They live a normal life until their circumstances thrust them into the spotlight. Oracle, from the Matrix, like many other oracles and diviners across Earth’s cache of stories, is an example of the Sage Entrapped. An instance of this can be seen in Lord of the Rings, through the transformation of the wizard Gandalf, when he confronted his shadow in the form of a Balrog – a demon. A perfectionist by nature, the Sage won’t settle for ambiguity and is on a mission to analyze everything to find the right answer and share it with others. Though the Sage can function in ignorance, when the wool is removed, they often more easily accept that change than the other archetypes. The character archetypes are placed within the situation archetypes. I just love his overall personality and how he deals with problems. Sage archetypes are characters in literature who are usually old and wise. Their marketing makes use of higher vocabulary and symbolic imagery. Or to rob a casino. We've said this before, it's hard to succeed in Hollywood without a mentor. They are the wisdom archetype embodied in human form. Thank you! The Everyman – Everybody has the same opportunities. A reminder that I am still taking address for New Years postcards from Japan! Better with a sword and a speech, the warrior is usually the person with the plan. They're conniving and value only what they want. To him, uni . Actually, I had a lot of fun with the mixed examples because it’s going to tie into my “how to use these archetypes” post-series. Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid. Similar to Wan Shi Tong, oracles are nearly stereotyped by their forward-seeing knowledge; knowledge that they can not share with anyone even if they wanted to. Sage women are often the product of strong paternal influence, or the maternal influence of a woman who also embodies the archetype. His desire to see Neo succeed are in part tainted by his knowledge that only Neo will be imparted with some of the information he wishes to know about the world, and his paranoia about what is “real” and what is “not,” as well as the reality that he was ultimately misled, make Morpheus a tragic case of the Sage in Shadow. If you are the Sage brand archetype, this is the question that keeps you up at night. The sage archetype, crone archetype and guide archetype are variations on the theme of the wisdom. To learn, obtain happiness, and to find truth. I’ll definitely have to read the Magician article when it’s up then. Brands Associated with the Caregiver Archetype. They lead with their heart, which they wear on their sleeve. There is more than one type of mentor and sometimes more than one in a story. They're young, naive, and need to learn the hard way. Though this brand might give you the warm and fuzzies, and they don’t enrapture you in a fantasy world like Disney, a sage commands respect by illustrating brilliance. =). Maybe this character started off on a quest for knowledge, and as they gained more knowledge, their world views became twisted and morphed. Most of the women I could think of off the top of my head were either goddesses (like Athena or Gaia) or witches, though. : December 2015 | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog. So what are some popular character archetype mash-ups? 6 The Mentor/Sage: Obi-Wan Kenobi. There are two sets of archetypes in literature: Character and Situation. Of course, Disney is the best example of … As I have mentioned in prior posts in this series, this collection of posts deals with the archetypes first put forth by psychiatrist Carl Jung, and the use of these archetypes in fiction. They're the person you follow and the one who gives the orders. The lasting impression of whatever they build. The SAGE is always seeking the truth. It could also be applied to “Lost” (although, perhaps not…). Commonly, this character archetype is charming, a person of charisma. His wisdom is so sought after, in fact, that even after his death, he is sought out by the avatars for advice. Brands associated with the Sage Archetype. Sarumon the White is a class example of the Magician (in his original form) corrupted by Shadow, seeking only power, and forsaking the ties to the cosmos that made him who he is. You’ve written some great character descriptions and great character names, but how do you develop a great character? Often debonair, they’re provocative and mysterious but they can often be manipulative and a bit jaded. I have two more archetypes to go, and then I’ll be doing a follow-up series on how to use them in fiction writing. I can't wait to read what you write next... Get your FREE copy of the eBook called "astonishingly detailed and useful" by Filmmaker Magazine! Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars films. Discover the truth with sage, with Quora! CHARACTER ARCHETYPE EXAMPLES IN MOVIES 3. Thanks for deepening the connection for me. Examples: Buddy – Elf, Dorothy – The Wizard of Oz , Hermione Granger – Harry Potter; 2. Woody Allen as Alvy Singer in Annie Hall. Writing can be a way out too. They live to serve. I’ll have to really consider the differences between Sages and Magicians for the expanded version I’ll eventually publish for this series. We'll also give you examples of character archetypes in modern film and television. To make any relationship as strong as it can be. Still, people follow someone who wants to shake the world up. I am excited to read further about the other archetypes you have done and explore more from you. It’s possible that I confused the two when thinking about Dumbledore. Mentoring becomes a way to pull out of oneself and make a difference in the world. Unique Challenge: To recognize when I’ve locked myself into a line of thinking based on my education or experience; to remain open to new ideas. For Spock, logic and reason are the key to everything. All the books in all the world could not contain all there is to know. They can have magic or logic or both. Or out of Egypt. For example, in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, written by J R R Tolkien,.... See full answer below. To give everything they've got to another person. No problem! They treat their employees well and their consumers with a high level of service. The Orphan. She's a seducer, a warrior, and even a child in some ways. A Sage can also become overly critical, impractical, or even unsympathetic to those not on their intellectual plane. This is the class clown or the stoner. . You are quite welcome! How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec. 11, 2020 Ha! While the Explorer’s goals are outward, the Sage’s are inward. When there are two mentors, it may be that one is … You can rely on them. Archetype The term "archetype" has its origins in ancient Greek. But there are certain character archetypes on which nearly every character is based. They are life-long learners and enjoy expressing their knowledge with philosophical conversations. I think th Sage is my favorite archetype – thanks for this series! They try to instill hope and assurances. I think they are useful tools to help inspire and breath life into the people on your pages. One of the most easily recognized representations of this fault is Morla, the giant turtle from the Neverending Story, who is so trapped by her knowledge that she will not even pull herself out of the mud she is in, even to help save her world. Very interesting to read. Thank you, Deborah! I think to think of them as the blank forms we imbue with the ideas we have about characters and characterization. I love characters like Gandalf, Dumbledore, Rafiki, Yoda, and Haymitch. Rufus is a Sage-as-Time-Traveler, a device that separates this Sage from Oracle–the time traveler’s knowledge is limited, and once the past begins to change, their future knowledge is no longer relevant. The Magical Negro is a supporting stock character in fiction who, by use of special insight or powers often of a supernatural or quasi-mystical nature, helps the white protagonist get out of trouble. Great post! Or across No Man's Land to save troops on the other side. Sage Archetype Imagery. These brands aim to stand out, become masters of their domain, and overcome all the obstacles. Meet the Archetypes. Definitely the main reason I liked Star Trek. Agree, great post for sure!! The answers to these questions can be complex. Jester Archetype Examples: Sir John Falstaff (Henry V), King Lear’s Fool (King Lear), Frank and Estelle Costanza (Seinfeld), R2D2 and C-3PO (Star Wars) These 12 archetypes, each with highly identifiable traits, populate our books, poetry, films, and theatrical productions. It’s always wonderful when a new person shows up. These posts from you have been wonderful and very informative! It takes a great deal of finagling to get Yoda to come out of retirement and train Luke Skywalker, but Yoda is perhaps the most incorruptible of the Sages listed here. These promote learning and promise new knowledge. As you can see, character archetypes flow naturally into one another. Children can definitely be sages, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you did have one! Some call them a femme fatale or homme fatale for a man. Btw, thanks for linking to my Character Arcs post. Katniss is a good example of one archetype turning into another. Brand Image: ... As in the movies, the Hero archetype is known for courage, leadership, and determination. Also, most characters start as one archetype and then morph into others. Addicted to pipe weed and inconsequential knowledge, Gandalf languishes his talents in the Shire, and in general, putting others in danger before himself, and even doing so knowingly. My favorite post so far is the Explorer, if you’re looking for a recommendation! Ask any long-time reader of the X-Men comic universe, and it makes sense why Professor X makes this list. That's the story of the Child. Whether that truth is uncomfortable or heart-rendering, it will be accepted, as the only meaningful path in life is one that pursues truth. but I’d have to watch Reborn first! They're known as character archetypes. Within the … Personal Brand Examples. These are beautiful people using their looks and charm to take control of every situation.