keep visiting our website 🙂, @Unknown … People often come in for their appointments saying things like, "I can't relax. Ma Allah bless u, i wcs seaching dor something to reciteauthentically and this came up, although i have read these duas before, i was feeling so depressed and needed something to help me to get closer to Allah. But I shall in sha Allah make these duas. Take a deep breath. Its realy getting hard for me to feel normal. رَبَّنَا لا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ اَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ, its a very short dua, you can memorize it easily. And if calamities come your way always haveenourmous faith on Allah and ask dua cz it is our weapon and very strong and a blessing given to us by Allah. I’ve already lost my father nd i don’t wanna loose my mumma. May ALLAH bless you, keep visiting our website. Imagine that thinking is like breathing; you do it all the time, without even realizing it. Knowing how to stop overthinking isn’t an innate gift. ALLAH subahan hu wa tala has command over every thing, and HE clearly mentioned in HIS book Quran, that NO CALAMITY or EVIL CAN HARM YOU WITH OUT ALLAH’S WILL !!! @anonymous “O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. JAZAKALLAH for reading our post 🙂 keep visiting our blog for more of such informative articles. My pain is me pls. Allah has blessed me in saveral waya subhallah . Can i read these doa for my husband??? I can see she has already improved and alhamdulilah feeling quite happy. Today i cant say i am over it or recovered but definitely i am much much better . When I’m lying in bed at night, I try to focus on you. i love some one deeply from last 6 years and now she is going somewhere, i think she don’t want 2 go… but its a high demand of situation…if any one can see my tears so plz plz plz pray for me that she don’t go anywhere.. JazakAllah for making this website available to us. An Example of How to Pray to Overcome Worry "Dear God, I feel so anxious about what's going on in my life -- and what I'm afraid might happen to me in the future-- that I spend a lot of time and energy worrying.My body is suffering with [mention symptoms like insomnia, headaches, an upset stomach, shortness of breath, a racing heartbeat, etc. It will take patience, sustained effort, and perseverance to implement a long-term plan for well-being, yet there is hope for healing and a clear path forward in Islam. wa alikum salaam dear sister. If you spend … yes ! may ALLAH bless you. Assalamu Alaikum, I have been suffering for a long time and almost tried to commit suicide Bcoz I couldn’t bear my depression & worries. we wish, may ALLAH help you to fight your depressions and anxiety with patience and sabar. Allah (swt) bless you and all of us .I will b super happy the day I will b out of the traps of past memories . lots and lots of duas for you dearie ! Thank you my sister . No doubt, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured. Success comes from Allah, and Allah knows best. He left me and my 20 month old daughter a month ago, there was a fight between him and a member of my family. your son needs support and love of family. keep visiting us. thanks a million times-am just about giving up on myself BUT these wazifas came to my rescue.May Allah reward you(amin). Certain types of food … You can look up as many tips as you like from articles, books, and podcasts. All I pray is that allah bring me back to my normal life and out of this depression 🙂 and yess I have started performing salah mashallah . tell your children to read surah Al-sajda daily as many times as possible to get a good spouse. Yes !! Here’s how Islam teaches us to deal with negative thoughts. JAZAKALLAH. Free your mind, let all the stuff flush out ! I want to ask u can I read this dua for him. there is no benefit of crying if its mere flow of tears, you must cry to ALLAH … indeed HE listen to us all 🙂 🙂, may allah bless you and all of us @Roshan INSHA ALLAH! ..please pray that he makes things easy for me. Thank you. i am finally out of every sin and regret! May he also forgive our sins and places us in the highest jannah. To sum, overcoming depression and anxiety, when they have a stranglehold over our lives, is a very difficult task. Your email address will not be published. Realize you can't predict the future. According to the oracles, the next day after the dream will … This is the best way to not overthink so much. Every morning I get up of the sleep out of sudden depression . JAZAKALLAH for comment. you will feel filthy, you will feel you have no right to pray to ALLAH, still…. when ever i find any trouble i prefer kneeling to ALLAH at tahajjud and conversate in my own language. its just a test, and you will pass through it soon IN SHA ALLAH 🙂 ), لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللَّهُ الْعَظـيمُ الْحَلِـيمْ، لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللَّهُ رَبُّ العَـرْشِ العَظِيـمِ، لا إلَهَ إلاَّ اللَّهُ رَبُّ السَّمَـوّاتِ ورّبُّ الأَرْضِ ورَبُّ العَرْشِ الكَـريÙ, “La ilaaha ill-Allaah al-‘Azeem ul-Haleem, Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah Rabb il-‘arsh il-‘azeem, Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah Rabb is-samawaati wa Rabb il-ard wa Rabb il-‘arsh il-kareem”, “There is no God except Allah, the All-Mighty, the Forbearing, there is no God except Allah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne. Please help . He is almighty and all merciful .. he wil bring me back to the track. 