Sell the Golf convertible and the Xantia (the signed paperwork is on the living-room table) and send the money from the sale (minus 20% commission for your service) to Christine (contact her by phone). A second batch of rebooted mysteries dropped earlier this week, quickly rising to the number two spot on Netflix’s top ten lists.But have any of the previous mysteries been solved? And all while making sure that this did not leave any trace or indication. It makes sense that sometimes they noticed things and sometimes they didn't, if their reports were all identical to the point where it looked like they had copied each other or had a narrative prepared then I think I would be more suspicious of that. 4) Christine and Bertram: And he was heading towards big problems so he decided to start over elsewhere. When you read this letter, we will no longer be in France and won't be able to return for an as-yet undetermined period of time (a few years). Tell our friends (Michel, Marc, Ludo, etc.) Anyway, I went digging around and found a blog that was created by Xavier's family (his sister, mother, and brother-in-law). So we have been taken into the protective custody of the US Government and "transferred" to the US, and we have new identities, which must, of course, be kept secret. Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries reboot has turned ardent streamers into amateur detectives. Going through the timeline on the wikipedia page - figuring out the last sightings of Agnes there maybe Xavier killed Anne and Benoit on the Sunday night (the 3rd) Then Arthur is the one who is drugged at the restaurant on the night of the 4th and killed that night. He actually wrote a letter to his mistress, Catherine, in January 2010 that he was thinking about either throwing himself in front of a truck or killing his whole family after giving them sleeping pills. ), We had to give up the dogs: luckily, someone took both of them (so they won't be separated). He left the key to the basement, which you could only access through a door in the garden right next to where the bodies were, right on the table with a paper stating that it was the basement door. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. (But we're still anxious about how long the legal proceedings in the US will take.). Perhaps once he arrived he told Thomas that that was a lie, and that the family was in trouble and was being put into witness protection—mother and other kids were already moved, and he and Thomas would be picked up in the morning. Huge surprise: we have to leave urgently for the US, due to a very particular set of circumstances that we will explain below. I've seen a lot of families in denial, but their theory is very next level denial! A chilling reboot, Netflix's true-crime anthology series Unsolved Mysteries cracks open the tragic case of the Dupont de Ligonnès family in its third episode. Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries has had us all on the edge of our seats. One of the theories police have always had about Xavier is that his family is helping him - that he's hiding out in one of their properties and they used their own money and influence to shield him and possibly get him a new identity. Who wants their brother to be a sociopath? moving them into witness protection? Destroyed the town they lived in. While in an area where you could not stand up. She was seen walking the dog after the 4th April, and was also seen with Anne and Bertrand, the two youngest kids. The family also think the bodies are other peoples' bodies, though I'd love to know their theory for who these people (& matching dogs!) Their individual death certificates are made right on site as soon as they are taken out of the ground. We're relying on each of you to carry out the tasks that we have assigned you below. It is totally normal. This all assumes the details we’ve been told are true, though. Still wouldn't explain the lack of dogs, but maybe they were still alive then. LOL). “House of Terror” follows the story of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, a French count who is believed to have murdered his four children, wife and two dogs and then disappeared without a trace. If count xavier dupont de ligonnès killed his family in that manner than there is no way in hell in my opinion. This subreddit is about unsolved mysteries. He is truly an evil man. I haven t seen the actual autopsy report so i don t know for sure if this is accurate. The neighbors reported hearing the dogs howling both the night that the 4 were supposedly killed and the night after when Thomas was supposedly killed; so the dogs wouldn’t have been missing when Thomas came home. That would be insane. Unsolved Mysteries Xavier. This is what we now have to do … and we're not doing it with any excitement, but because it's necessary and there's no way around it. It would be good if you could spread this false story on Facebook and elsewhere. It looks as if he was not worried at all that people would be coming and going in the house, and garden, and