It’s a windy day overall and the flowers dance and flutter as the wind blows. He uses beautiful imagery to describe the scene. The poetic form of ‘ I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ is composed of four stanzas of six lines each. Throughout ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ Wordsworth engages with themes of nature, memory, and spirituality. He’s dumbfounded by the beauty of those golden daffodils. Thanks alot this analysis is so helpful for my assignment. The poetic form of ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ is composed of four stanzas of six lines each. The theme of the poem ‘Daffodils’ is a collection of human emotions inspired by nature that we may have not noticed enough due to our busy lives. Just like a cloud floats over hills and valley, the poet too has been walking across the countryside without any aim. He personifies flowers and makes them able to dance like human and uses word flutter as butterflies do. This indicates the intense feelings of a romantic poet. That’s why we are here! That shows that the he has never seen so many flowers at once. The flowers were possibly one of Nature’s most beautiful offerings, he thought. Please log in again. Similes are also used since the poet alludes himself to an aimless cloud, as he takes a casual stroll. The Poem Stanza 1. The poet resided in the infamous Lake District, a region rich in scenic locations entailing hills, valleys and lakes. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (also commonly known as "Daffodils") is a lyric poem by William Wordsworth. This is possible due to the conflict In Wordsworth’s life and his battle with depression. transport in human body drawing ma cha he ya plz send me. He used hyperbolic language by saying ten thousand flowers. The poem Daffodils is full of figurative language. Using this clever tactic, the poet brings people closer to nature, becoming a hallmark of William Wordsworth’s most basic yet effectual methods for relating readers with nature, appreciating its pristine glory. It was first published in Poems in Two Volumes, in 1807. A cool breeze was blowing. He poet uses the word ‘golden’ to create more majestic sound in the poem. He takes pleasure in the sight of the daffodils and revives his spirit in nature. His poetry is mostly subjective like other romantic poets. As William Wordsworth was a poet of romantic era; he depicts beauty of nature in his poem using beautiful imagery and language full of figurative tools. Along the Milky Way’s premises lie countless stars which the poet alludes to daffodils fluttering beside the lake. Thanks for reading. The poem slowly points out to the final question therein. Thank you so much! Stanza 1 The poet recalls how once he wandered as freely as a cloud over valleys and hills. He was a lover of nature and such scene was fascinating for him. Thanks a lot! Oblivious to the poet is the fact that this wondrous scenery of daffodils brings the poet immense blithe and joy when he’s in a tense mood or perplexed for that matter. galvanize me to step forward into imaginary world???❤❤❤. I’m glad you’re finding it useful. The poem is considered as a masterpiece of Romantic Era poetry steeped in natural imagery. The word flutter, tossing, and dancing are also examples of beautiful personification. Checkout our privacy policy for the full story on how we protect and manage your submitted data! At the same time, Wordsworth explores the theme of memory, as he does in other works such as ‘Tintern Abbey’. The poem consists of four stanzas having six lines each. He calls these flowers fluttering as the butterflies do. His way of personifying flowers is most attractive way of writing poetry. The poet cannot prevent himself from being elated in such a happy company. He compares fluttering of flowers as a twinkling of stars. So the entire poem is beautiful depiction of nature with full of figurative language. Allisa graduated with a degree in Secondary Education and English and taught World Literature and Composition at the high school level. Albeit, the lake’s waves moved as fervently but the beauty of daffodils outdid with flying colors. We have Charge of the Light Brigade on our site! He estimates that there must be 10,000 of them, and they are all dancing in the breeze. The lyric poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” also known as Daffodils was written by William Wordsworth. He remained enthralled by their beauty. The memory of this beautiful scene comforts him whenever he is lonely. The poet calls “daffodils” as a gold rather than yellow in order to express their majesty and beauty.According to the poet, he sees a large number of daffodils beside the lake, beneath the trees i.e. Second stanza opens with a Simile. Is this an example of romantic criticism? The poem is twenty four lines long consisting of four stanzas. Summary and Analysis of Daffodils by William Wordsworth. It is formed with a quatrain (four lines), followed by a couplet (two lines) to form a sestet. In the poem Daffodils, William words worth reports a scene which he got an opportunity to have a look at valley that was full of huge number of daffodils. These daffodils are growing close to the lake and under the trees. Using hyperbolic language he tells us the quantity of flowers as they were ten thousand in one sight. ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ describes a, What's your thoughts? This ‘wealth’ is the happiness he got from the scene of daffodils and the pleasant memory that he enjoyed for a long time since the day. 4. He wrote poetry with full of imagery, usually based around the natural world. Thanks for your comment! Some scholars suggest that Wordsworth’s relationship with his sister, Dorothy was far from plutonic. Well there are other reasons, but they are heavily classified! I wandered lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils) Summary. This very explanation has painted my heart with joyous colors and really appreciate it since it Each line of the poem is metered in an iambic tetrameter. Merci, c’est un poème que nous apprenions en classe, il y a maintenant 50 ans. It has been written in a neat, regular structure with neat proportions. This stanza not only allows the reader to feel the sense of peace the speaker feels but also to feel life. The speaker was walking around through the hills and valleys, but he felt all lonely and mopey. The imagery in simple wording and couple of similes made it one of the best poems of romantic era. The final version has four stanzas. He has been able to portray the scenery and express his mind so brightly in vivid language and simple form that appeals the readers. The speaker is transfixed by the daffodils seemingly waving, fluttering, and dancing along the waterside. will surely help during exams Wordsworth was a known romantic critic. But the beauty of the daffodils was far more enchanting than that of the waves. The poem is based on one of Wordsworth's own walks in the countryside of England's Lake District. The speaker, likely William Wordsworth himself, is walking aimlessly down the hills and valley when he stumbled upon a beautiful field of daffodils. Each line of the poem is metered in an iambic tetrameter. This wasn't just some scattered patch of daffodils. The poem Daffodils works within the a-b-a-b-c-c parameter as it uses consistent rhyming to invoke nature at each stanza’s end. Thanks for the feedback. Every single person that visits has helped contribute, so thank you for your support. Although the clouds mostly travel in groups, this cloud prefers singular hovering. In the poem Daffodils, William words worth reports a scene which he got an opportunity to have a look at valley that was full of huge number of daffodils. At the end of second stanza he again used word dance to personify flowers. Wordsworth wrote the earlier version in 1804, two years after seeing the lakeside daffodils that inspired the poem. Stanza 4.. The beautiful scene, thus, captivated the poet. So glad we are having a positive impact. Thank you for invaluable meaning of poem. Really helped me during my assessments! The poet feels immensely gleeful and chirpy at this mesmerizing naturalistic sight. Now we are in for a line by line analysis of the poem that begins here. Glad we could help. Often his poem contained slight somber undertones, as is the case in this poem as we will explore shortly. Samuel Coleridge, a best friend of Wordsworth, was a great poet of the romantic era. The poem was written in the year 1802. The poem is subjective because it expresses the feelings of the poet himself; one of the key characteristics of Romanticism. Daffodils are yellow flowers, having an amazing shape and beautiful fragrance. This free poetry study guide will help you understand what you're reading. He says flowers are looking like stars shining in the Milky Way. The term “wandered” means walking free of their own accord. Stanza 4 .. The flowers became an interminable memory for Wordsworth. His work engages purely with his thought and whimsy. If you see one we don’t have you can always request it here. The speaker in this poem is a young boy who is joyful and likes to awake in the fresh and delightful summer morning. Please continue to help us support the fight against dementia. By ten thousand, he meant a collection of daffodils were fluttering in the air, spellbinding the poet at the beauty of the scene. Four stanzas of six lines each makes the entire poem 24 lines long. As a result, the location is realistic in its entirety. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Pls hear me. Some scholars advocate that relationship of Wordsworth with his sister, Dorothy was far from plutonic love. A stanza in poetry is a group of lines usually separated by a blank line. Both were true lovers of nature and they were active members of Romanticism Movement. It was composed by Romantic poet William Wordsworth around 1804, though he subsequently revised it—the final and most familiar version of the poem was published in 1815. This is actually the setting of the poem. Simile Simile is a direct comparison between two different things using ‘as’ or ‘like’. The waves in the lake swayed too, pushed by the breeze. The poet explains about his one day occasional aimless wandering. It is Wordsworth's best-known work. Daffodils celebrate the beauty of nature and its purity, along with bliss of solitude. The final version of the poem was first published in Collected Poems in 1815. He was contemporary poet who accelerated his romantic vision. Moreover, daffodils are compared to star clusters in Milky Way to explicate the magnitude of daffodils fluttering freely beside the lake. Alight breeze is blowing making these daffodils dance and flutter with it. Stanza 3.. In his mind, the sight of the daffodils remained stamped forever. A reading of Wordsworth’s classic daffodils poem by Dr Oliver Tearle. Thank you for your feedback. The poet could not take his eyes off the golden daffodils. Each stanza can be given a title. These are followed by a rhyming couplet (CC). The daffodils seem to be fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Suddenly the poet sees a large number of golden daffodils. The daffodils imply beginning or rebirth for hu… Meanwhile my YouTube is stuck on 72! In this stanza, the poet has compared himself to a solitary cloud. The poem was composed within the time period of 1804-1807 and subsequently published in 1807, with a revised version published in 1815. In the above line, the poet has compared himself to a cloud using ‘as’. Whenever he sees daffodils in his imagination, his heart fills with happiness and dancing daffodils makes his mind dancing in same way. Each stanza is a sestet that is six lines long. The poem Daffodils is the depiction of natural beauty. He began to wonder what a great bounty of nature he had stumbled upon. The plot of the poem is very simple and unified to a single theme. She has always enjoyed writing, reading, and analysing literature. The poem opens with a simile by a metaphorical comparison of poet to a cloud. Join the conversation by. The flowers in the bay were dancing and looking gleeful at the atmosphere. The poet is wandering alone from one place to another like a cloud, which flies over valleys and hills with the flow of wind. So in this context, poet says that the memories of beautiful flowers keep his mood fresh when he is lonely. During wandering he catch a sight of huge numbers of daffodils that make him surprised. At the beginning of the poem, the speaker is feeling lonely and sad. They were sheltered under a growing tree. He used word ‘gazed’ twice that indicates how flowers moved or charmed him. Thanks!! The use of figurative language made it much appealing to the readers. But Wordsworth did marry and lived with both his wife and sister. The age in which he lived was the period of French Revolution. I wandered lonely as a cloud. Describe the scene in your own words. in this poem he also explores memory and how beautiful natural places and be comforting even from the distant past. The hyperbolic language made it more attractive when poet says: The word ten thousand is used in hyperbolic sense. thank you for helping me with my exams… i hope i will pass… its great analysis… helped a lot…, thankyou soooo much!this helped me with my assement that is due on friday! It is through advertising that we are able to contribute to charity. Moreover, the poet has also used reverse personifications, equating humans to clouds, and daffodils to humans with constant movement. Suddenly he could view the large number of daffodils gathered by the side of the lake. This indicates the intense feelings of a romantic poet. As the poet looks at them, the daffodils continue in an unbroken line at the edge of the bay. Consonance and alliteration are used to create rhymes. Those are elaborated below. Let’s take a step back for a brief moment to locate the premises of the poet’s inspiration. your analysis is always straight to the point… Love the structure of the analysis poem. This poem is a depiction of beautiful nature. Often known simply as ‘Daffodils’ or ‘The Daffodils’, William Wordsworth’s lyric poem that begins ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’ is, in many ways, the quintessential English Romantic poem. This was all very useful and deep analysis and it was very useful in revising for my end of year exams So the beautiful flowers tossed their heads in the breeze as if in a