3-Pay attention to your triggers and try to avoid them The example of Allah is the greatest and the best that we can try to emulate. Schedule time for reflection. Very helpful. a moment). to be very honest, i strongly believe in tahajjud. To sum, overcoming depression and anxiety, when they have a stranglehold over our lives, is a very difficult task. @anonymous! never leave your salaah. overthinking is killing me, and i can't work it's just bad, another thing is procrastination on the computer, i want to study more, but i surf the web uselessly, do you suggest any sites for me to study, maths, science, and English? AllahuAkbar, @zainab wa iyyaka. Dont get disappointed, these are just short phases of lie which eventually have to pass for sure ! I HAVE LOOKED EVERYTHING INTO DETAIL TO THE POINT I CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP, IM ALWAYS SAD, DEPRESSESED, THINK ABOUT DEATH THE HELL FIRE ECT… I JUST WANT TO BE A NORMAL YOUNG GIRL! One of them I am pre-hired but the second one it is the most important one, I am waiting for them to call me please make Dua that Insh-Allah I get this second job because is a good fit for my family’s financial situation as we have been struggling a lot for a long time & I applied for 2 years in a row for the second job. I cried in sujjod but it didn’t work much as I felt I still think about same incidents and my heart has changed only little. really i got what i want, may allah az zaujal keep us in his safety n make smile 🙂 always and i am spending a very happy, content and much much pious life now”. Hope Allah is listening my doahs and make them qubool. Fear the things you can change and dont fear the things you cannot. I converted to Islam 2 months ago and it has helped me a lot with my depression. He has written and published over 110 articles on Islam, authored "Peace Through Submission" and edited "Islamic Perspective in Medicine". Sadly one vacation was terminated due to the preliminary disease, the 2nd vacation (that was timed to correspond having a public holiday and bending my hours to restrict the times off) I arrived home exhausted as my spouse turned ill the night we quit and that I got hardly any rest when I needed to take care of him within the evening. Pls tell me something which I can do to motivate him to pray 5 times a day . We hope that Allaah will reward you for that. Meditate. Assalamu alaikum amna .I cant pray tahajudh even though i wake up. The next time you … Also plz let me know dua for finding job and good marriage proposals. More than medicine i want her to get cured by duas. Kindly pray for me, for Allah to remove worries from me and grant me good fortune. I have exams coming up which I am studying for but all of a sudden I would feel I know nothing while solving past papers or seeing my friends discuss. It has left me worse off . wa salam. some times we dont know what we are asking for our selves, ALLAH is the best planner ! I don’t know what is happening in my life anymore and this is making me anxious, lost and depressed. JazkaALLAH for your comment. For example- sitting on the train thinking if the it will crash- you say to yourself- if Allah wills it it will crash whether i am on this thing or not- then it will and there is nothing i can do about it. Is it permissible to curse people in Islam? Nowadays I am very upset n depressed. Keep visiting us. Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. May Allah bless u all wid gud health. We shall simply handle as best once we could. true that brother! Assalamo Alaikom Warahmatullah… I hope this helps in sha Allah. r/islam is the place to discuss any topics related to Islam & Muslims. @saad Ya Allah. thank you for the dua mansha allah la howla wa la quwa ta ila bila! have faith brother ! I hope my deppression goes away ameen. its just a little phase of life, which will pass soon IN SHA ALLAH ! i have been searching for one of the dua for 2 months & i was anxious. M still in the process of recovering . Allah will inshallah get me out of this with fyling colors ameen . Assalamualaikum my dear sister amna farooq . sister ! . wa iyyakum sister Also read surah ale imran ayat no.193-195 to get more rewards in both worlds inshallah, thank you so much for this beautiful dua’s I’m a mother of 3 kids and i was in very difficulty times and as soon as i read this dua’s i saw beautiful dreams and my works got done greatly and my enemys failed thank you for your help, salaam… !!! @petrovich why wouldn’t HE accept you back ? @Hassina aameen. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving comments, and stay updated by subscribing to the. focus on your baby ! Over five-strings thinking can stop by upacara/appana-jhana and can cease by vipassana. wa alikum salaam 🙂 you can not imagine how good it was to read your message ! keep visiting our website! Salaam my brothers and sisters in Islam.! He didnt do any therapy but give medicines.but i think taking medicines didnt reduce my tension.i am thinking of consulting another doctor.but i pray to allah that cure my disease with out seeing another doctor.pls dua for me.and my hus will arrive on this week. or why wouldn’t HE help you get on the right path , especially when you want to return ! If you don’t, none of the tips will work. remember…. you did a mistake some time back in past. Lifestyle is important too, eating healthy balanced diet, exercising and being around positive people. Profits and Losses are from Allah as a test for us. thats like a brave lady !!!! May HE the exalted answers all your prayers Ameen. good luck (y) and keep visiting us. You will have to stop it for overcoming overthinking. I cant explain that heartwrenching situation where i would cound days and hours to feel normal a little better . “Worrying is like praying for … Its so difficult living with deppression is to do with my business at this time, its not going great.please make dua for me. If you feel like you don't know how to stop thinking, you need to learn what it's like to "let go" of your thoughts, so that it's something you can do deliberately. @Amna Farooq, thanks for your kind words. Assalamu alaiku amna .i am 23 yr suffering from depression @ 5th tht skl no one talked tome. Keep asking your LORD, HE listens indeed 🙂. JAZAKALLAH for so many nice duas 🙂 may ALLAH bless you more 🙂 Please pray for me. Stewing on your problems for long periods of time isn't productive, but … how can one be unfair or flirt with me ? I got back to prayers and all like I used to plus having the advantage of it being Ramadan now. He asked him that why you are depressed, he said that I am not able to […]. Find out how I experienced after having a rest and our strategy was to set up a vacation. I have two concerns that I need Dua for : Ya Allah Pls. And there is never a point in looking at the past . wa iyyaki 🙂 keep visiting our website . keep visiting our website, JAZAKALLAH. JAZAKALLAH for your nice response. Thank you so much for posting this zikra,I am full of sorrow,problems when i think to search some ayat to help me relieve the pain inside,Jazakumollahu khair fi donya wal akhirat…shokran…, Allaahou Akbar ! Alhamdulillah. ONLY ALLAH knows it… for the person who brought this out THANK YOU A LOT…. Now low memory,lack of concentration do sucide thoughts disappear.but when my pain and tension increases at to the point i cant bear ,i pray to allah tat tommarow morning i dont want to wake up bcz i cant bear this much of pain.nearley, consult psychrist and taking medicines.he said tat iam havng personality disorder.but medicines increasing my tension.everyday searching on sites to get anything tat relieves my mind.i do namaz dikr salah find on site tat positive affirmations/talk to one self in morning nd evening make your subconscious mind beleive it nd thus come true.i repeat my self tat everyone loves me,im havng peace hpy nd all.but it didint work 4 me nd even worse my conditioning of contionous thinking abt these.musliyar said me to recite 3times surah jinn,26 times fatiha and kala moosa….mufsidheen many times.i am doing tis but some days my tension arouse to level that i cant do nothing,but simply lieing on bed without thinking nothing.also i prefer to lie/sleep on bed inmost tat tension get reduced.also i have fear cooking nd forget recipes eventhough i cook it many times.and having no adequate emotions such as being sad when in exact situation.plz do dua 4 me. We would be able to make informed choices about our health, @kahiroonnisha ayob ! It was reported that Asma’ bint ‘Umays (may Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to me: “Shall I not teach you some words to say when you feel distressed, Depression and Worries ? And also grant me financial breakthrough with wisdom and understanding. Gradually you would start accepting the reality “yes, its over now, yes i have been deceived, but what was my fault? we pray you get best match for your children. It was reported from ‘Abd UAlaah ibn Mas’ood. Salam walikum, brothers/sisters, I’m reverted to a great religion Islam and i believe my Almighty Allah a lot. keep visiting us. did you consult any doctor, if its that serious you should go for some therapy and medicine. But trust me, you will pass through all of this just like you take out a hair from butter! keep visiting our website…. Jazaak Allah. nothing has gone wrong even now, stay strong. Do Not Panic Seek help with Salah and Sabr (Patience) and Keep praying with your full and ferever hgeart. I used to recite Dua. Wa alikum salaam U really have