e.     Plan Commission update – Public Hearing on Sept 10 at 5:30 regarding the Radtke property. SET AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING: Road reports; Fire and Ambulance reports, Ryan Braun, Zoning – Annexation Petition for Detachment and Attachment of Lakeview Manor property. Mobile Home Park. Motion carried. Justin Walsh – inquiry of adjacent building – He is interested in purchasing or leasing the adjacent building to do a bottling business of liquor. Board to go over the roads on Saturday, September 23, 2017 starting at the Town Hall at 7:00 am. MOTION TO ADJOURN:  Motion by Roen to adjourn from the Budget Hearing, second by Ebert. Motion carried. Motion carried. American Asphalt – in the amount of $84,500.75. 3. Motion carried. Motion carried. Randy Faulks, White LakeArea Preservation Club reported in 2008 a General Permit was issued. Motion carried. Motion carried. Chairman talked with Eric Halverson about $5200 threshold for federal funding, was advised to contact the State about the situation Heinke Rd, Easy St and Slough Rd. b. Middleport, New York 14105, Phone: (716) 772-7826 Fee schedule is updated. Where shoulder work done, it is holding up well. Motion carried. 5. a. Motion by Trindal, second by Wieters to approve the treasurer and clerk reconciled to the bank statement and the treasurer’s report was approved. 11. Historical Society; Senior Citizens; Emergency Management; Boards & Committees. Town Board Meeting: Thursday, April 12, 2018 at the Town Hall at 7:00 pm. SET AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING: Road reports; Fire and Ambulance reports; 2019 Budget Amendment, Elections–ward creation, FEMA update, MLS update. a. Roen to meet with electrician, the road project is winding down and the trailer will be removed. CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  Meeting called to order by Chair Roen at 6:02 p.m. 2. 5. VISITOR INPUT: Question if rest of ditches to be mown. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chair Roen at 18:30. Motion carried. c. Liquor, Operator, Cigarette Licenses: Motion by Trindal, second by Wieters to approve the Liquor, Operator, and Cigarette Licenses as applied for. 9. 5. The PTF was … d. Road reports: Roen reported will meet later in. j. g. Meetings attended:  No special meetings. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chair Roen at 19:05 after the Plan Commission Meeting adjourned. Manawa ambulance had 15 runs in December, ambulance department will be shifting some employees and participated different events for the community. Plan Commission Conditional Use Permit  Eick/ Chaplin: Motion by Trindal, second by Wieters to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Ralph Eick, Adam Chaplin, Becki Lederhaus for E6856 Cty Hwy X for a horse as approved by the Plan Commission Committee. Motion by Ebert, second by Wieters to have the County Highway Dept grade Marsh & Zirbel Road. The Town Clerk's office is open to serve the public Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. OPENING STATEMENT BY CHAIRMAN: This meeting and all other meetings of the Town Board are open to the public. b.   Debra Buchholz – CSM Survey – land was purchased in the past but Zoning reports the deed is not correct. Motion carried. TREASURERS REPORT: Trial balance of accounts include: Solarus franchise fee; State of WI Highway Aids; Plan Comm meeting fee; tax overpayments, and interest on accounts. 14.MOTION TO ADJOURN: Motion by Wieters, second by Ebert to adjourn at 8:20. 6. Where the culvert was replaced on Paap Rd by Butternut Ridge, someone has been digging vehicle tracks in the gravel there. Motion by Wieters, second by Trindal to approve the treasurer and clerk reconciled to the bank statement and the treasurer’s report was approved. Motion carried.11.SET AGENDA FOR NEXTMEETING: Road reports; Fire and Ambulance reports; set caucus date. Motion carried. A resurvey needed to be done to add acreage to accommodate the building of a shed. Kobussen buses continue to handle the district’s transportation. Motion carried.