Astrology Topics: Venus Return Charts. On closer inspection, we see that there are four personal planets, all within 2 degrees of each other, conjunct the Midheaven, including Venus! In this post, you’ll learn the common myth about what it takes to find work-life balance as a family man and three simple steps you can take to be a good husband even when you’re busy. The 7th house is the natural home for Venus which is its planetary ruler. At the time of the actual meeting, Venus was at late Gemini, which was conjunct the Venus Return Vertex and Chiron in the 8th house (and sextile to the cluster of planets at the Midheaven). I am a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Program–an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and products on that site. These are the keywords I chose back then: The casting couch. Note: In my research, the Moon’s Nodes and the Vertex should not be overlooked when studying the Venus Return chart. – Planetary Positions Calculations/Report, What to Look for in the Venus Return Chart. A deal with the devil. Planets on the angles (the cusps of the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses). Th is incident with Bonnie revealed to me how Icould change this pattern. Venus might be on the Midheaven or Ascendant. The following chart is the Venus Return chart of a woman in the year she met her husband. After 10 days, return to the LCR office and claim your marriage license. Not understanding why you developed feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy. It inspired my seven years of research to help develop and refine the insights about men and women in this book. Mars + Venus placed in 7 th house and lord of 7 th house placed in 8 th house and Saturn posited in 12 th house indicates more than one marriage in astrology. His main symbol is … Although Pluto is not tightly conjunct the Ascendant, it is within 8 degrees of the Ascendant. The Sleeping Venus (Italian: Venere dormiente), also known as the Dresden Venus (Venere di Dresda), is a painting traditionally attributed to the Italian Renaissance painter Giorgione, although it has long been usually thought that Titian completed it after Giorgione's death in 1510. The position of Venus in the Return chart, by house and aspect. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. So how can you ensure that you’re doing all you can to maintain a happy marriage? The cost of a marriage license varies per city or municipal hall, but it ranges from PHP 280 to PHP 352. A chart is drawn for the moment that Venus returns (each year) to its position at birth, and this Venus Return … Uranus is coming to a trine to the cluster as well (it was to be exact later in the year when she met her husband). The Return chart Vertex might be closely tied to the Nodes of the Moon (conjunct, opposite, or square) in a year when the native makes important social contacts. what we need to feel appreciated and emotionally stimulated). Al Gore's 40-year marriage crumbled because of his wife's jealous rages that he was allegedly having an affair, it was claimed tonight. The Venus person makes the house person feel invaluable and uniquely talented and in return, the house person shows the Venus person appreciation by way of offering gifts or things of value. A cabaret singer takes up with a millionaire to pay for her gravely ill husband's operation. **Please note: Some of my recommended products contain affiliate links. This planet influences how we idealize romance and relationships (i.e. Four of them (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn) are square Uranus; they’re on an earthquake fault line, ready for the earth to shake at any moment and … You would have realized early on that you did not fit in because of below-average social skills. This planet influences how we idealize romance and relationships (i.e. I only add links to products that I have personally used and recommended. Think about it: This planet determines the material objects we find beautiful. Find out with our. Identifying Planetary Triggers: Astrological Techniques for Prediction. Dasha/Antardasha of 7th Lord from Venus can also Give Marriage. The chart for this week’s remarkable New Moon (Feb. 11, 2021, 11:05 am PST) boasts six planets in Aquarius. Does it not stand to reason that it should determine how we get money to procure those things? With the Venus Return chart, we are able to forecast the upcoming year in terms of social events and contacts, the love life, and to some extent, financial matters. The landscape and sky are generally accepted to be mainly by him. Her attributes included a … Strong configurations (aspects) in the chart, especially when Venus is involved. I’ll tell you. The desire to connect with others can be thwarted by a fear of being hurt and […] didn't know what else to do. At the beginning of the period, Venus was of course in late Leo, which is the native’s birth Venus position. According to Bhavat Bhavam principles, 7th house from 7th is the Lagna or Ascendant. A gay politician with a beard (wife). And as Venus travels through the cosmos