This classic chicken breed is a heavy layer at up to 280 eggs per year. Re: Isa Brown Rooster or Hen? The ISA Browns have excellent shell quality and texture. ISA Brown Temperament and Disposition. They were initially bred as a battery hen to produce large quantities of eggs per year. Plymouth Rock / Barred Rock. Some of the best brown-egg layers follow: Isa Brown: This hybrid makes up the world’s […] Personality: ISA Brown Chickens are one of the best breed for a first time chicken owner, they are extremely personable and get along with humans extremely well. As hens get older, their eggs tend to be lighter in color. The ISA Brown is not recognised as a breed as it a hybrid, meaning that the girls (hens) hatch out a different colour to the boys (roosters) – ideal for the commercial egg industry. First, let’s address “chicken vs rooster.” Roosters are chickens too, so that question won’t help much. ISAs’ come from a white rooster over a red hen therefore they are a ‘sex-link’ chicken; meaning chicks at birth can be immediately sexed – white chicks are boys and tan chicks are girls. They lay egg similar to Rohde island red. Average egg weight is 62.8 grams. Many people do a comparison of isa brown vs Rhode island red. Home > Baby Chicks > Brown Egg Layers > ISA Brown ; QUICK OVERVIEW. For home flocks, brown-egg layers are popular. Now let’s go a little more detailed and look at the difference between hens … When they are hatched, the pullets are red and the cockerels are white. ISA Brown are excellent layers and have been known to produce around 300 large brown eggs a year per hen. It is probably better to not try to breed them yourselves. This is the institute that first bred these birds in 1978. However, that’s going to take 18-20+ weeks to happen so we’ll go over some more helpful ways to tell hens from roosters. The chicken calculator says all the chicks will be blue, am I reading that right? Hi All I have a splash true Ameraucana rooster from a breeder and am wondering what the chicks would look like if crossed with an ISA Brown hen. As a result, the isa brown chicken gives tough competition to Rhode island red chicken. Most people mean “hen” when they say “chicken.” Hen means a female. 5. Also hoping that the pea comb, muffs and beard are dominant. ISA Brown. Very dependable and consistent with their laying, this breed is also a very friendly and docile breed making them great for your flock! If it lays an egg it’s a hen!It doesn’t matter how large and red the comb is, how big it’s spurs are or how loudly it crows. It Means they consume 2 kg feed and produce 1 kg of meat for us. Also, if you mate the rooster to a hen you will not produce an ISA Brown chicken which is another component of producing a hybrid chicken. the FCR of the breed is 2:1. Isa Browns have current livability of 97.3% and hen housed average production to 76 weeks is 321 eggs. The brown eggs these birds lay can vary from light tan to deep chocolate brown, sometimes even within the same breed. the feed conversion ration of ISA brown is normal. « Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 15:43 » If ISA Browns are like the other brown hybrids they are normally colour sexed at hatching, so you should only hae a female if you bought it from a hatchery or rearing facility. ISA Brown is the brand name for these birds and stands for “Institut de Sélection Animale”. The ISA brown is of a friendly, sweet and docile nature. One of the top sellers in the industry because of the number of eggs they lay and their demeanor. Rooster means male. Another benefit to the Isa Brown is that they start laying early, sometimes as young as 16 weeks old, so you’ll get egg sooner if you’re raising them from chicks. If there is an egg it is a hen.. A docile bird, extremely easy to work with.