This list of symptoms was compiled from a combination of resources dealing with salicylate sensitivity. Please do not assume that just because your symptom or condition is listed that you are salicylate sensitive. Symptoms can include asthma-like wheezing and difficulty breathing, headache, nasal congestion, changes in skin color, itching, skin rash or hives; swelling of the hands, feet and face; and stomach pain. Symptoms of salicylate sensitivity … Intolerance to salicylates Most salicylates irritate the mucous membranes, causing swelling, mucus production, inflammation. The numbers on the right side of the symptoms identify how many resources sited that symptom as a symptom of salicylate intolerance. Actually, some people salicylates just cause signs when … Yes, salicylate intolerance really does exist. Some people are unable to detoxify or metabolise this chemical in their body thus leading to an adverse reaction (1). Salicylate Intolerance – Long List of Symptoms I have treated people with tinnitus, insomnia, rashes, itchy skin, foggy head, recurrent urinary tract infection, asthma, sinus problems, aches and pains and digestive complaints who all had a sensitivity to salicylates . Salicylate sensitivity can result from salicylate intolerance, so there are a few things you can try to help manage your symptoms: Support your salicylate metabolism – Boosting your intake of vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B6, omega three fats, zinc and magnesium, because they can help your body produce the sulphate your liver enzymes need to flush out excess salicylates. This condition is known as salicylate sensitivity or intolerance. Salicylate sensitivity also causes reactions to not only aspirin, but also to painkillers (except paracetamol) - avoid non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen etc. In general, the reaction to salicylates is similar to an allergic one. This list is not meant as a tool for diagnosis, but to give people an idea of the wide range of symptoms … Depending on how much we eat and how sensitive we are we may accumulate salicylate … Salicylate Intolerance. And this is where things get a bit murky because being sensitive to salicylates … The typical reactions are gastrointestinal and/or asthma-related and/or what is called pseudoanaphylaxis (the symptoms of anaphylaxis through a non-IgE antibody mediated pathway). Some people are so sensitive to salicylates … Salicylates Intolerance is not an allergic reaction (Non-IgE-mediated) but the symptoms … High-salicylate foods and products don’t cause a problem for everyone, but in some, they can lead to salicylate intolerance and consequent symptoms and health issues. Therefore, the main places of intolerance are the skin and mucous membranes. Among the most common symptoms are: Physical symptoms … Identified Symptoms - Salicylate Sensitivity Each of the following symptoms and conditions has been found, in some individuals, to be caused by salicylate intolerance. As symptoms of salicylate sensitivity can appear extremely similar to an allergy (sinus and hives issues, for example), it is generally misdiagnosed. In a healthy body, your liver helps to detoxify excess salicylates, however, sluggish liver function may increase your risk of salicylate intolerance. We regularly consume salicylates. When we discuss salicylates in terms of skin rashes and dietary changes, we're talking about salicylate sensitivity or salicylate intolerance.