly complicated. Later Klaus confesses to Elijah that all is his fault and that he should have accepted Hayley's pregnancy - and now his daughter is away from him. Annoyed by his mother's questions about why he still scorns her Klaus ends up spinning her against walls in Elijah's cell and tells her that he only feels a pure and intense hatred about her as she came after his child, his daughter, his and also her blood. On the way back to the house, Hope stops the car engine and seconds later the house goes up in flames. Rebekah left town before Hope's birth but soon returned when Klaus asked her to protect his daughter. This was why Esther lived when Hayley meets her. The blood of her daughter brought her back to life, she is in transition. When The Saints Go Marching In (TO)Hold on Tight (Legacies). In her wolf form, Hope possesses white fur and has the typical glowing yellow eyes that come with Lycanthropy. Sophie is glad he feels that way, as she blackmails him. She and Landon later lock Rafael in the back of the trunk before consulting Alaric. It was said by both of her parents; Hayley in Girl in New Orleans, where she said to her doctor that her daughter was a tough one just like herself, and by Klaus when he said that both Hayley and Hope were fighters in A Closer Walk With Thee. In Dead Angels, Hayley mentions that Hope is crying because of Jackson and she doesn't have her favorite toy. She would later use her telekinesis to break the salt circle that bound the spirit of Davina to the mortal plane, sending her back to the Ancestral Plane, and returned her father back to his body. She prefers wearing light colored dresses with flower prints.All grown up, Klaus and Elijah try to find them, but they had cast a spell that creates the illusion of a maze. In Alive and Kicking, Hope's parents spoke about her during their trip in The Bayou. For the past two years and after Klaus' death, Alaric has acted like another father figure to Hope, which Lizzie and Josie are quite jealous of. Due to his marriage to Hayley, Jackson Kenner was her step-father for almost a year, until he was killed by Tristan de Martel. When the vampires arrive to get retribution for Poppy's death by killing Henry, she tells him to calm down and she explains to him that he's sired to her. Hope is later seen in a truck with her mother as Klaus reads his goodbye-letter for Hope as they exit New Orleans to save the rest of the Mikaelsons. Klaus takes her to her nursery and puts her in her cradle. Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, a prism that allows subconscious interaction, It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself, http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/hope, https://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/andrea/, https://vampirediaries.fandom.com/wiki/Hope_Mikaelson?oldid=2784327, Beautiful Little Princess and My Littlest Wolf, Mikaelson Miracle Baby, Hybrid, The Demon Spawn, Baby Girl, Magical Miracle Baby, My Sweet Girl, Love, Bunny, Buddy, My Little Nerd, Darling, Little Witch, Finn and Hope (Uncle and Niece/Former Enemies), Hope and Henry (Friends/Former Classmates/Former Allies). Sophie revealed that the baby is one of Nature's "loopholes". However, as of There's Always a Loophole, Hope learns that she is not a cosmic mistake as she once thought. Then a wolf howls and Hayley understands that she falls into an ambush led by Agnes. The two make out and it's shown that Landon can levitate, until they both drop to the floor laughing. She tells her that she thinks it is a girl, this excites Hayley. When he tries to talk to her, she tells him to go and pushes his astral projection out. Hayley is surprised and heartbroken that she had missed Hope's first steps. They head to an abandoned house and they try to do a spell, but Hope's palm heals quickly. However, after Hope's parents died, they became closer and eventually became friends, such that Hope even covers for and protects Josie. Supernatural information She sits on a bench at night, pouring the poison into a cup of tea, urging herself to drink it. She goes to Klaus about what's happening and while he tries to tell her to kill Roman, she doesn't want to and she frees him.