and our personal charts, we experience love and affection in radically different ways. For example, Pluto rising in the VR chart often points to a new romance that is life-changing. “No sponging, no dobbing, no prostitution…”* This was the personal credo of Australian “lady bushranger” Jessie Hickman. The Venus person is very complimenting to the house person increasing the house persons'self-esteem. An especially busy “Venus year” will be marked in the chart in a variety of ways. Although the most common Return charts are Solar and Lunar Returns, the Venus Return is a surprisingly revealing forecasting tool. It's what makes us attractive and what attracts us to others. How Much is the Marriage License Fee? New opportunities to socialize, as well as a fresh new social image, are indicated. A kept woman. But are you compatible? If you purchase a product through my links, I may receive a small commission. Aphrodite riding goose, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., British Museum APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. Their marriage, fraught as it was with mistrust and infidelity, did not produce children. Venus, Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Midheaven form a close conjunction. Although the most common Return charts are Solar and Lunar Returns, the Venus Return is a surprisingly revealing forecasting tool. Back to Predicting Love and Romance article. Two copies will be issued—one for your personal copy and another one that you’ll give to your solemnizing officer. Happy Valentine's Day! Venus; Venus, the planet of love, rules our emotional and sexual selves. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Venus in the 10th House Others tend to respect you for your charming manner, and you have many admirers, although some of these are admirers from afar, as there is an aura about you that is charming yet strangely (and intriguingly) distant. With career-driven Capricorn directing your love jones, you might even be married to your job for periods of time—so much so that marriage springs from an office romance. Venus will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, under the full moon in Leo on January 28th. Keep in mind though, that Venus doesn't just determine our romantic styles; it's also the general way we prefer to experience socializing of all types. Learn Astrology – Shop for Astrology Books. If you were born mid-September, for example, your Venus Return chart may occur in September one year, October the next, July the next year, and so forth. That said, Venus in Capricorn gives you a strong “provider” instinct. Thinking there must be something wrong with you, guilt took hold which may have been reinforced […] Backroom deals by power brokers. Venus in the solar return chart does not always represent relationships (it can describe finances and self-esteem). A lesser known but important domain of Venus is money. Dasha/Antardasha of Rahu or Venus can also give Marriage. Think of Venus as the pleasure-loving planet; under it, shines all the things that bring us sensual joy. Keywords for the Venus Return are leisure, pleasure, happiness, popularity, social contacts, romance, gifts, the love nature. Think of Venus as the pleasure-loving planet; under it, shines all the things that bring us sensual joy. In our example, the actual meeting of the native’s husband occurred approximately 9 months after the date of the Venus Return. (1) Identifying Planetary Triggers: Astrological Techniques for Prediction by Celeste Teal. Marriage can also take place during the period of 2nd Lord. Her symbols are the peacock, pomegranate, lion, and cow. In another case, the native met a person who was to become a very significant and special romantic friend when Sun, Venus, and Jupiter were all conjunct on the cusp of the 11th house in the VR chart. Note also that Chiron is conjunct the Vertex in the VR chart, and that this sextiles the dramatic cluster at the Midheaven. Although the Venus Return happens approximately once a year, it does not occur as predictably as a Solar Return chart. Natal planets and points that conjunct Venus Return angles. A planet in tight conjunction with the Ascendant in a Venus Return chart can suggest a meaningful year as well. As aresult, my first marriage had been very painful and difficult. I’ve wrote about this specific conjunction, ten years ago. Beauty, Longing, Pleasure, Fantasy, Eros, Sexuality, Art, Attractiveness, Love, Relationships, Culture, Sensuality, Fashion, Touch, Finances, Intimacy, Self-esteem, Glamour, Flirting, Marriage, Friendship, Vanity, Betrayal, Jealousy, Longing, Melancholy, Stubborn, Self-indulgence, Hedonism, Codependence, Rivalry, Preening, Judgemental, Indulgent, Unrealistic, Out of touch, Distracted, Affairs, Shameless, Capricious, Superficial, Brash, © Copyright 2021 -, Inc. - All rights reserved. However, in the 8th house, much of Venus’ influence will be resisted and kept at arm’s length. If you’re the breadwinner, you’ll share generously with your mate. Venus’ children with Mars included Timor, the godly embodiment of