helped me and gave me a hope of fightining it. […] a man came to Ibrahim ibn adham (may Allah be pleased with him) and said him that I am very depressed. Also, what is the difference between deen, Thanks for dropping by! He is almighty and all merciful .. he wil bring me back to the track. @abcd may ALLAH bless you and your family ! Put things into a wider perspective. sure ! Start is frightened just in case shoots and that I do not like heading out just in case I get sunburnt. WA ALIKUM SLAAM WA REHMATULLAH…. Rabbi Inni Maglubi Fantasir, Wajibri Qolibil Alimuntasir, May Allah forgive all our sins, bless all our request and grant all our satisfaction with legitimate desire. @Amee Thanks for dual.may Allah help remember me in your prayers. its so sad to hear. Dr. Shahid Athar is a Clinical Associate Professor at Indiana University. One proven tool that is incredibly effective in helping people to choose their thoughts and stop overthinking is mindfulness. @anonymous ! thats all. I love my mom a lot. May Allah grant you and our ummah Jannat firdaus in shaa Allah. Assalamualaikum my brother and sister, i need serious prayer,i have depression ,stress and everyday, all my things are not well for some months now. 132k members in the islam community. i was sincere! HE is with you all the time and HE will never leave YOU! It will take patience, sustained effort, and perseverance to implement a long-term plan for well-being, yet there is hope for healing and a clear path forward in Islam. Jazak Allah khair. ALLAH subhana hu wa tala has always better plans for you,even better than your expectations …. May Allah help you your son and your whole family. may ALLAH bless you parents, ameen. “Mindfulness is actually a way of connecting with your life, and it’s something that doesn’t involve a lot of energy,” said mindfulness expert Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Since my partner kept getting ill I’d been battling. I’m guilty since I’ve no justification for worrying others have circumstances that are worse. wa alikum salaam naimat! - Be grateful to Allah that he removed this horrid man from your life. we are all on earth for same purpose, to help each other! Ameen! By adopting healthy habits in our mind, body, and spirit, we can restore the natural balance within us that leads to recovery and prosperity. it helps me alot 🙂. I am so fearful of it. wa alikum salaam! Please me posting more Dua . just keep your faith strong 🙂 hazrat Ali (r.a) said ” i have recognized presence of ALLAH by failure of my plans” which means there is some BEST PLANNER, planning things for you better than how you plan them for your self 🙂 stay connected to ALLAH 🙂, Assalamu alaikum. it made my day !!! After talking to you I feel much relieved n strengthened . If you have a hard time memorizing dua, here are few tips for dua memorization and you can also join our Dua memorization course. this article may contain some useful information about cancer cure. Second my elder son needs a lot of Duas because he has paranoia about some things, he doesn’t listen when we tell he need to take control of his life, he gets angry because he doesn’t concentrate or listen to the conversation until the end., Jazakiallahu khair sister for this info . SHAHEEN, thank you for this dua….may allah remove all the muslims worries…. Insha Allah hope these duas work for all of us. That can help us to remove anxieties,depression, and Worries. wa iyyaki sister. I really couldnot manage to take long off since I’dnot worked for carers leave. keep visiting our website ! 🙂, Certainly sister . One must learn from all such events happening in our life and fight with it . However, we cancel our business agreements and settled by paying huge funds but still he’s not satisfied and threatens us. I’m guilty not and since I’m losing time doing something helpful. Insha’a Allah You’ll do away with your depression soon 🙂. may ALLAH bless you , keep visiting our website. Jazaakumullah hair. للّهُـمَّ إِنِّي عَبْـدُكَ ابْنُ عَبْـدِكَ ابْنُ أَمَتِـكَ نَاصِيَتِي بِيَـدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤكَ أَسْأَلُـكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ, هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّـيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ أِوْ أَنْزَلْتَـهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْـتَهُ أَحَداً مِنْ خَلْقِـكَ أَوِ اسْتَـأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي, عِلْمِ الغَيْـبِ عِنْـدَكَ أَنْ تَجْـعَلَ القُرْآنَ رَبِيـعَ قَلْبِـي، وَنورَ صَـدْرِي وجَلَاءَ حُـزْنِي وذَهَابَ هَمِّـي, ‘Allaahumma innee ‘abduKa wa ibn ‘abdika wa ibn amatika, naasiyati bi yadika, maadin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadaa’uka, as’aluka bi kulli ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka aw anzaltahu fi kitaabika aw ‘allamtahu ahadan min khalqika aw ista’tharta bihi fi ‘ilm il-ghaybi ‘andak an taj’ala al-Qur’aana rabee’ qalbi wa noor sadri wa jalaa’a huzni wa dhahaaba hammi’, but Allaah will take away his