basement. Inform Véronique and help her let the rest of the Ligonnès family know. You'd think if he was going undercover they'd give him the supplies? The trial will have to take place in the US in the next few years. These people don't even think about what its like for the people in that little French town and the kids friends. about our departure. The DEA isn't in the business of staging the murders of an entire family, procuring multiple bodies to stand in for them, burying them under a patio and then setting up the father to look like the murderer - all to...what end? Ken rex mcelroy was a career criminal who over the course of 20 years kept … Unsolved Mysteries Xavier Unsolved Mystery Case. They kill their families for only a few reasons, either to spare them the embarrassment of finding out that they are massive frauds and haven't got any money, religious reasons (you are all spawns of the devils now you are reaching your teen years. The addresses and keys are on the living-room table. I really like this one because I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up solved now. We started sorting through things and giving stuff away (clothes, etc. Have you looked at the Wiki? I wonder if maybe she was in on her husband's plan. Thomas was seen on the 5th - he spent the time with his friend - that night he father messages him to come home - the messages after that could have been written by his father - so that would put his death on the night of the 5th or even the 6th. Look at the whole picture. Netflix It's true that the police could have had the timeline wrong and the murders happened over the course of several nights. Presents for Cédric (to share with Renaud and other friends who lend a helping hand) to thank you for your help: table football, piano, TV and other video equipment, CD/DVD collection, audio and video tapes, musical instruments (drum kit, guitar and bass, piano), plus some other things, which anyone can take (fridge, tumble dryer, etc. [full name redacted] (contact [him/her] by phone), ALSO EXCEPT the equipment to give back: Bouygues router, The furniture to be kept should be given to Locmalo while waiting for it to be shipped to B [full name redacted], Agnès's brother (see below). He left multiple copies of the house keys in a hiding place outside the house and told his family members where they were, so they could enter and empty the house. I went in thinking it was complete BS (the letter had me rolling my eyes during the episode because I thought it was just that obvious of a lie), but then I found the family's blog and they managed to make me doubt things a bit. Xavier Dupont spoke to wife about “mass suicide”, unseen Unsolved Mysteries evidence shows. Sabtu, 14 Maret 2020. Unsolved Mysteries has been intriguing mystery-lovers for over thirty years, with the Netflix reboot proving to be just as popular as the original. For those who can speak french, or just curious, here is the blog post with the timeline : The probability he did it is 99,999%. It was never analysed by police to see if it really came from him. To dig the holes where the bodies were found, Xavier would have had to move over 1 ton of soil. Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès was the son of Bernard-Hubert Dupont de Ligonnès, an engineer with a degree from the École nationale supérieure de mécanique et d’aérotechnique in Poitiers. Watch Queue Queue (More than €4,000 will be coming in every month to various accounts for a while + the proceeds from the sale of the furniture mentioned above.). In a while from now, we will be able to send you some information by post. Assuming it was definitely Xavier. He didn’t get home until after 23.00, so he may not have even noticed Anne and Benoît missing. Unsolved mysteries 2020 xavier reddit that continue strange legends narrator: who (Note: the C5 was unsellable so it was given to the father of one of Arthur's friends for parts.) Arrange with Cédric to recover and store the high-value furniture to be kept (they are Hodanger family heirlooms. It’s incredible to me that any rational human being would believe this nonsense, yet his sister Christine still swears to this day that Xavier and his family are alive and well in the US enjoying Witness Protection. The english translation of xavier dupont de ligonnés letter sent to nine friends and family members is below. Arthur sent a written and signed resignation letter to his boss. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the UnsolvedMysteries community. This is one of my favourite cases ever. I think he's planned this so well he had an escape plan. I once heard a narcissist will never kill himself, because they love themselves too much. There were multiple visits to the house by police - 6 visits before they found the graves? As such, the Reddit theories about Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, the French aristocrat featured in Season 1, Episode 3, titled “House of Terror,” offer possible explanations for the perplexing case. ): the furniture to keep is in the living room (+ the wardrobe that has been taken apart in Arthur's bedroom and the desk in the laundry room), the rest can go to the dump: the nearest one is Ecopoint, 3 km from the house (open until midday on Sundays), EXCEPT the boxes pertaining to Project Crystal (maps, tickets, etc. I do find the whole Thomas situation odd, mainly because it isn’t explained how Xavier would have killed him, or that Thomas wouldn’t want to see his mother or question where his family and dogs are. Whenever possible, actual redditors have participated in investigating the events. He will receive instructions in good time. “The Letter to Nine”. The date has not yet been determined. Accused of killing his entire family in Nantes, France in 2011 and then disappearing into thin air, Xavier DuPont de Ligonnès was arrested in the Glasgow airport today getting off of an airplane coming from Paris. The autopsy seems botched. Cleaning equipment being moved as well. The case is still unsolved. On April 11, 2004, relatives received a letter in which Xavier claimed that he'd been working for the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, and that he and his family would have to enter the Witness Protection … Also, go to Arthur's and Thomas's places to do the same thing: the landlords are aware. The last sighting of Agnes was the 7th - so let's say he killed her on the night of the 7th. Some little town in the US. One of the more horrific episodes of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries reboot covers the case of Count Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès and the "House of Terror," as it was known at the time. I truly wonder what the family thought he was doing with all that. A viewer has sent in a photo of a man in Chicago who spoke with a French accent and looks like Xavier. Unsolved Mysteries is available to stream now on Netflix. He will be the one who receives letters to be sent on to you. Therefore, the situation has now become potentially dangerous for us here and has required us to take emergency measures. Alonzo brooks unsolved mysteries death has reddit users theorizing hard netflix s reboot of the series has brought increased attention to his 2004 disappearance and the fbi has recently. I'll add them in the comments if you're interested. Then Thomas is called home and killed on the night of the 5th. Through the Route des Commerciaux, I found myself in a different city every evening, with a legitimate reason to make contact with nightclub bosses (to invite them to be listed in the "Leisure" section of the RDC), so I (Xavier) was the ideal candidate: So once I was tested and briefed, I accepted my mission of working incognito for the DEA, under the condition that I maintain secrecy (which includes, even more importantly, the children). There were other interesting points mentionned in the blog but I thought this post was long enough. Watch Queue Queue. He also instructs them to clean Arthur and Thomas’s dorm rooms when he has already done this himself. Some points that they bring up and that the episode left out : Up to 9 people saw Agnes (the wife) alive after the date the police says she was killed. I think all of this was to distract and confuse everyone, buying him more time to escape...and it worked. Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries reboot has turned ardent streamers into amateur detectives. Without DNA testing, or anyone to attest to their identity. Living in the US (we can't tell you where, but the weather is warm most of the time and the music is good …), Disadvantages: 1.) She records a new greeting message for Anne (the daughter)'s voicemail. Stop wear tank tops! Fascinating... maybe, but my favorite would be the one where everything worked out alright and everybody would live happily ever after, which I havent seen yet. It was never the same. He may have been spotted in Chicago. I wonder if the sighting of Thomas and his father in the restaurant on the 4th where Thomas supposedly became unwell was actually Arthur or even Benoit? Xavier does a lot of back and forth with Arthur and Thomas's flats, to empty everything. Probably because I'm french and yet have never heard of the story. "Unsolved Mysteries" on Netflix may be about to solve its first case, as series co-creator Terry Dunn Meurer revealed she has received a major tip about Count Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. On the 21st April, the bodies are found. When we started our company in Miami in 2003, we were put into contact (through the person who helped us to start the company) with the "DEA" (Drug Enforcement Administration: a sort of American "drug squad" with agents on the ground in several countries), who were looking for a French national to infiltrate the French nightclub scene to obtain information about drug-trafficking and money-laundering networks without drawing attention to themselves. Xavier left detailed letters to his family about what to do with the house, their belongings, the contracts, etc. This is all speculation but, I wonder if he excused not killing himself