fear, and the twins Concordia and Metus, goddess of harmony and god of terror, respectively. So in the Period of Ascendant Lord Marriage can also happen. If you purchase a product through my links, I may receive a small commission. To manage your subscriptions, please type in your email below. Sun in Sag conj Jupiter and Moon … Venus’ frequent lover was Mars, the fiery and furious god of war, passion and anger. At first glance, we can see that the 10th house is very active in this VR chart. Patron god of the theatre and art. A chart is drawn for the moment that Venus returns (each year) to its position at birth, and this Venus Return chart is then interpreted. But when the 7th or 5th Houses are emphasized, the condition of solar return Venus will probably have much to say about your love life. Note that Jupiter is in a close trine to this cluster of planets, and that Jupiter is found at the beginning of the 6th house (the native met her husband at her place of work). The Dasha-Antardasha must support a remarriage. (These planets also formed a square with the nodal axis—the nodal axis, I have found, is a very important indicator of social contacts in the VR chart). She is the goddess of marriage and family. The former US … BDSM I only include these because it comes at no cost to the buyer -- there are no additional charges and it does not cost a customer anything extra to buy through an affiliate link. It is always helpful to look to past Venus Return charts in your own lives and those of people close to you in order to see how Venus Returns work for you. I only include these because it comes at no cost to the buyer -- there are no additional charges and it does not cost a customer anything extra to buy through an affiliate link. Blonde Venus is a 1932 American pre-Code drama film starring Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall, and Cary Grant.It was produced and directed by Josef von Sternberg from a screenplay by Jules Furthman, and S. K. Lauren adapted from a story by Furthman and von Sternberg.The original story "Mother Love" was written by Dietrich herself. 261SharesVenus opposite Saturn natal makes it extremely difficult to form loving relationships. If we had been looking at this VR chart in advance, we could have safely presumed that the upcoming year would be an extremely significant one, in a social/romantic sense, for the native. I have it in my solar return: Asc 21 libra, Venus 27 Libra, Uranus Retro 29 Aries 7th house, Both making a square to Pluto 19 Cap. He is Zeus' and Hades brother. Venus might be tightly conjunct the Sun and possibly another planet as well. The nodal axis is at early Aries and Libra, which aligns with the native’s Ascendant-Descendant axis. **Please note: Some of my recommended products contain affiliate links. Surprised? We essentially use Venus transits to the Venus Return chart with this method. Of course, you can go into as much detail as you want when you are studying a VR chart. (The Venus sign will be the birth sign of Venus). The factors above point to the more remarkable aspects in a reading. A look through the ephemeris reveals the movement of Venus after the date of the Venus return. Your first Saturn return, generally be felt between the ages of 27 and 30 is meant will urge you to “graduate” to the next phase of life. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. With Marlene Dietrich, Cary Grant, Herbert Marshall, Dickie Moore. She was depicted as a beautiful woman often accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). These points are often activated and prominent in a year when the native meets a significant other (lover, marriage partner, or friend). I only add links to products that I have personally used and recommended. Chances are, you will come across some exciting discoveries. Our Venus "love goggles" color our sense of charm and beauty; overall, it plays a big part in our aesthetic considerations. This is an unusual and remarkable combination. Poseidon - God of the ocean, earthquakes, and horses. His symbol is the trident. An exceptionally sociable year is often indicated by Venus conjunct the Midheaven in the Venus Return chart. Dionysus - Lord of wine and celebrations. Venus in House Eight Whatever house in which Venus appears, that house will be graced with an element of harmony and cooperation. This case study is continued from our study of romantic forecasting and timing (see the article here). Venus Returns. The natal Ascendant is effectively brought to the cusps of the 11th and 5th houses in the VR chart, at the Nodal axis. Directed by Josef von Sternberg. If you have read our Interpreting Solar Return Charts article, you will know that I am a proponent of factoring in the natal chart into interpretations of Return charts: The native’s natal 8th house cusp is exactly conjunct the Venus Return Ascendant. Celeste Teal, in her outstanding book Identifying Planetary Triggers: Astrological Techniques for Prediction, suggests watching Venus transits to the Venus Return chart to attempt to zero in on times when events or situations are triggered.