sorrow and grief, and give him in their stead joy.” (Ahmad 1/391). Very useful if your … (we formerly loved bushwalking) then he had plenty of physicians visits and assessments to arrange for further surgery to avoid him getting the same issue. Jazakallah. Again, thank you very much for this. Coz often infacf most of the time of the day I get surrounded by the memories of the past hunting me .inshallah this dua would help me. My 25 year old son is suffering from depression/anxiety/bipolar disorder for the last 4/5 years, I was looking for Quranic dua, JazzakAllah Khairan for the duas, and please also pray for my son. we pray that your son gets a happy life ahead. Over right view thinking (vipassana-upakkilesa) can relax by upacara/appana-jhana. ALLAH puts people in to your life for a reason, and removed them for a beter reason. I’m reading some duas which are making me to get hope of her good health. we pray that ALLAH bless your family., JAZAKALLAH for this beautiful post… Brothers and sisters plz make duaa for me I am in serious debt.. May Allah make it easy for me .. Ameen, im a of one,student,currently working..i have many worries, Dear fazzz you have a very well settled life ma sha ALLAH. Things take time for sure . make dua as much as you can ! You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. At first, all of the truth would seem lie, you would not be able to believe “Am i deceived ? Jazakhallahu,may Allah reward you abundantly. Assalamwalekum I m a depressed person from last 13 years I get lots of anxiety …I even get panic attacks sometime I feel better sometime very down been on anti depressant For example, Allah says, “And come not near to unlawful intercourse. wa alikum salaam…. Bend and touch your toes. @yasmeen Please make doahs for me. donot lse hope any way. stay hopeful and keep praying to ALLAH 🙂 we pray your grand father gets highest place in jannah. Jazakallah, i love you for the sake of ALLAH, and may ALLAH love you too and keep you closer 🙂 Overthinking and negativity thoughts have drained my energy. keep visiting our website. And may Allah swt grant us with halal rizqh. I learned how to stop overthinking in life. First please make Dua for me, I applied for two different jobs and I am waiting response back Insh-Allah I get this jobs my family is in financial dire. Will I ever b normal ?is it all fine the conditions m going through?? wa alikum salam. I was so doubtful if I will be all fine and same again . keep visiting our blog 🙂, I am worried all the Times.plz tell me about get rid from problems. it is perfectly normal ! Thank you greatly for these duas! I HAVE MADE ISLAM TO HARD AND EXTREME ON MYSELF! Like I’ve no objective I’m. HE REMOVES MY HABIT OF OVERTHINKING! wa iyyaka sister. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. I have full faith that i willl b more happier content and grateful in the time to come . If you have to learn how to stop overthinking and relax… [Dont fell alone ALLAH is with you….. Quran 20:46 ]. I can’t stop opening the door for my fears, letting them back in no matter how hard I try to push them out. keep on praying to ALLAH, again and again. just let it go what ever is the point in your mind which strikes you again and again. 8K. Show me some dua for my children to get merried. Each breath is so heavy to take .. my heart lies so heavy and sourrouded by all the cgeats and flashbacks . dont feel your self alone, lots of love and prayers from our side too 🙂 Overthinking starts and ends within you. Farah dear!! Following the last disappointment once we could not deal with another unsuccessful test we didn’t contact a healthcare facility or physician. you are in my prayers ! Thank you very much for posting the dua. it may seem that your breath is stopping, your nerves are bursting. Overall suffering can cease by Nibbana. May ALLAH bless you and your family. May ALLAH bless you and your family. He is depressed dont know how to bring him toward life worried tried lot of psychiatrist no result… Can i read these for him ??? LET US JUST DO IT TO OTHERS AND SEE THE RESULTS. I will regularly recite this dua. Sister I am going through the same and exact symptom which you had mentioned. may Allah guide n protect us all. I feel low self esteem and i myself hate.i alwys thougt of suicide.always i cry in front of my mother tat nobody loves me and i have no friends etc.after tat i got friends when in +1 .then another problms such as lack of concentration, continous fear arise,of having no height. What-ever, we are facing, is the result of distance between HIM and us. i am so happy that you are able to say this now 🙂 may ALLAH subhana hu wa tala help you in sustaining this right path 🙂 do not forget to ask out HIS help again and again … 🙂 its alot easier to get back to sins again ! and how to relax more, like bath or something thanks in advance, i can't word it perfectly but hoped you understand @Adil Hamid Wani thats nice to hear 🙂 keep visiting our blog. believe me, i have never been rejected !