What some of the most common causes of fatigue are, Why dieting can cause fatigue initially (but why losing excess body fat can powerfully increase your energy levels), What really happens when you start cutting calories (hint: it’s not just your “metabolism” — it’s something more important that most people have no idea about), The link between toxins, fat gain and fatigue, The two biggest factors that sabotage your fat loss success (and how to avoid them). Yeah, so this is kind of a paradoxical thing because in order to lose, in order to detoxify, you have to lose the fat and actually you have to go through that process of liberating the fats and the toxins into the bloodstream where your body can then get rid of them. Ari Whitten: Most people I think they are like, “Are you sure I should be eating this much, really?”. Susan Pierce Thompson: Yeah, I think it does mostly. Susan Pierce Thompson: … because basically between the chronic feeding, overfeeding your body and the light exposure from your screens at night your body doesn’t really see much difference between night and day. Story to share? Ari Whitten: Then you called me the next day and you are like, “Look I got to get some work done I can’t be having three, four hour conservations.”, Susan Pierce Thompson: “I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Anyway, Ari, and we almost never talked about anything but science, but we just can’t stop and Ari is like my guy he knows so much, he is the only person [crosstalk] …, Susan Pierce Thompson: … anything. is a trademark used by Ari Whitten Inc. By entering your email address you are also requesting and agreeing to subscribe to our email newsletter. In this article, we’ll teach you why a better question to ask is “should you have energy drinks during your fast?” And why the answer is: “no”, backed by strong scientific evidence. It is critical that you are using a method of weight loss that doesn’t make you hungry and fatigued all the time forever and ever. Like masters in counseling specializing in whatever, competent eating or something, whatever. You probably have been pushing past your normal energy reserves for a long time and just using food and caffeine to push, push, push and now you are not going to use caffeine and sugar anymore. Then we, in turn, can affect that circadian clock by our environment. These kinds of sugar-laden, fatty foods cause the brain to release certain neurotransmitters, called dopamine and oxytocin, which induce the feeling of relaxation, pleasure and enjoyment in an individual. Like childhood and adolescence, pregnancy is a time of intense growth. That’s the reason why, when we’re stressed, we involuntarily tend to prefer foods that are high in sugar, fats and carbohydrates, i.e., unhealthy foods. The high blood sugar feels pretty icky, but the adrenal hormone surge that precedes each surge of glycogen from the liver feels SUPER icky. What is the goal of your fast? They all did my boot camp which I, my core program so then some joined the after-program and some didn’t. Seeing that junk food is nowhere near what you would call a ‘healthy food’, there’s only one question that bothers people who take their health seriously, but can’t help loving junk food. Susan Pierce Thompson: We didn’t speak in the hallways for a long time. This is a very common question we are asked. What I really admire about you is you haven’t done that, you’ve basically said, “This is how it is, this is what you have to do no exceptions none of the time.”. What it seems like is, a lot of people when they start to lose weight on my program feel pretty great and a lot of people feel really exhausted. Then maybe they go on some weight loss approach, and they start to feel a crash in energy. I am spinning stories here Ari, I’m guessing it’s because maybe they’ve run out of toxins. I think mentally that even helps, when they get tired they are not surprised they are like, “Oh yeah here it is bunny slippers.”. Some people eat every day and do … Think about it, why does a bright red apple appeal to us more than a pale one? … Yeah, my people are not hungry on average. Bright Line Eating is a program that takes a bright line approach to food. Thank you Shawn for your message and energy that you bring into my life. This scares the devil and he is going to do what he can to get you to quit. This is the reason that when it gets light in the morning your body says, “It’s time to wake up,” and it’s the reason that when it gets dark at night at a certain time your body says, “I’m tired it’s time to go to bed.”. Then I talk about how you probably, before Bright Line Eating were fueling a lot with caffeine and sugar during moments of fatigue. Not a trivial amount of time at all. I do feel shortness of breath like twice a week after my first meal. Can I have, can I do it some of the time? There is another little piece to this which is I decided on my own and this is one of the cool things about teaching, I don’t know if there are any budding professors in the listening audience here. I just want to say there is really good research that says you got to get that stuff from food. Susan Pierce Thompson: You need to know about circadian rhythm too that’s probably, yeah I just realized. To track my own energy levels. There are a variety of ways to approach fasting. Susan Pierce Thompson: Right, and I can pick up there because I have now worked with tens of thousands of people, literally tens of thousands of people and thousands of them are at a pretty close level. They had everything to do with positive psychology, so a whole different way of living; it’s about habit formation, it’s about character strengths, it’s about gratitude. If you do not feel well when fasting, do not continue. It’s interesting because of the whole metabolism down regulation thing, I guess it’s worth pointing out to people that there is actually a center in the brain that is monitoring whether you have enough calories to deal with your normal daily expenditure. They are the storage dumps, the landfills of the body. You haven’t just starved your body into temporary fat loss, but your hormones that are regulating hunger and energy levels have now reset to your new level of body fat. I knew this would happen when I created my boot camp before I had put anyone through it, this was two and a half years ago. Should I do this while I am fasting ? Nothing new for us… this simply remarks the benefits of restricted time feeding, indipendently from time of … That’s the idea, is that the bar is set, it’s high and it’s firm and you should always know where you are at with respect to the bar. There are a few reasons behind that. Information is shared for educational purposes only. I am mentally preparing people, like you are not going to feel good right away, like expect to go ”Ooh, like, wow!” And then I got through the reasons for it. Ari Whitten: For sure, and it’s interesting that we have that aversion to creating bright lines and being abstinent from partaking in certain foods. On a scale, so we ask people on a scale from one to five how hungry are they with hungry being like five being really hungry. Obese subjects have lower fasting ghrelin concentrations than do lean subjects but have impaired suppression of plasma ghrelin in response to a meal.” – Heilbronn et al., 2005. I liked it okay, I mean it was interesting I like anything that’s interesting but I didn’t have any personal hook to it. Which is really funny because I need to modify my nightly checklist sheet, which is how we have people keep track of their day in Bright Line Eating. So while you will be hungry while fasting, you can take comfort that it’ll probably get easier with time, at least during a … Yeah, exactly fair enough, so I taught that course for six years. Then they write in and they are like, “I really don’t feel okay, how long is this going to last?”, Generally what we tell people is by 90 days, it pretty much lifts this severe exhaustion. So, they made it a habit to guzzle as much as they could in order to survive and protect themselves from the harsh natural conditions. I don’t have a sense… Note to self, tell Nancy, my director of research we got to start asking people about their energy levels, we are not actually asking them currently about energy levels sorry. They’ll justify exceptions and it will ultimately sabotage the whole process. Sure, 5 grams of sugar a couple times a month probably won’t have a long-term impact, but if you’re consuming this daily while intermittent fasting, or it starts to trigger a sugar craving, then having this gum could be causing more harm than good. Question to ask? Diets only work as long as you stick to them, so that and hunger. Ari Whitten: Yeah, so I did but there are certain compounds that can work to help stimulate detoxification, but there is another hugely important element to this which is as you pointed out these, the toxins actually are getting stored in our fat cells.