because he wouldn't be allowed into heaven and that would be the only way to see his family again. xavier dupont unsolved mysteries french family. Inform Alain and other friends of our departure. According to the family, he goes to the restaurant with Xavier on the 4th, and then spends the day with his friend on the 5th. What you are about to read is not a news broadcast. This has allowed us to build up our official business activity: the RDC and SELREF (established especially to develop "" alongside RDC, so that nightclubs can feature in it), and to have an (unofficial) monthly income, since this official activity did not bring in enough money to cover our expenses … (far from it). ; In 2019, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès was supposedly spotted in Glasgow—but it was yet another false lead. He left the key to the basement, which you could only access through a door in the garden right next to where the bodies were, right on the table with a paper stating that it was the basement door. So true, except I don't believe he's dead. They understand. 5) Frédéric: Apparently they went to dinner before returning home which is where he drugged him but I could be wrong, What about if he did tell them the same story that he was gonna be transferred to the states and told him he had to lie over the phone and everyone was already on there. He then messages Agnes, who replies (police says she is already dead by then). Like a murder/suicide pact, except maybe he didnt go through with killing himself. ), 2) Bertrand: Why don't they petition for exhumation. Note: some of the copies of the front door key are badly done and you have to wriggle the key around in the lock to get the door to open. Killed his wife and 5 kids. Same story with the resignation letter - though of course Arthur could have been genuinely intending to quit his job anyway. Impossible to let everyone know: all electronic communications had to cease immediately The UM left out a ton of information and took a few dramatic liberties. 5 unsolved mysteries fan theories that may have cracked the case theory 2. What complicates matters is that certain tips had recently led us to believe that my cover may have been blown. The children and his wife were just problems for him. As such, the Reddit theories about Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, the French aristocrat featured in … Arthur probably would have been at school if he were alive. Everything has gone according to plan in the nightclubs for the last 7 years … until now: We'll never know. Unsolved Mysteries French episode titled "House of Terrors" has sparked multiple fan theories on Reddit. Cancel the electricity, gas, telephone, water, Internet and water contracts: the paperwork is on the living-room table. ), because their wife is leaving them, or because they are having an affair. Keep the sales receipts from the furniture to cover the moving fees, 3) Emmanuel: Xavier might have told the family the story of them moving away or told them a version of the DEA story so they wouldn't question odd actions or wouldn't question why other family members had disappeared - Agnes could have thought the children had gone on ahead and she was going to join them in the US or Australia. The US Government is taking care of us financially (Moreover, even with this cash boost, we have experienced temporary financial difficulties from time to time, as you all know, and we'd like to take this opportunity to once again thank Emmanuel and Bertram, who bailed us out in a timely manner by acting as our bankers.). We hope it doesn't drag on for too many years. Devastating. His father may not have left him any money but there's a good chance there was at least some life insurance on him and that could have been used to start over. Unsolved Mysteries director Clay Jeter has revealed his "hopes" of the Xavier Dupont case being solved following hundreds of reported sightings. The following few days Agnes is in regular contact with the kids' friends who are worried about their absence. Some of these people state that they spoke to her and she was normal (some say a bit agitated). Xavier left detailed letters to his family about what to do with the house, their belongings, the contracts, etc. The whole Thomas situation : Police claims he killed during the night between 4th and 5th April, however one of his friends claims to have spent the 5th with him and that he was a bit weird. Inform all the Hodanger family [redacted], Give the money from the sale of the display cabinet to Christine, to share it with Véro I think your last point that he went and found a place to kill himself is right, there is no way that if he really was a loving father can live with the burden of killing his own children. When I first went undercover, I accepted that I might be placed into the "Federal Witness Protection Program". He gets a call in the evening from his dad that Agnes was in a little coma after a bike incident, but is ok. I still think he told his whole immediate family they were going into the witness protection program. I agree that it's likely Xavier replying to all the texts and emails, since he is the only person to speak on the phone after he 5th April - apart from the sightings of Agnes until the 7th that could imply she was indeed alive. Sudden, rushed departure in total secrecy, without being able to put our affairs in order If possible, pursue Project Crystal: this could be a good project for Arthur, Laetitia's son, and maybe Edouard (and it would allow us to have a comfortable income when we return.). However, the third episode of the Netflix docuseries may just be the most shocking yet. And unfortunately, we received confirmation of this yesterday. 