dance. To Daffodils, by Robert Herrick Robert Herrick (1591-1674) had a long life that included dangerous adventure (he was fortunate to survive the siege of Saint-Martin-de-R é in 1627) and quiet retreat as a country parson in South Devon. Could you write some more on poems like “The Charge of the light brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. hilly area who was alone there. It’s just a wild estimation at best as he supposes ten thousand daffodils at a glance. The rhyme scheme follows the pattern of ABABCC that is: (A cloud in line one rhymes with crowd in line three), ( B hills 2, daffodils 4) and (C trees 5, freeze 6). The poem was inspired by an event on 15 April 1802 in which Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy came across a "long belt" of daffodils. In the poem ‘Daffodils’ or ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’ the poet has used several figures of speech to give it a rhetorical effect. He deems his solitude as an asset and inspires him to live a meaningful life. He describe a landscape view in a beautiful way that portraits valleys, lakes, tress, flowers and clouds. Stanza 3 . Actually that day, there was wind blowing that was moving them as they were dancing and fluttering. He personifies flowers by using words dancing, fluttering, and tossing. Being a lover of nature, Poet reveals feelings of a scene of huge number of daffodils by a lake that made him surprised. Hailed as the champion of the Romantic Movement in the early 19th century, William Wordsworth dwelled in scenic Lake District (United Kingdom), far from the madding crowd. Although, yellow would be more suitable for daffodils the poet intends to signify its beauty by using golden color. Good look with your assessment, hope you did well! The above allegory is a clear and direct referral to our native galaxy Milky Way. Now, in the final stanza, the poet knows how much the flowers have affected him. Wordsworth lived through the French Revolution, which he at first supported and later rebuked. He personifies beauty and use couple of similes to make the wording appealing. “Daffodils” is a poem written by William Wordsworth, it’s composed of 4 stanzas of 6 lines each. Stanzas of 4 lines are called Quatrains. However, he clearly mentions his passing through valleys and hills on a routine walk, simplifying the narrative. A bunch of daffodils symbolize the joy and happiness of life. Yeats and ‘To Autumn‘ by John Keats. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. The poet feasted his eyes in the beauty of the daffodils. The poem has been divided into four stanzas having 8 lines each and it follows a rhyme scheme of ABABCCDD. At start, he was in support of it but later on he became against it and became depressed by it. This is one of the most famous poems of Romantic Movement written by William Wordsworth. The poet calls it ‘a bliss of solitude’, a blessing of staying lonely. So he tries his best to keep himself happy. They are akin to fairies. This lyric poem consists of four stanzas; each stanza consists of six lines. Poet uses word “never-ending line” means the flowers were visible as far as the poet’s eyes could see alongside the shore-line of a bay. As the sister’s journal recalls, the daffodils seemed immensely beautiful from a far-off view, it was truly a magnificent sight. It gave me a clear and in depth ideas about how I can make my explanation of the poem simpler to my students. The poet comes across a bunch of daffodils fluttering in the air. The allusion of daffodils to stars spread across Milky Way is one such instance. Further, describing the beauty of the summer morning, the boy … At present, poet did not think much about the ‘wealth’ that the daffodils had brought to him but he realized it later. Being a lover of nature, poet says that a poet like Wordsworth cannot help being happy with such cheerful companion like the daffodils, so he was gazing continuously at the daffodils and enjoying their beauty. Daffodils – I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud ☁️ by William Wordsworth, Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, It Was an April Morning: Fresh and Clear by William Wordsworth. Furthermore, the daffodils are even made anthropomorphous in order to create a human portrayal of Mother Nature in this instance. It is an adherent to quatrain - couplet rhyming style, A-B-A-B-C-C. Every line conforms to iambic tetrameter. He explains that why the scene of the daffodils became so significant for his life. !I cant thankyou enough. The poet refers to daffodils dancing, a trait relatable to humans. Amongst the company of flowers, he remains transfixed at those daffodils wavering with full vigor. But Wordsworth did marry and lived with both his sister and wife. Here’s a brief summary of daffodils: Once the poet was wandering pointlessly