E They are produced by our bodies. D They harm our body chemistry. 10. D 20. commercial and civic 21. They say that minute quantities of the material lodged in the body may kick out energetic electrons that mimic the effect of beta radiation. In this article you can practice IELTS Reading with 3 interesting passages extracted from magazines: " Free wireless connection in great outdoor locations", "Ridgeway College: residence students telephone service", "Seadragon Search". This post can guide you the best to comprehend every Reading answer without much difficulty. COULD the mystery over how depleted uranium might cause genetic damage be closer to being solved? The medical world appears to be divided on the effects of the sun upon the human body. C 19. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14 which are based on Reading Passage 1. Tracing IELTS Reading answers is a slow process and I … First it explodes. P 28. Reading Passage 1. We are making real strides in terms of learning about the causes of cancer, the risks and benefits of various tests used to screen for cancer, and new possibilities for how to cure it. Browse the WebMD Questions and Answers A-Z library for insights and advice for better health. E 16. If depleted uranium from spent munitions is making people ill, no one had any idea how – until now Net zero has taken the world by storm in a rare climate win, Stonehenge was built with bits of an older Welsh Stone Age monument. N 32. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Existing subscribers, please log in with your email address to link your account access. F 30. Chernobyl is a nuclear power plant in Ukraine that was the site of the worst nuclear accident in history when a routine test went horribly wrong on April 26, 1986. These injuries can result in long-term complications or death. Questions 18-22. (non-essential) ornamentation 22. Andrew Evaskovich's petition took advantage of a process put in place by Congress in 2000 that allowed groups of workers to secure benefits if they could show that they worked at a nuclear facility, that they had a cancer linked to radiation, and that lab managers … C 15. Which TWO of the following are characteristics of free radicals? 9. C They are present in two vitamins. The ̳war on drugs‘ waged by the government is really a perceptual war on poverty and urban crimes. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-11 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Drug users within our won communities represent moral sin and pure evil. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. F 17. H 29. Copyright © 2008 Published by Reed Business Information Ltd. All rights reserved. A. Plastic debris in the ocean slowly breaks down into microplastic particles due to the action of ultraviolet light from the sun, reaction with oxygen, and physical degradation by wave and current action. Academic Reading Test has three sections or three reading passages that you'll have to answer in an hour. An atomic bomb causes damage in three ways. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster review: Bill Gates's call to arms, Our study of gambling and its harms shows it's time to intervene, How to make a marvellously smooth mayonnaise, Build colonies or save spacecraft in the best video games set on Mars, Bill Gates took private jet to Paris climate summit, his book reveals, Evidence for a hidden ‘Planet Nine’ beyond Neptune has weakened. IELTS Writing Task 1: Free lessons, strategies and tips for getting a high score for the academic task 1 of the IELTS test. 8. Write your answers in boxes 18-22 on your answer sheet. 9. 11. Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage 2. This, they argue, could explain how residues of depleted uranium scattered across former war zones could be increasing the risk of cancers and other problems among soldiers and local people. H It was raining when the ceremony began. This type of damage is less likely to occur in suburban areas where buildings are more widely separated. 10. 7. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0262-4079(08)62208-3. B 18. Causes and effects essay: This causes and effects model essay is about obesity in children. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. More-serious traumatic brain injury can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain. Something similar happened in 1961 in the US. The force of the explosion knocks over a number of buildings and causes all sorts of damage. This post can guide you the best to comprehend every Reading answer without much difficulty. If depleted uranium from spent munitions is making people ill, no one had any idea how – until now. The health benefits of sunlight: Can vitamin D help beat covid-19? Drug use may lead to … This IELTS Reading post focuses on all the solutions for IELTS Cambridge 14 Test 4 Reading Passage 3 which is untitled and about 'Marine Debris' or 'Ocean Trash'. Fallout: If the attack comes from the ground, dirt and debris are irradiated and shot into the air by the explosion, forming the classic mushroom cloud. Human and Hydractinia stem cells might actually be from a common . ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. The “War on Cancer” might finally be making good progress—certainly more progress than most of the wars around the world today. Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer. The World is Our Oyster. Reading Passage 1. How to handle the Sun. Science with Sam explains. This IELTS Reading post focuses on all the solutions for IELTS Cambridge 14 Reading Test 4 Passage 1 which is entitled 'The secret of staying young'. Each question carries 1 … G 31. In Germany and Japan in World War II, safe separation distance ranged from about 30 to 50 feet (for a 50 percent probability of spread), but for modern urban areas this distance could be larger. An object that penetrates brain tissue, such as a bullet or shattered piece of skull, also can cause traumatic brain injury.Mild traumatic brain injury may affect your brain cells temporarily. Some researchers and campaigners are convinced that depleted uranium left in the environment by spent munitions causes cancer, birth defects and other ill effects in people exposed to it. READING PASSAGE 2. Dan Hooper: What happened at the big bang? You have to describe some kind of graph, diagram or map. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.. Why zoos are good Scientist David Hone makes the case for zoos. Choose TWO letters A-E. A They are a partial cause of certain diseases. IELTS is the International English Language Testing System, the world's most popular English language test.. IELTS is the most demanded test of English for study and immigration, being taken by more than 2 million people each year. How war debris could cause cancer. Reading Passage 2, Questions 14–26 14. In my view, it is perfectly possible for many species of animals living in zoos or wildlife parks to have a quality of life as high as, or higher than, in the wild. G Vibration could be detected on the deck by the pedestrians. IELTS Reading Academic Test 6 Question 10. 12. D 26. Each reading passage will come with 13-14 questions and three reading passages will have 40 questions (sometimes 41) in total. B They escape into the atmosphere when we breathe. Katie Whiting, who has a fourth grader at the school, said she's "terrified" of cancer and other health issues the uranium exposure may cause. It is designed to determine the level of English skills of people whose first language is not English. Many credited the two bombs dropped on Japan for ending World War II and the U.S. military’s subsequent atomic tests for preventing World War III. “Wnt” signalling system can cause if uncontrolled. Display Answers. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates that shells containing 1700 tonnes of the material were fired during the 2003 Iraq war. Did the coronavirus really come from frozen food, as the WHO suggests? People inside the buildings are crushed. About IELTS . It may be, if a controversial claim by two researchers is right. The scientific guide to a better Christmas dinner, How do mRNA coronavirus vaccines work? The correlating reading passage was: “Smoking, it is believed, is responsible for 30 per cent of all deaths from cancer and clearly represents the most important preventable cause of cancer in countries like the United States today.” Note the bolded words. Afghan war vets, St. Louis researchers seek answers on head injuries ... Concussions don’t show up on traditional CT or MRI scans the way a broken leg or cancer will. Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet. We'll show you the best ways to do this and top tips for a high score. The warhead should not (theoretically) go off. ... could explain how residues of depleted uranium scattered across former war zones could be increasing the risk of … Fishing gear, buoys, and domestic and industrial waste contribute to the debris… You specifically have to talk about the causes (reasons) of the increase in overweight children, and explain the effects (results) of this. Hello Dear Students here are you got 35+ Academic Reading practice tests with answers in pdf format free of cost kindly share this post to your loved ones thanks if you have any suggsations plz leave a comment or if yu have any doubt about email us on [email protected] Depleted uranium is highly valued by the military, who use it in the tips of …. A. The thing that dictates where stem cells in the body can migrate tomight be body . (recognisable/ recognizable) ribbon design 23. wealth (and) prestige/prestige (and) wealth 24. function (and) practicality 25. Traumatic brain injury usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. A. Sign up to read our regular email newsletters. This is an aimed post for candidates who have major problems in finding Reading Answers. B Reading Passage 3, Questions 27–40 27. The search for the origin of life: From panspermia to primordial soup, Sunlight could power micro-aircraft flying above the stratosphere, Covid-19 news: Vaccinations of people under 70 begin in England, England's quarantine hotels won't stop spread of coronavirus variants, Videos of over 200 science talks plus weekly crosswords available exclusively to subscribers, Exclusive access to subscriber-only events including our 1st of July Climate Change event, A year of unparalleled environmental coverage, exclusively with New Scientist and UNEP. This is an aimed post for candidates who have major problems in finding Reading Answers. Nuclear warheads are built with a series of safety switches that prevent the bomb from going off in case of accidents. Free Reading Practice Tests 1 to 35 with Answer Ielts Exam. In our contemporary society, people all over the world should launch a war on drugs.