7 Reddit Theories About Rey Rivera's Cryptic Note From Unsolved Mysteries It included Freemason-related wording and a list of celebrities he wanted to make "five years younger." I agree with most of you said except that if the family was willing to spend their money properties and influence by hiding him, why they wouldn’t they help him on his financial crisis in the first place? These days everyone or at least everyone’s kid is on Netflix and regardless of where he is, someone must know him. They also say that the slab of concrete on top of the bodies was still soft, which could indicate that it was laid much more recently than Xavier's departure. This gives us some advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: Yes, that's one thing that really baffles me. The third episode of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries looks into the harrowing 2011 murder of a noble family in Nantes, France. None of the cases are my favourites, they are horrible. Netflix s unsolved mysteries reboot has captivated true crime fans bringing the pulpy 90s series to a whole new audience of mystery lovers. Could he manage to murder the kids cleanly, and bury them without Agnes noticing ? The children's schools are aware, as are Arthur's and Thomas's landlords, and Agnès's and Arthur's employers. Unsolved mysteries xavier reddit. IMPORTANT: tell the "youngsters" not to divulge any information on Facebook and not to be surprised if the kids don't reply to them. We have designated Emmanuel as the "central contact" as he has the advantage of knowing almost all of you. So many twists. Related: Unsolved Mysteries Theory: Rey Rivera Was Acting Out The Game A popular Unsolved Mysteries theory involves statements that Xavier allegedly made before disappearing. The English translation of Xavier DuPont de Ligonnés’ letter sent to nine friends and family members is below. The sightings have always been a strange aspect of the case - they're not unique though - you OFTEN find people getting dates mixed up or seeing someone in passing and mistaking them for someone else etc - and there's various incidences of texts sent that could well have been sent by the father buying himself some time. Absolute safety (no reprisals to fear) The enclosed documents give an overview of the project – contact Cédric to pick up the stock of maps and tickets. New Unsolved Mysteries Xavier DuPont footage reveals link to past murders. The first series of unsolved mysteries is available to binge on netflix uk now. Xavier, Agnés, Arthur, Thomas, Anne, and Benoît, Xavier DuPont de Lifonnés’ DEA letter in English (Episode 3: House Of Horror). From there he fell asleep after being drugged, and father killed him and put him in the last grave space. You're receiving this letter by conventional post because for the next few years, we can't communicate any other way (no emails, no texts, no phone calls) for safety reasons. ), PS: no need to worry about the metal detector or the canoe, which can stay there (nor the rubble and the other mess piled up on the terrace, at the end of the garden and in the basement: that was all there when we moved in. So he goes home to visit his mother, and supposedly arrives home a little before midnight and starts watching a movie with Xavier, not finding it weird that the house is completely empty of his family ? I still think he killed them and then either killed himself or disappeared through Italy. That makes a bit more sense to me. Especially if he was planning it months in advance. Press J to jump to the feed. The hardest thing: there is some tension with the children, who couldn't tell their friends and are forbidden from using Facebook and other online networks (but it's OK really. ), but we didn't have time to finish, We could have let the Americans sort everything out, but they're not very thorough and everything would have got lost (prized furniture, musical instruments, cars …), 70% of the stuff can be taken to the dump (all the beds, chests of drawers, storage boxes, trunks, etc. Set up an appointment for a final inspection and inventory after 31 May with the P [full name redacted] agency and obtain the deposit (and send it to Christine, even if the amount is insignificant.). I think it's quite likely the police have never gotten the timeline of the families deaths entirely right - the lime that Xavier bought probably affected decomposition