beside a lake, he was all alone to wander freely akin to a patch of clouds floating in the sky, over the valleys and the hill. I’m glad you found the article useful. thanks you just helped me with my homework . Whenever he goes to his bed in a free time or he is in thoughtful mood, the flowers blaze upon his inner-eye and took him to imagination. William Wordsworth’s literary classic, ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ has been dissected methodically for explicating the poet’s mood, the surrounding location, the allegorical meanings, and the beauty of nature in full motion. The daffodils are a source of immense beauty for the poet hailing from the Romantic Era. The poet is referring to himself as the ‘cloud’ in a metaphorical sense of the word. The poet makes an allusion to Milky Way, our galaxy filled with its own planetary solar systems stretched beyond infinity. In fact, we have a wealth of useful poems on here. The word He used for himself “cloud” is also much appealing to the readers. The space continuum holds great mystery for our Romantic Era poet as he envisions the daffodils to be in a constant state of wonder as are the stars beyond the reach of humans. The daffodils are termed as hosts/ crowd since they are together in a collective bunch. Well, we couldn’t ask for more than that. His enthusiasm and love towards nature is reflected in the term ‘golden’. Thank you! The poet narrates an incident that occurs when he was wandering aimlessly like a cloud over the hills and valleys of the mountainous Lake District in England. The poem consists of four six-line stanzas, each of which follow an ababcc rhyme scheme and are written in iambic tetrameter, giving the poem a subtle back-and-forth motion that recalls swaying daffodils. Thanks. very useful…. Thank u soooo much because it helped me alot in my home work. Stanzas of 4 lines are called Quatrains from the French word quatre meaning four. you’re welcome. These include but are not limited to similes, hyperboles, personification, and allusion. thx for the analysis. You just helped me understand this poem that I was struggling a lot with before my finals! He compares flowers with stars and crowd of flowers like a galaxy of stars. Daffodils Poem Stanza Wise Explanation. As he loved nature so the main theme of the poem is also the beauty of nature. The rhyme scheme “ABABCC” was followed in the poem. The poem flows akin to a planned song in a rhythmic structure. Explanation: The poet personifies the waves in the bay and says that they too were happily dancing along with the daffodils, but the daffodils outshone the waves by showing joy and cheerfulness. An earlier version was published in Poems in Two Volumes in 1807 as a three-stanza poem. The poem Daffodils works within the a-b-a-b-c-c parameter as it uses consistent rhyming to invoke nature at each stanza’s end. Subscribe to our mailing list to reveal the best-kept secrets behind poetry, We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Thanks a lot. Suddenly he saw a large number of golden daffodils. Stanza 2 the second stanza begins with the comparison between daffodils along the lake and stars in the milkyway. Hi there. along with the shores of the lake and below the trees because they are small. The form collects name and email so that we can add you to our newsletter list for project updates. He was also the poet laureate for queen Victoria for a period of seven years. Other good examples include ‘Hymn to the Spirit of Nature’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley as well as ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ by W.B. These three are tied together as the speaker, Wordsworth himself, moves through a beautiful landscape. ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake consists of 6-stanzas with each stanza consisting of 4-lines each. Wordsworth, along with close friend and fellow poet, Samuel Coleridge were pioneers of the romantic era of poetry, and Wordsworth’s earlier romantic poems were widely derided as a result of this. It is an adherent to quatrain-couplet rhyming style, A-B-A-B-C-C. Every line conforms to iambic tetrameter. Summary of Daffodils by William Wordsworth: Introduction. The poet’s love and proximity with nature have inspired and moved generations-after-generations of poetry aficionados and young minds. He starts fourth stanza with word ‘For’, to continue his logic for saying that the daffodils had brought him ‘wealth’. The poet is enchanted to see the bright yellow colour of daffodils. Hasn’t he got enough already? The daffodils are firmly perched beside a lake, beneath some trees. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Figurative language used in poem Daffodils, Summary and Analysis of Leisure by William Davies, Summary of Holy Thursday by William Blake, Summary of The Divine Image By William Blake, Famous Quotes from Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austin, Bennet Sisters | Bennet Family | Pride and Prejudice. The term sprightly comes from sprite which is primarily dandy little spirits people deemed existed in such times. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) wrote beautiful poetry filled with sweet imagery, usually based around the natural world. Stanza-wise Explanation Stanza-1 I LOVE TO RISE IN SUMMER MORN, WHEN THE BIRD SINGS ON EVERY TREE; THE DISTANCE HUNTS MAN WINDS HIS HORN, AND THE SKYLARK SINGS WITH ME; OH WHAT SWEET COMPANY! The poet asks the passersby to stop there and listen to her or gently pass i.e. Walking along the Glencoyne Bay, the siblings stumbled across beautiful daffodils along the bay. And dances with the daffodils. He lived during the era of French Revolution which he supported at start but became against later on. The poet narrates a small incident in which he got an opportunity to see a huge number of daffodils in a valley. She is reaping the crops and singing songs by herself. Moreover, it helps in creating imagery skillfully as the poet originally intended. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was a romantic poet. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! The rhyme scheme for each stanza is ABABCC, where the first (A) and the second (B) lines rhyme with the third (A) and the fourth (B) respectively. Always love getting messages like this. 29 Examples Of Poems With Quatrains (Stanzas Have 4 Lines) Collection of poems written with stanzas that have four lines. The title, ‘Daffodils’ is a simple word that reminds us of the arrival of spring, when the field is full of daffodils. The poem is also rich in its use of figures of speech. Great poetry explained Thursday, 26 September 2019 . The daffodils had grown under the trees near the lake. Glad to hear it! Thanks a lot. The login page will open in a new tab. Really appreciate it. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABABCC and the main theme is the beauty of nature. Description and explanation of stanza 3&4 of icse poem daffodils, easy way to learn, with figure of speeches used Thanks for watching -----miles ahead By Ritu Jain. In the whole poem he describes flowers like living beings that dance and toss their head. The flowers are there to comfort him in real-time but also as a memory from the past. The rhyme scheme is ABABCC. This lyric poem consists of four stanzas; each stanza consists of six lines. A detailed summary and explanation of Stanza 1 in I wandered lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils) by William Wordsworth. Daffodils explanation stanza wise. Ans. Its roots can be traced back to Dorothy Wordsworth’s journal, in which she reminisces, a casual stroll with his brother in 1802, where they came across beautiful daffodils. It is one of his best lyric poems in modern times. This really helped me do my holiday homewrk. Written some time between 1804 and 1807 (in 1804 by Wordsworth's own account), it was first published in 1807 in Poems … He, with his contemporary, Samuel Tailor Coleridge, started Romantic Movement and this poem is the true example of his romantic love towards nature. Wordsworth makes use of several literary devices in ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’. The lake supposedly has a large area since the daffodils are dispersed along the shoreline. The rhyme scheme “ABABCC” was followed in the poem. His heart breaths a new life and gives him exponential happiness at a sight worth a thousand words. During this walk, he and his sister encountered a long strip of daffodils. One of the obvious choices is Wordsworth’s own ‘Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey‘. He found it hard to look elsewhere, so riveting was the beauty of the swaying daffodils. So poet gazed at flowers for a long time, forgetting his surroundings. The poem flows with a rhythmic synchronization with a regular meter, the hammering is relevant to blacksmith herein. The very starting line of the poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud” informs the poet’s profound sentiments of being left alone. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. Suddenly, while walking beside a lake, he saw a large number of golden daffodils that were ‘fluttering and dancing’ in the breeze. The poet says that one day while traveling, he sees a lass (girl) far away on highland i.e. I love everything about your poem analysis. absolutely. Very glad to hear it!! Suddenly, as he passed a lake, he noticed a big group of yellow daffodils waving in the breeze. In Stanza 3 the poet continues to describe the daffodils. He Uses word crowd for huge number of daffodils and he himself calls a host. At times, hyperbole is used to explicate the immensity of the situation.