and made things more difficult, along with the confusion caused by him replying to texts as other members of the family and quite simply by everyone who knew what happened being killed. Note that he flat out lies saying he gave his C5 car to Arthur’s friend for parts when that the car in which he drove into the Var and disappeared. ): so you don't need to do any sorting, just throw everything out … or keep it for yourself if you want (electrical appliances, etc.). Thomas believed Agnés was in the hospital, which is the reason he came home. Unsolved Mysteries 2020 Xavier. The director of DuPont de Ligonnès' Unsolved Mysteries episode has revealed a … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. By the time you read this letter, we will officially "no longer exist" as French citizens! Cookies help us deliver our Services. People think of this as a moment of madness where he kills most of his family but actually his actions show he was planning this for months - he learned to shoot, he bought the silencer, he bought the bags and lime and tools needed to bury his family, he came up with a story to lead people in a different direction and went on a farewell tour before killing himself somewhere it would be difficult to find his body. —————- Of course, we send all our love and are thinking of you very much during this enforced separation; We'll have so many stories to tell you later on! Unsolved Mysteries co-creator Terry Dunn Meurer says producers and authorities have received many credible leads about the whereabouts of Xavier Dupont. Viewers have shared why they think Count Xavier Dupont de … On February 13th, 2017, Liberty German (14) and Abigail Williams (13) left Libby's home where they had had a sleepover to explore a local hiking trail in their town. Come and remove whatever is left at home by 31 May (the earlier, the better) Would no one inquire about the weird holes in the garden ? I've been watching the new series on Netflix and this case in particular got to me. Manage the accounts according to the instructions in the document enclosed with this letter. Unsolved Mysteries boss says Xavier Dupont has been “spotted” in Chicago. We were able to put everything we want to keep – and which we can by no means take with us – into a safe to find later, such as personal items (photos that might show a "non-American" life, souvenirs, computers, various pieces of paperwork, jewellery, weapons, etc. Everything needed to be a secret so he couldn’t tell anybody, let’s have a drink and go to bed. ), which need to be given to F.M. But it all boils down to their narcissistic, controlling natures that they hide under a loving nurturing nature that is really passive aggressive and simmering inside. Facebook Twitter Telegram. He probably had money put aside for him to start a new life somewhere and documents to do it. Unless Xavier told him everyone was already sleeping (they got home around midnight apparently). ), Contact F. G. [full name redacted] to get the "crowbar" display cabinet from her (and take the other worthless furniture off her hands) [Redacted] The best thing to do would be to send her a copy of this letter when she is in Versailles. Here's the story (as least, as much as we're allowed to tell you. We hope we haven't asked too much of any of you: 1) Cédric: This letter is the only correspondence we were allowed to write – which might be good news for some of you – and it has been checked before being sent to you). It’s incredible to me that any rational human being would believe this nonsense, yet his sister Christine still swears to this day that Xavier and his family … Imagine, how do the kids feel knowing their friends dad killed them? Of course his sister don't want it to be him and live in denial. The house keys are hidden outside in the gas meter, which you can open with any tool (car key, screwdriver, knife). They seem convinced that he's completely innocent and that what he said in his letter about being an informant for the DEA is true. I don’t know how much publicity this got outside of France at the time. I read a book about on of these annihilaters that got caught after 30 years on the run or something. The police released details to the family that were not consistent with the victims : they confused Thomas and Arthur, gave heights and weights that did not seem accurate (too short and thin for Arthur, way too heavy for Agnes), described Agnes as a brunette (when she clearly had grey/white hair). Another case with eerie similarities gives hope We will be "lambda" US citizens, living in the US like any other US citizen … except we will be forbidden from communicating with our family and friends for an undetermined period of time, at least until the trial is over. The family says police reports were inconsistent, talking about a tablecoth that would sometimes be there, sometimes not. Ongoing matters will fall by the wayside as time goes by (social security and other professional or private matters). He will be hiding out somewhere cursing the fact that this aired on Netflix.